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Problema Loose Indentation



6 answers to this question

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salut, acele warninguri nu afecteaza gmul sau compilarea ca si informatie.

incearca codul de mai jos

CMD:nre(playerid, params[])
	new message[164], nstring[164];
	if(gLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"(!) "ALB"Nu esti logat si nu poti sa folosesti aceasta comanda!");
	if(HelperAnswer[playerid] == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"(!) "ALB"Nu ai primit o intrebare.");
	if(sscanf(params, "s[164]", message)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN,"Sintaxa:{FFFFFF} /nre <raspuns>");

	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 1)
		PlayerInfo[playerid][ pStaffPoints]++;
		Update(playerid, pStaffPointsx);

		format(gString, sizeof(gString), "(N) Helper %s: @%s, {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00}", GetName(playerid),GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]), message);
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NOB, gString);
		new string2[128];

		if(strlen(gString) > 120)
			strmid(string2, gString, 110, 256);
			strdel(gString, 110,  256);
			format(gString,128,"%s ...",gString);
			format(string2,128,"... %s",string2);

		foreach(new x : Player)
			if(NewbieEnabled[x] == 1)
				format(nstring, sizeof(nstring), "(N) Jucator %s: %s", GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]),PlayerInfo[HelperAnswer[playerid]][pNewbie]);
				SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, nstring);

				if(strlen(gString) > 120)
					SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, gString);
					SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, string2);
				else	SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, gString);			

			if(HelperAnswer[x] == playerid)
				format(PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie], 164, " ");
				HelperAnswer[x] = -1;
				HelperAnswer[playerid] = -1;
				Question[x] = 0;

			if(strlen(PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie]) > 1 && HelperAnswer[x] == -1)
				format(gString, sizeof(gString), "(Question) %s - lvl %d: %s", GetName(x), PlayerInfo[x][pLevel], PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie]);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NEWBIE, gString);
				HelperAnswer[x] = playerid;
				HelperAnswer[playerid] = x;
				format(gString, sizeof(gString), "Intrebarea ta a fost atribuita helperului %s, te rugam sa astepti raspunsul acestuia.", GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]));
				SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB,"Chat-ul (/n)ewbie a fost activat automat. Dupa ce primesti un raspuns il poti dezactiva (/nonewbie)");
			return 1;
	else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"LX:"ALB" Nu esti autorizat sa folosesti aceasta comanda!");
	return 1;



    __  ____      __           
   /  |/  (_)____/ /____  _____
  / /|_/ / / ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/
 / /  / / (__  ) /_/  __/ /    
/_/  /_/_/____/\__/\___/_/     
Pagina     Scripting     pawn
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Acum 11 minute, Mister a spus:

salut, acele warninguri nu afecteaza gmul sau compilarea ca si informatie.

incearca codul de mai jos

CMD:nre(playerid, params[])
	new message[164], nstring[164];
	if(gLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"(!) "ALB"Nu esti logat si nu poti sa folosesti aceasta comanda!");
	if(HelperAnswer[playerid] == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"(!) "ALB"Nu ai primit o intrebare.");
	if(sscanf(params, "s[164]", message)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN,"Sintaxa:{FFFFFF} /nre <raspuns>");

	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 1)
		PlayerInfo[playerid][ pStaffPoints]++;
		Update(playerid, pStaffPointsx);

		format(gString, sizeof(gString), "(N) Helper %s: @%s, {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00}", GetName(playerid),GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]), message);
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NOB, gString);
		new string2[128];

		if(strlen(gString) > 120)
			strmid(string2, gString, 110, 256);
			strdel(gString, 110,  256);
			format(gString,128,"%s ...",gString);
			format(string2,128,"... %s",string2);

		foreach(new x : Player)
			if(NewbieEnabled[x] == 1)
				format(nstring, sizeof(nstring), "(N) Jucator %s: %s", GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]),PlayerInfo[HelperAnswer[playerid]][pNewbie]);
				SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, nstring);

				if(strlen(gString) > 120)
					SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, gString);
					SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, string2);
				else	SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, gString);			

			if(HelperAnswer[x] == playerid)
				format(PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie], 164, " ");
				HelperAnswer[x] = -1;
				HelperAnswer[playerid] = -1;
				Question[x] = 0;

			if(strlen(PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie]) > 1 && HelperAnswer[x] == -1)
				format(gString, sizeof(gString), "(Question) %s - lvl %d: %s", GetName(x), PlayerInfo[x][pLevel], PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie]);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NEWBIE, gString);
				HelperAnswer[x] = playerid;
				HelperAnswer[playerid] = x;
				format(gString, sizeof(gString), "Intrebarea ta a fost atribuita helperului %s, te rugam sa astepti raspunsul acestuia.", GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]));
				SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB,"Chat-ul (/n)ewbie a fost activat automat. Dupa ce primesti un raspuns il poti dezactiva (/nonewbie)");
			return 1;
	else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"LX:"ALB" Nu esti autorizat sa folosesti aceasta comanda!");
	return 1;


Nu mai imi da loose indentation, dar acum pe server nu apare jucatorului raspunsul dat de helper.

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1 minute ago, marin1223 said:

Nu mai imi da loose indentation, dar acum pe server nu apare jucatorului raspunsul dat de helper.

daca pui comanda in care primeai warnings si compilezi iti apare jucatorul sau mesajul ce ai zis ca nu apare?


