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problema comanda /goto si /ignoregoto



imi da 4 erori cand compile un filterscript:

VIP.pwn(302) : error 017: undefined symbol "pGoto"
VIP.pwn(302) : warning 215: expression has no effect
VIP.pwn(302) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
VIP.pwn(302) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
VIP.pwn(302) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

imi da erori la urmatoarele comenzi:

[pawn]295.CMD:goto(playerid, params[])


297. new string[256];

298. if ( p_dates[ playerid ][ VipLevel ] >= 1 )

299.    {

300. if ( sscanf( params, "u", params[ 0 ]) )return SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, "Poti folosi comanda /ignoregoto daca esti Vip Level 4"),SendUsage( playerid, "/goto <id>" );

301. if ( pGoto [ params[ 0 ] ] == 0 && IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) ) return format(string,sizeof( string ), "Acest player: %s are /ignoregoto activat .", PlayerName2( params[ 0 ])),SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, string );

302. new Float:ParamX, Float:ParamY, Float:ParamZ, Float:ParamVX, Float:ParamVY, Float:ParamVZ;


305. if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) )

306. {

307. SetCameraBehindPlayer( playerid );

308. GetVehiclePos( GetPlayerVehicleID( params[ 0 ] ), ParamVX, ParamVY, ParamVZ );

309. SetVehiclePos( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), ParamVX+2, ParamVY+2, ParamVZ );

310. LinkVehicleToInterior( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), GetPlayerInterior( params[ 0 ] ));

311. }

312. else

313. {

314. SetCameraBehindPlayer( playerid );

315. GetPlayerPos( params[ 0 ], ParamX, ParamY, ParamZ );

316. SetPlayerPos( playerid, ParamX+2, ParamY+2, ParamZ );

317. SetPlayerInterior( playerid, GetPlayerInterior( params[ 0 ] ));

318. }

319. FormMessage( params[ 0 ], COLOR_GREEN, "%s a venit la tn!",PlayerName2( playerid ));

320. FormMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Tu te-ai teleportat la %s!",PlayerName2( params[ 0 ] ));

321. } else {

322. return SendLevel( playerid, 1 ); }

323. return 1;

324. }

325. CMD:ignoregoto(playerid, params[])

326. {

327. if ( p_dates[ playerid ] [ VipLevel ] >= 4)

328. {

329.  if ( sscanf( params, "s", params[ 0 ]) )return SendUsage( playerid, "/ignoregoto <on/off> ");


331.    if ( strcmp( params[ 0 ], "ON", true) == 0 )

332.  {

333.        if (pGoto[ playerid ] == 1)return SendError(playerid, "Ignore Goto este deja activat!");

334.        pGoto[ playerid ] = 1;

335.        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Goto este activat,oricine poate da goto la tine!");

336. }

337.    else if ( strcmp( params[ 0 ], "OFF", true) == 0 )

338.  {

339.        if (pGoto[ playerid ] == 0)return SendError(playerid, "Ignore goto este deja dezactivat!");

340.      pGoto[ playerid ] = 0;

341.        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Goto este dezactivat,nimeni nu poate da goto la tine!");

342.    }

343.    else SendUsage( playerid, "/ignoregoto <on/off> ");

344.    } else {

345.   return SendLevel( playerid, 4 ); }

346.    return 1;

347. }[/pawn]

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