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Comanda Teleport



Sallut , am facut si eu o comanda de teleport dar teleporteaza doar playerul si eu as vrea sa teleporteze si playerul cu tot cu masina.Am incercar assa:

[pawn] if(strcmp(cmd, "/tuningintra", true) == 0)


if (PlayerToPoint(30, playerid,1123.8777,-1754.6196,13.5784))

SetVehiclePos(playerid, -2706.6421,219.3271,4.1797);



Va rog spunetimi si mei ce fac

HostName: [RPG]*|| Ecila Royal Gaming ||*-WIPED


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Incearca asa:

if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/tuningintra", true) == 0)
	if( !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 30.0, 1123.8777,-1754.6196,13.5784) ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You can't use this command now, you must be at tuning place !");

	if( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) ) SetVehiclePos( GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) , -2706.6421,219.3271,4.1797);
	else SetPlayerPos(playerid,-2706.6421,219.3271,4.1797)

Se poate detalia, cu virtual world, interior, dar asa este de baza.

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