    __  ____      __           
   /  |/  (_)____/ /____  _____
  / /|_/ / / ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/
 / /  / / (__  ) /_/  __/ /    
/_/  /_/_/____/\__/\___/_/     
Pagina     Scripting     pawn
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Nu am modificat nimic in afara de aranjare si stergerea parantezelor in plus dar in fine incearca asa


CMD:nre(playerid, params[])
	new message[164], nstring[164];
	if(gLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"(!) "ALB"Nu esti logat si nu poti sa folosesti aceasta comanda!");
	if(HelperAnswer[playerid] == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"(!) "ALB"Nu ai primit o intrebare.");
    if(sscanf(params, "s[164]", message))
       SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN,"Sintaxa:{FFFFFF} /nre <raspuns>");
       return 1;

    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 1)
    	PlayerInfo[playerid][ pStaffPoints]++;
    	Update(playerid, pStaffPointsx);
    	format(gString, sizeof(gString), "(N) Helper %s: @%s, {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00}", GetName(playerid),GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]), message);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NOB, gString);
    	new string2[128];

		if(strlen(gString) > 120)
			strmid(string2, gString, 110, 256);
			strdel(gString, 110,  256);

			format(gString,128,"%s ...",gString);
			format(string2,128,"... %s",string2);
		foreach(new x : Player)
			if(NewbieEnabled[x] == 1)
				format(nstring, sizeof(nstring), "(N) Jucator %s: %s", GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]),PlayerInfo[HelperAnswer[playerid]][pNewbie]);
				SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, nstring);
				if(strlen(gString) > 120)
					SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, gString);
					SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, string2);
					SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, gString);

			if(HelperAnswer[x] == playerid)
				format(PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie], 164, " ");
				HelperAnswer[x] = -1;
				HelperAnswer[playerid] = -1;
				Question[x] = 0;

			if(strlen(PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie]) > 1 && HelperAnswer[x] == -1)
				  format(gString, sizeof(gString), "(Question) %s - lvl %d: %s", GetName(x), PlayerInfo[x][pLevel], PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie]);
				  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NEWBIE, gString);
				  HelperAnswer[x] = playerid;
				  HelperAnswer[playerid] = x;
				  format(gString, sizeof(gString), "Intrebarea ta a fost atribuita helperului %s, te rugam sa astepti raspunsul acestuia.", GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]));
				  SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB,"Chat-ul (/n)ewbie a fost activat automat. Dupa ce primesti un raspuns il poti dezactiva (/nonewbie)");
			return 1;
    else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"LX:"ALB" Nu esti autorizat sa folosesti aceasta comanda!");

    return 1;



    __  ____      __           
   /  |/  (_)____/ /____  _____
  / /|_/ / / ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/
 / /  / / (__  ) /_/  __/ /    
/_/  /_/_/____/\__/\___/_/     
Pagina     Scripting     pawn
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Acum 7 minute, Mister a spus:

Nu am modificat nimic in afara de aranjare si stergerea parantezelor in plus dar in fine incearca asa


CMD:nre(playerid, params[])
	new message[164], nstring[164];
	if(gLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"(!) "ALB"Nu esti logat si nu poti sa folosesti aceasta comanda!");
	if(HelperAnswer[playerid] == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"(!) "ALB"Nu ai primit o intrebare.");
    if(sscanf(params, "s[164]", message))
       SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN,"Sintaxa:{FFFFFF} /nre <raspuns>");
       return 1;

    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 1)
    	PlayerInfo[playerid][ pStaffPoints]++;
    	Update(playerid, pStaffPointsx);
    	format(gString, sizeof(gString), "(N) Helper %s: @%s, {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00}", GetName(playerid),GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]), message);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NOB, gString);
    	new string2[128];

		if(strlen(gString) > 120)
			strmid(string2, gString, 110, 256);
			strdel(gString, 110,  256);

			format(gString,128,"%s ...",gString);
			format(string2,128,"... %s",string2);
		foreach(new x : Player)
			if(NewbieEnabled[x] == 1)
				format(nstring, sizeof(nstring), "(N) Jucator %s: %s", GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]),PlayerInfo[HelperAnswer[playerid]][pNewbie]);
				SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, nstring);
				if(strlen(gString) > 120)
					SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, gString);
					SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, string2);
					SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB, gString);

			if(HelperAnswer[x] == playerid)
				format(PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie], 164, " ");
				HelperAnswer[x] = -1;
				HelperAnswer[playerid] = -1;
				Question[x] = 0;

			if(strlen(PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie]) > 1 && HelperAnswer[x] == -1)
				  format(gString, sizeof(gString), "(Question) %s - lvl %d: %s", GetName(x), PlayerInfo[x][pLevel], PlayerInfo[x][pNewbie]);
				  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NEWBIE, gString);
				  HelperAnswer[x] = playerid;
				  HelperAnswer[playerid] = x;
				  format(gString, sizeof(gString), "Intrebarea ta a fost atribuita helperului %s, te rugam sa astepti raspunsul acestuia.", GetName(HelperAnswer[playerid]));
				  SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_NOB,"Chat-ul (/n)ewbie a fost activat automat. Dupa ce primesti un raspuns il poti dezactiva (/nonewbie)");
			return 1;
    else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""MARO"LX:"ALB" Nu esti autorizat sa folosesti aceasta comanda!");

    return 1;


Acum merge. Mersi mult.

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