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Bug sistem war
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Salut, la gamemode-ul bhood hpq123 am observat ca dupa ce dau restart, turfurile se pun aiurea in /turfs. Cu siguranta mai sunt si alte probleme la sistemul de war. Aveti idee cum pot rezolva? Las mai jos ce tine de sistemul de war.
YCMD:turfs(playerid, params[], help) {
if(aspam[playerid] > 0) return SCMEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[Command Anti-Spam] {FFFFFF}Wait %d seconds.", aspam[playerid]);
if(TurfsDisp[playerid] == 0) {
TurfsDisp[playerid] = 1;
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(Turfs); i++)
switch(TurfInfo[i][zOwned]) {
case 0: GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(playerid, Turfs[i], 0xFFFFFFAA); //None
case 4: GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(playerid, Turfs[i], 0x0CAB3C99); //Grove Street
case 5: GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(playerid, Turfs[i], 0x11F2F299); //Los Vagos
case 6: GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(playerid, Turfs[i], 0x8E541099); //Ballas
case 10: GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(playerid, Turfs[i], 0xAB00FA99); //Los Aztecas
SCM(playerid, -1, "You activated the turfs.");
} else {
TurfsDisp[playerid] = 0;
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(Turfs); i++) GangZoneHideForPlayerEx(playerid, Turfs[i]);
SCM(playerid, -1, "You deactivated the turfs.");
return true;
function SQL_loadTurfs() {
printf("Turfs: %d", cache_num_rows());
if(cache_num_rows() == 0)
return true;
new ORM:ormid;
for(new i = 0; i < cache_num_rows(); i++) {
ormid = orm_create("turfs");
orm_addvar_int(ormid, TurfInfo[i][zID], "ID");
orm_addvar_int(ormid, TurfInfo[i][zOwned], "Owned");
orm_addvar_float(ormid, TurfInfo[i][zMinX], "MinX");
orm_addvar_float(ormid, TurfInfo[i][zMinY], "MinY");
orm_addvar_float(ormid, TurfInfo[i][zMaxX], "MaxX");
orm_addvar_float(ormid, TurfInfo[i][zMaxY], "MaxY");
orm_apply_cache(ormid, i);
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(TurfInfo); i++) Turfs[i] = GangZoneCreateEx(TurfInfo[i][zMinX],TurfInfo[i][zMinY],TurfInfo[i][zMaxX],TurfInfo[i][zMaxY],TurfInfo[i][zID],1.0);
return true;
Functia SQL_loadTurfs este folosita la OnGamemodeInit astfel: mysql_tquery(SQL, "SELECT * FROM `turfs`", "SQL_loadTurfs", "");
function OtherTimer() {
new stringg[180], iswar;
for(new w = 0; w < 16; w++) if(InWar[w] == 1) iswar = 1;
if(iswar != 1)
return true;
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(Turfs); i++) {
new attackers = WarInfo[i][wAttacker];
new defenders = WarInfo[i][wFaction];
if(WarInfo[i][wTime] >= 2) {
foreach(Player,j) {
if(PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == attackers || PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == defenders) {
if(WarInfo[i][wAttacker] == 4) GangZoneFlashForPlayer(j,Turfs[i], 0x0CAB3C99);
else if(WarInfo[i][wAttacker] == 5) GangZoneFlashForPlayer(j,Turfs[i], 0x11F2F299);
else if(WarInfo[i][wAttacker] == 6) GangZoneFlashForPlayer(j,Turfs[i], 0x8E541099);
else if(WarInfo[i][wAttacker] == 10) GangZoneFlashForPlayer(j,Turfs[i], 0xAB00FA99);
if(WarInfo[i][wTime] > 0) {
WarInfo[i][wTime] -= 1;
foreach(Player,j) {
if(IsPlayerInTurf(j,i) == 1) {
if(PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == attackers) WarScoreF[attackers][i] += 0.002;
if(PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == defenders) WarScoreF[defenders][i] += 0.002;
if(WarInfo[i][wTime] == 1) {
new Float: atscore = 0.0;
new Float: defscore = 0.0;
atscore = WarScoreF[attackers][i];
defscore = WarScoreF[defenders][i];
new winner;
SetVehicle(attackers, 0);
SetVehicle(defenders, 0);
foreach(Player,j) {
if(PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == attackers) {
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY, "--------------------- WAR Statistics ---------------------");
format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"War between %s and %s for turf %d is over.",FactionName(attackers),FactionName(defenders),i+1);
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY,stringg);
//for(new m = 0; m < 5; m++) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(j, 1001, 1001, 200);
PlayerTextDrawHide(j, WarTime);
if(PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == defenders) {
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY, "--------------------- WAR Statistics ---------------------");
format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"War between %s and %s for turf %d is over.",FactionName(attackers),FactionName(defenders),i);
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY,stringg);
//for(new m = 0; m < 5; m++) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(j, 1001, 1001, 200);
