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Comanda asta:

CMD:pkchallenge( PARAMS )
	LoginCheck( playerid );
	if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pMinigame ] == 1 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ERROR: You are already in the Parkour Challenge!" );

    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pMinigame ] = 1;
	PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pMinigameNr ] = 3;
    CC = 0;
    SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint( playerid, 0, RaceC[ CC ][ 0 ], RaceC[ CC ][ 1 ], RaceC[ CC ][ 2 ], RaceC[ CC+1 ][ 0 ], RaceC[ CC+1 ][ 1 ], RaceC[ CC+1 ][ 2 ], 3 );
	SetPlayerPos( playerid, 1654.8634, 2768.9814, 10.8203 );
	SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, 317.8502 );
	ResetPlayerWeapons( playerid );
	ShowTeleport( playerid, "Parkour Challenge - ~b~/pkchallenge" );
	GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~g~h~Welcome to~n~~h~~y~Parkour Challenge!", 4000, 3 );
	return 1;

Am facut un minigame, cand tastez /pkchallenge primesc crash :| si imi dau seama care ii problema

Fara reclama in semnatura!

4 answers to this question

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Incearca sa schimbi

CC = 0;
SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint( playerid, 0, RaceC[ CC ][ 0 ], RaceC[ CC ][ 1 ], RaceC[ CC ][ 2 ], RaceC[ CC+1 ][ 0 ], RaceC[ CC+1 ][ 1 ], RaceC[ CC+1 ][ 2 ], 3 );
SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint( playerid, 0, RaceC[ 0 ][ 0 ], RaceC[ 0 ][ 1 ], RaceC[ 0 ][ 2 ], RaceC[ 1 ][ 0 ], RaceC[ 1 ][ 1 ], RaceC[ 1 ][ 2 ], 3 );

Nu cred ca e de la asta, dar e mai bine sa ai asa.

Baga SendClientMessage dupa fiecare linie, apoi cand iei crash, uita-te in chatlog ca sa vezi care a fost ultimul mesaj, inseamna ca linia dupa acel SendClientMessage da crash, fa asa si posteaza aici. ( fa asta dupa ce ai facut ce ti-am zis mai sus )


Gata am rezolvat:))

Liniile problema:

ShowTeleport( playerid, "Parkour Challenge - ~b~/pkchallenge" );
	GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~g~h~Welcome to~n~~h~~y~Parkour Challenge!", 4000, 3 );


Fara reclama in semnatura!


Gata am rezolvat:))

Liniile problema:

ShowTeleport( playerid, "Parkour Challenge - ~b~/pkchallenge" );
	GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~g~h~Welcome to~n~~h~~y~Parkour Challenge!", 4000, 3 );


Ah, acum am vazut, GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~g~h~Welcome to~n~~h~~y~Parkour Challenge!", 4000, 3 ); trebuia sa fie GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~g~~h~Welcome to~n~~h~~y~Parkour Challenge!", 4000, 3 );

Uitasei o ~ dupa ~g .

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