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Viata infinita fara Timer!




Nu stiu daca stiati dar, este un define care iti da viata infinita, adica cea de la /god sau /godcar FARA TIMER!

Prima oara nu stiam nici eu de ea:)) dar dupa ce stuntman mi-a spus ca exista si mia dat indicii sa o caut am gasit-o:D

Deci asta este define-ul!: #define FLOAT_INFINITY  (Float:0x7F800000) - Il puneti la celalate defines.

Dupa aceea mergeti la comanda /god adaugati:

SetPlayerHealth( playerid, FLOAT_INFINITY );
Si gata aveti viata infinita fara timer, pe care puteti sa-l scoateti;) PS. - Cam asa arata comanda mea:
	VipCheck( playerid, 4, 4 );
	LoginCheck( playerid );

	if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ God ] == 0 )
    	SetPlayerHealth( playerid, FLOAT_INFINITY );
		GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, 16, 50000 );
		GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, 26, 50000 );
       	Game3TextForPlayer( playerid, "~h~~g~GODMODE ON" );
   	    Game3TextForPlayer( playerid, "~h~~r~GODMODE OFF" );
    	SetPlayerHealth( playerid, 100 );
	return 1;

EDIT: Tot asa se poate face si la vehicule xD

Fara reclama in semnatura!

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