PlayerTextDrawHide(j, WarTime);
if(atscore > defscore) winner = 1;
else winner = 2;
new winbest, losebest;
new winbestj = -1, losebestj = -1;
new bestname1[25],bestname2[25],bestname[25],worstname[25];
FactionDeelay[attackers] = 300;
foreach(Player,j) {
if(winner == 1) {
if(PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == attackers) {
winbest = bestscoreat[i];
if(bestmemberat[i] != 999) {
if(PlayerInfo[bestmemberat[i]][pMember] == attackers) {
winbestj = bestmemberat[i];
strmid(bestname, bestname1, 0, strlen(bestname1), 255);
else {
strmid(bestname, bestname, 0, strlen(bestname), 255);
if(PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == defenders) {
losebest = worstscoredf[i];
if(worstmemberdf[i] != 999) {
if(PlayerInfo[worstmemberdf[i]][pMember] == defenders) {
losebestj = worstmemberdf[i];
strmid(worstname, bestname2, 0, strlen(bestname2), 255);
else {
strmid(worstname, worstname, 0, strlen(worstname), 255);
if(winner == 2) {
if(PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == defenders) {
winbest = bestscoredf[i];
if(bestmemberdf[i] != 999) {
if(PlayerInfo[bestmemberdf[i]][pMember] == defenders) {
winbestj = bestmemberdf[i];
strmid(bestname, bestname1, 0, strlen(bestname1), 255);
else {
strmid(bestname, bestname, 0, strlen(bestname), 255);
if(PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == attackers) {
losebest = worstscoreat[i];
if(worstmemberat[i] != 999) {
if(PlayerInfo[worstmemberat[i]][pMember] == attackers) {
losebestj = worstmemberat[i];
strmid(worstname, bestname2, 0, strlen(bestname2), 255);
else {
strmid(worstname, worstname, 0, strlen(worstname), 255);
foreach(Player,j) {
new uciderii = 0;
uciderii += ucideri[j][i];
new decesee = 0;
decesee += decese[j][i];
ucideri[j][i] = 0;
decese[j][i] = 0;
if((PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == attackers) || (PlayerInfo[j][pMember] == defenders)) {
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(j, 0);
if(WarSeconds[j] >= 300) {
//UpdateFactionRaport(j, 0);
WarSeconds[j] = 0;
if(winner == 1) {
format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"%s (%.1f) vs %s (%.1f).",FactionName(WarInfo[i][wAttacker]),atscore,FactionName(WarInfo[i][wFaction]),defscore);
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY,stringg);
format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"The best: %s (%d). The worst: %s (-%d).", bestname, winbest, worstname, losebest);
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY,stringg);
format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"Your statistics: Score %d (%d kills and %d deaths).",uciderii-decesee, uciderii, decesee);
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY,stringg);
TurfInfo[i][zOwned] = WarInfo[i][wAttacker];
Wartimeon[j] = 0;
if(winner == 2) {
format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"%s (%.1f) vs %s (%.1f).",FactionName(WarInfo[i][wFaction]),defscore,FactionName(WarInfo[i][wAttacker]),atscore);
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY,stringg);
format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"The best: %s (%d). The worst: %s (-%d).", bestname, winbest, worstname, losebest);
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY,stringg);
format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"Your statistics: Score %d (%d kills and %d deaths).",uciderii-decesee,uciderii, decesee);
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY,stringg);
Wartimeon[j] = 0;
SCM(j, COLOR_MONEY, "---------------------------------------------------------------");
WarScoreF[defenders][i] = 0.0;
WarScoreF[attackers][i] = 0.0;
InWar[attackers] = 0;
InWar[defenders] = 0;
if(winner == 1) {
if(attackers == 4) GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(j,Turfs[i],0x0CAB3C99);
if(attackers == 5) GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(j,Turfs[i],0x11F2F299);
if(attackers == 6) GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(j,Turfs[i],0x8E541099);
if(attackers == 10) GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(j,Turfs[i],0xAB00FA99);
if(winner == 1) {
new str[128];
mysql_format(SQL, str,128,"UPDATE `turfs` SET `Owned`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d'",TurfInfo[i][zOwned],i);
mysql_tquery(SQL,str, "", "");
WarInfo[i][wTime] = 0;
WarInfo[i][wFaction] = 0;
WarInfo[i][wAttacker] = 0;
worstscoreat[i] = 0;
worstmemberat[i] = 999;
bestscoreat[i] = 0;
bestmemberat[i] = 999;
worstscoredf[i] = 0;
worstmemberdf[i] = 999;
bestscoredf[i] = 0;
bestmemberdf[i] = 999;
mysql_tquery(SQL, "UPDATE `users` SET `WarTurf`='0', `WarKills`='0', `WarDeaths`='0'", "", "");
return true;
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