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  1. Foloseste Army Ban System, e mai simplu de utilizat.
  2. Mergea si SetPlayerPosEx, dar uite cum era sintaxa: stock SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, Float:x ,Float:y,Float:z,Float:a,interior = 0,vw = 0)
  3. Auzi la tine, de ce sa tii variabile daca nu le folosesti? Delete it. Eu de unde sa stiu ce are el in gamemode? Sa posteze dracu' liniile si gata :)
  4. Si cica de ce astia nu stiu scripting... A variable is basically a bit of memory, it's where data is stored and can be changed and read as required. Variables are one or more cells, a cell is 32 bits (4 bytes) big and by default signed so they can store from -2147483648 to 2147483647 (although -2147483648 is poorly defined in PAWN and gives odd results if displayed). A variable made from more than one cell is called an array, strings are a special type of array where each cell holds a character of the string (or 4 characters in packed strings, but they're not covered here). Cand ii zice asa unui newbie, e clar l-a bagat in ceata.
  5. Practic in godfather este facut IfPlayerInPoint, ca bine inteles e un mod vechi si ei n-au auzit ca a aprut IsPlayerInRange 8-|
  6. Oh my fuckin' god. wiki.sa-mp.com
  7. Linia 67429 - sterge variabila Linia 63859 - foloseste forward. Linia 63855 - foloseste forward. Linia 22029 - foloseste forward. Arata inc-ul vida. La restul arati aici scripturile.
  8. new aArmour = GetPlayerArmour(playerid) + 10; SetPlayerArmour(playerid, aArmour);
  9. Poftim? Cum? Ce? N-am inteles..
  10. Armyww

    Zonek Mysql

    Ai cumva sters main() ?
  11. shaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiahiast8123616178asp]hokhanjkajaabmabka aahnaiyashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiahiast8123616178asp]hokhanjkajaabmabka aahnaiyashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiashaaaaaaaaaaajiajahaihiaashjahaihajjhahiahiast8123616178asp]hokhanjkajaabmabka aahnaiya94728uy2jihasdkalhahpaohahpahakphopahasmla Si crezi ca ala a inteles ceva? Cred ca nici unde sa-l bage nu stie
  12. Bagamias ... ai invatat si tu pawno acum 1 an si esti smecher? Logic, numai retarzi scripteaza pe godfather, numai ratati baga tabsize . Eu in locul vostru ma lasam de scripting si imi dadeam foc.
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