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Problema Streamer



Nume: BLuE_GaMeR

Problema intalnita: Pai am pus include-ul streamer si cand pornesc serverul imi da multe errori.

Ce am incercat pana acum: Pai am pus o versiune mai noua , am recompilat gamemode-ul si filterscripturile.

Codul sursa/Log/Altele:


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".


SA-MP Dedicated Server


v0.3x-R2, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team


[12:39:02] Server Plugins

[12:39:02] --------------

[12:39:02]  Loading plugin: streamer


*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[12:39:02]  Loaded.

[12:39:02]  Loaded 1 plugins.


[12:39:02] Filterscripts

[12:39:02] ---------------

[12:39:02]  Loading filterscript 'Maps.amx'...

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RegisterInterface" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_AddPlayer" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RemovePlayer" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyPickup" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyCheckpoint" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Include file version (unknown version) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02]  Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RegisterInterface" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_AddPlayer" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RemovePlayer" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyPickup" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyCheckpoint" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Include file version (unknown version) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)[/pawn]

Cum am spus si mai sus am incercat toate metodele si tot la fel.

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3 answers to this question

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Nume: BLuE_GaMeR

Problema intalnita: Pai am pus include-ul streamer si cand pornesc serverul imi da multe errori.

Ce am incercat pana acum: Pai am pus o versiune mai noua , am recompilat gamemode-ul si filterscripturile.

Codul sursa/Log/Altele:


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".


SA-MP Dedicated Server


v0.3x-R2, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team


[12:39:02] Server Plugins

[12:39:02] --------------

[12:39:02]  Loading plugin: streamer


*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[12:39:02]  Loaded.

[12:39:02]  Loaded 1 plugins.


[12:39:02] Filterscripts

[12:39:02] ---------------

[12:39:02]  Loading filterscript 'Maps.amx'...

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RegisterInterface" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_AddPlayer" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RemovePlayer" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyPickup" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyCheckpoint" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Include file version (unknown version) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02]  Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RegisterInterface" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_AddPlayer" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RemovePlayer" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyPickup" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyCheckpoint" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

[12:39:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Include file version (unknown version) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)[/pawn]

Cum am spus si mai sus am incercat toate metodele si tot la fel.

Ai recompilat gmul cu includeul/pluginul pus?

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