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inca niste help la o mapa

Guest mihai97


Guest mihai97

am mai facut o mapa dar nu stiu sa rezolv erorile :'(


daca reusesc intre timp sa mai rezolv din ele am sa scriu

EDIT:  am mai rezolvat cateva dar nu stiu daca am facut ce trebuia


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da punel ... de ex:

//-------------------------Harta Map 2----------------------//

create object....

//--------------------------End Map  2---------------------//


//---------------------------Functii Map 2-----------------//


//--------------------------End Functii Map2---------------//

Ce e asa greu? si stergi ce e acolo cand nu mai vrei

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Guest mihai97

C:\Documents and Settings\coco\Desktop\minifall.pwn(6) : error 055: start of function body without function header

C:\Documents and Settings\coco\Desktop\minifall.pwn(13) : error 021: symbol already defined: "CreateObject"

C:\Documents and Settings\coco\Desktop\minifall.pwn(63) : error 021: symbol already defined: "AddStaticVehicle"

C:\Documents and Settings\coco\Desktop\minifall.pwn(104) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "OnPlayerCommandText"

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

3 Errors.

asteas erorile

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MA da ce naspa lai facut...ai sters toate "return"

Na ca ti lam facut

#include <a_samp>
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT

public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" ----------------By mihai97----------------");
CreateObject(18450, 1470.658691, -2458.154785, 30.622883, 0.0000, 331.6386, 0.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1544.350952, -2458.025879, 57.594620, 0.0000, 347.9679, 0.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1620.361938, -2458.559570, 78.459099, 1.7189, 341.0924, 0.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1665.577026, -2488.104736, 89.997070, 0.0000, 0.0000, 270.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1673.276611, -2488.112061, 91.988335, 51.5661, 0.0000, 270.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1664.962646, -2552.822266, 97.064987, 1.7189, 344.5301, 269.1406);
CreateObject(18450, 1664.229736, -2625.726807, 115.305145, 0.0000, 347.1084, 270.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1664.215332, -2700.679688, 131.869415, 0.0000, 347.9679, 270.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1693.754639, -2748.608154, 139.230789, 347.1084, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1693.962769, -2756.843018, 147.708679, 277.4941, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1765.763062, -2749.526611, 144.671326, 0.0000, 349.6868, 359.1406);
CreateObject(18450, 1831.970703, -2750.080566, 156.754929, 0.0000, 349.6868, 0.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1877.640869, -2718.874023, 161.836533, 0.0000, 0.0000, 90.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1884.602417, -2718.435303, 165.550476, 75.6304, 0.0000, 270.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1877.966553, -2648.878174, 173.269928, 0.0000, 18.9076, 270.0000);
CreateObject(18450, 1881.214600, -2583.239990, 202.700989, 0.0000, 29.2208, 263.9066);
CreateObject(18450, 1892.120850, -2512.969727, 231.958847, 0.0000, 16.3293, 258.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1872.265015, -2453.998291, 247.847961, 79.9276, 0.0000, 348.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1798.194580, -2447.119385, 250.279755, 0.0000, 13.7510, 348.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1725.160767, -2432.583496, 267.184082, 0.0000, 12.0321, 348.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1653.047241, -2418.132813, 285.734314, 0.0000, 16.3293, 348.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1581.140137, -2402.832031, 305.304077, 0.0000, 13.7510, 347.0311);
CreateObject(18450, 1542.711548, -2362.729248, 313.384216, 0.0000, 0.0000, 258.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1537.416016, -2362.082031, 319.411469, 279.2130, 0.0000, 258.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1870.125366, -2461.154541, 241.737167, 0.0000, 0.0000, 348.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1571.933472, -2323.260986, 316.590485, 7.7349, 347.9679, 348.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1575.619751, -2320.334473, 320.175812, 83.3653, 344.5301, 7.7349);
CreateObject(18450, 1639.762207, -2337.379395, 339.311340, 0.0000, 333.3575, 348.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1712.568604, -2351.801514, 361.349518, 0.0000, 353.1245, 348.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1777.640381, -2363.754639, 381.698151, 0.0000, 332.4980, 350.4688);
CreateObject(18450, 1843.848267, -2376.318359, 415.437927, 0.0000, 334.2169, 348.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1914.660889, -2390.406006, 443.659973, 0.0000, 342.8113, 348.7500);
CreateObject(18450, 1977.175293, -2402.955811, 476.947388, 0.0000, 322.1848, 348.7500);
CreateObject(8357, 2023.163208, -2426.797607, 397.060486, 83.3653, 12.8916, 347.8905);
CreateObject(8357, 2027.606445, -2405.969238, 397.457703, 88.5219, 4.2972, 354.8434);
CreateObject(8357, 2011.223755, -2410.968750, 394.798401, 272.3375, 349.6868, 250.1557);
CreateObject(8357, 2040.096680, -2414.093750, 397.817749, 90.2408, 1.7189, 263.0472);
CreateObject(1598, 1425.078247, -2458.250488, 12.859688, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1424.729248, -2458.686768, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1418.905273, -2460.978271, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1415.004517, -2451.566895, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1410.121826, -2458.170410, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1394.525024, -2445.121094, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1401.294189, -2457.920898, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1411.353027, -2441.935791, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1400.334473, -2462.652588, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1390.800049, -2451.474121, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1416.489136, -2463.956055, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
CreateObject(902, 1422.148926, -2452.019531, 12.487449, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
AddStaticVehicle(424, 1415.004517, -2451.566895, 12.487449, 0, 1);
AddStaticVehicle(424, 1410.121826, -2458.170410, 12.487449, 0, 1);
AddStaticVehicle(424, 1394.525024, -2445.121094, 12.487449, 0, 1);
AddStaticVehicle(424, 1401.294189, -2457.920898, 12.487449, 0, 1);
AddStaticVehicle(424, 1411.353027, -2441.935791, 12.487449, 0, 1);
AddStaticVehicle(424, 1400.334473, -2462.652588, 12.487449, 0, 1);
AddStaticVehicle(424, 1390.800049, -2451.474121, 12.487449, 0, 1);
AddStaticVehicle(424, 1416.489136, -2463.956055, 12.487449, 0, 1);
AddStaticVehicle(424, 1422.148926, -2452.019531, 12.487449, 0, 1);
return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
	return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/minifall", true) == 0)
new cartype = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new State=GetPlayerState(playerid);
SetPlayerPos(playerid,1418.905273, -2460.978271, 12.487449);
else if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, cartype) == 1)
SetVehiclePos(cartype,1418.905273, -2460.978271, 12.487449);
SetPlayerPos(playerid,1418.905273, -2460.978271, 12.487449);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~<~minifall~>~~n~~<~~r~By mike97~>~", 2500, 3);
return 1;
return 0;

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