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Faction vehicles



Salutare ! Am ceva probleme cu masinile factiunilor. Deci, scriptul e cam asa:

Mai intai, global array pt masinile de politie:


new LSPDCar[ 12 ];


Pe urma, am creat masinile:


public OnGameModeInit()


LSPDCar[ 0 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1570.4307, -1710.5015, 5.6118, 359.0704, 0, 1 ); // LSPDCruiser1

LSPDCar[ 1 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1574.4824, -1710.7050, 5.6126, 359.5297, 0, 1 ); // LSPDCruiser2

LSPDCar[ 2 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1578.6796, -1710.6199, 5.6113, 358.9721, 0, 1 ); // LSPDCruiser3

LSPDCar[ 3 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1583.5558, -1710.6246, 5.6117, 358.6743, 0, 1 ); // LSPDCruiser4

LSPDCar[ 4 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1587.4552, -1710.6227, 5.6123, 359.9478, 0, 1 ); // LSPDCruiser5

LSPDCar[ 5 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1591.5229, -1710.7249, 5.6120, 0.7387, 0, 1 ); // LSPDCruiser6

LSPDCar[ 6 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1602.0529, -1683.9634, 5.6110, 90.7847, 0, 1 ); // PDCruiser7

LSPDCar[ 7 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1601.9954, -1688.0194, 5.6131, 89.2227, 0, 1 ); // PDCruiser8

LSPDCar[ 8 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1601.7228, -1692.0026, 5.6109, 88.5967, 0, 1 ); // PDCruiser9

LSPDCar[ 9 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1601.3859, -1696.0682, 5.6096, 90.4116, 0, 1 ); // PDCruiser10

LSPDCar[ 10 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1600.9125, -1700.1434, 5.6098, 89.4584, 0, 1 ); // PDCruiser11

LSPDCar[ 11 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 596, 1601.4318, -1704.2673, 5.6122, 90.6356, 0, 1 ); // PDCruiser12

    return 1;



Totul e bine pana aici. Acum urmeaza problema, cand cineva intra in masina de politie si  GetPVarInt( playerid, "Faction" ) nu e 1 , ar trebui sa`l scoata din masina ... dar nu functioneaza.


public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)


new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid );

if( vid == LSPDCar[ 11 ] )


if( newstate == 2 && GetPVarInt( playerid, "Faction" ) != 1 )


RemovePlayerFromVehicle( playerid );

SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "You don`t have the keys for this car." );



return 1;



Aveti vreo idee de ce nu functioneaza?

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9 answers to this question

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incearca in loc de 1 sa pui 0 :) poate merge

ba esti noob daca era 0 nu era ala lspd :| reciteste tutorialu lui zh3r0

if( newstate == 2 && GetPVarInt( playerid, "Faction" ) != 1 )

daca era 0 nu mai verifica!

si app in loc de != pune =

si va merge 100% si fa pt toate masinile,,,...,,,....,,,,




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poate functia

RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); //functi  scoate playerul din masina adauga-l unde crezi tu ca e bine...descurcate

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Dati TP

New GameMode In Development!-Romania Team Gang War-100%!...Datimi doua Motive afrimative de ce sa-l postez si-l postez...

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TheBoss" post="60416" timestamp="1299961600"]

Dati TP


UPDATE: Ninja a instalat un Mod pentru site , diferitele topicuri care sunt rezolvate raman de obicei "abandonate" iar altii se trezesc sa raspunda in ele "readucandu-le la viata" xD , pentru asta de acum moderatorii cand vad un topic rezolva pot da pe un buton care indica faptul ca topicul a fost rezolvat iar in stanga acelui topic va aparea aceasta imagine: topicsolved.gif

TheBoss link=topic=10036.msg60416#msg60416 date=1299961600]

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Se poate la orice GM problema asta.

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TheBoss" post="60416" timestamp="1299961600"]

poate functia

RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); //functi  scoate playerul din masina adauga-l unde crezi tu ca e bine...descurcate

te ajuta...

si posteaza aici


Dati TP

Haha, vad ca sunteti toti de mare ajutor p`aci. No offence dar jumatate va bagati in seama si habar n`aveti despre ce e vorba. Auzi la asta, sa postez la Probleme Godfather. Pai bre', ce te face sa crezi ca lucrez la Gamemode`ul Godfather?

Ai citit macar postul facut de mine? Daca iti casti ochii, ai sa vezi ca am functia RemovePlayerFromVehicle. Eh, exact ce ziceau ceilalt pe .com la sectiunea Romana.

ps: Am rezolvat problema. Mersi oricum

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