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Problema e ca nu stiu de ce nu imi apare tot  dialog-ul samp001gn.png

Comanda e..

#define DIALOG 0
new stringhelp1[] = "{FFFFFF}This is a{F81414} Team Death Match{FFFFFF} gamemode where you can kill players to receive money and points.",
	stringhelp2[] = "\n{FFFFFF}You can take over turfs with your team. Type{F81414} /turfhelp{FFFFFF} for more info.",
	stringhelp3[] = "\n{FFFFFF}You can purchase weapons in the ammunation that you will have every time you spawn.",
	stringhelp4[] = "\n{FFFFFF}See a rulebreaker? Use{F81414} /report <id> <reason>{FFFFFF}.And see your teams stats:{F81414} /teamstats (teamid)",
	stringhelp5[] = "\n{FFFFFF}You can see the server rules under{F81414} /rules{FFFFFF}. Type{F81414} ! [message]{FFFFFF} to talk in teamchat.",
	stringhelp6[] = "\n{FFFFFF}Type{F81414} /cmds {FFFFFF}for a full list of commands.";
dcmd_help(playerid, cmdtext[])
	#pragma unused cmdtext

	new DialogString[512];
	format(DialogString, sizeof DialogString, "%s%s%s%s%s%s", stringhelp1, stringhelp2, stringhelp3, stringhelp4, stringhelp5, stringhelp6 );
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00C0FF}Information", DialogString, "OK", "" );
	return 1;

Alte comenzi apare doar asta nu apare nuj de ce asta nu imi apare....cine ma poate ajuta sa imi spuna de ce nu apare

2 answers to this question

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stuntman[]!" post="99517" timestamp="1321112212"]


new DialogString[512];
new DialogString[1024];

Mai bine n-ai mai creea atatea variabile, ci ai folosi direct in DialogString, cu strcat.

chiar o mers th'x

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