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CMD:unban( PARAMS )
	if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] >= 10 || IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) )
		if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ LoggedIn ] == 1 )
		    new Player;
		    if ( sscanf( params, "s[128]", Player ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "USAGE: {33CCFF}/unban [Player Name]" );

			new file[ 128 ];
			format( file, 128, "/ladmin/users/%s.sav", PlayerName( Player ) );
			if ( udb_Exists( file ) )
				dUserSetINT( PlayerName( Player ) ).( "Banned", 0 );
				PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
				FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Account '%s' has been succes fully UnBanned!", PlayerName( Player ) );
			else return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ERROR: This player doesnt have an account" );
		else return SendLogClient( playerid );
	else return SendLevel( playerid, 10 );
	return 1;

Cand de exemplu dau /unban [RAS]xxSPEEDYxx imi da: "Command /unban doesn't...etc" dar cand nu exista userul de ex dau: /unban DADadd imi scrie "ERROR: This player doesnt have an account"

Nu inteleg care ii problema la el...am incercat de multe ori in multe feluri sa-l fac dar asta mi sa parut cel mai bun si vad ca nu merge  :undecided:

Fara reclama in semnatura!

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format( file, 128, "/ladmin/users/%s.sav", PlayerName( Player ) );
format( file, 128, "/ladmin/users/%s.sav", udb_encode( Player ) );
Player este deja numele contului, iar udb_encode transforma acel nume in numele filei, care este putin criptata.
dUserSetINT( PlayerName( Player ) ).( "Banned", 0 );
dUserSetINT( udb_encode( Player ) ).( "Banned", 0 );
FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Account '%s' has been succes fully UnBanned!", PlayerName( Player ) );
FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Account '%s' has been succes fully UnBanned!", Player );
new Player;
new Player[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];


new Player;

wtf?Undei stringu?

Stii doar ca un jucator banat e un jucatorul care nu e pe server,deci PlayerName( Player ) e o tampenie.

Si unde e playerid si params[] de la CMD?poate ai editat define-ul ..

[pawn]CMD:unban( PARAMS )


if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] >= 10 || IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) )


if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ LoggedIn ] == 1 )


    new Player;

    if ( sscanf( params, "s[128]", params[0] ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "USAGE: {33CCFF}/unban [Player Name]" );

new file[ 128 ];

format( file, 128, "/ladmin/users/%s.sav", params[0] );

if ( udb_Exists( file ) )


dUserSetINT( params[0] ).( "Banned", 0 );

PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Account '%s' has been succes fully UnBanned!", params[0] );


else return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ERROR: This player doesnt have an account" );


else return SendLogClient( playerid );


else return SendLevel( playerid, 10 );

return 1;



Am incercat amandoua metodele dar nici una nu merge...

Tot asa scrie dar acum cand dau orice user care nici nu este in scriptfiles imi da: "ERROR: This player doesnt have an account"

:undecided: ?

Fara reclama in semnatura!


vezi cum ai comanda /ban construita, daca este in felul urmator : sai ii schimbe levelu -999, trb facuta comanda /unban sa ii restaurfeze levelu (nu am nici o idee cum ar trebui facut ) am bagat si yo o comanda (/unban ) si la fel zicea pt k comanda era conceputa altfel decat aia de /ban si pur si simplu nu vedea jucatorul banat . sper sa te ajute cat de putin ce am zis yo ... bafta

Detroit The Godfather

Adress : gta.xdevil.ro:7777

Se cauta Lideri , helperi, admini ACTIVI !!!


vezi cum ai comanda /ban construita, daca este in felul urmator : sai ii schimbe levelu -999, trb facuta comanda /unban sa ii restaurfeze levelu (nu am nici o idee cum ar trebui facut ) am bagat si yo o comanda (/unban ) si la fel zicea pt k comanda era conceputa altfel decat aia de /ban si pur si simplu nu vedea jucatorul banat . sper sa te ajute cat de putin ce am zis yo ... bafta

weee aici nu esti pe GF :))

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