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Everything posted by mitzagl

  1. mitzagl


    Lol , ma crezi asa de prost daca jucam cu coduri mai postam :| clar http://www.mediafire.com/?qdljzg0xzvj4kao uite junkbuster
  2. mitzagl


    Am si eu o problema . Cat de curand am luat un gm stunt care il mai luasem odata si mergea perfect dar acuma intru pe server merg oleaca pune frana automat masina si deodata BAN ! 1:30:00] Incoming connection: [21:30:00] [join] Mitza_Otelu has joined the server (0: [21:30:18] [junkbuster] uspected player with speedhack: Mitza_Otelu (0), 44 KM/H with Bullet. [21:30:21] [junkbuster] uspected player with speedhack: Mitza_Otelu (0), 12 KM/H with Bullet. [21:30:24] [junkbuster] Mitza_Otelu ( has been banned for Speedhack. [21:30:24] [part] Mitza_Otelu has left the server (0:2) Console input: unbanip [21:30:45] --- Server Shutting Down. [21:30:45] ________________________________________ [21:30:45] ________________________________________ [21:30:45] RAdmin Unloaded [21:30:45] ________________________________________ [21:30:45] Date: 24/1/2012 Time: 21:30 :45 [21:30:45] ________________________________________ [21:30:45] ________________________________________ [21:30:45] Saved 0 Properties! [21:30:45] Properties Saved!! [21:30:45] eBoost By Epsilon --- unloaded [21:30:45] 'Eps's animals' unloaded. RSUJunkbuster nu stiu ce e si cum sa o dezactivez. Va rog Ajutor
  3. Salut am incercat sa pun si eu niste moduri de pe un site si dupa ce le downloadez vad ca au extensia .cs cum ar fii am luat un mod de semnalizare iar denumirea este asa : turn_indicators2.cs va rog spuneti si mie cum sa le instalez . Scz daca am postat gresit
  4. Salut , cand dau sa compilez si eu un GM luat de pe net primesc erroarea aceasta C:\DOCUME~1\COSMIN~1\Desktop\GameZone\GAMEMO~1\GameZone.pwn(9765) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "aron" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase Header size: 10008 bytes Code size: 1858116 bytes Data size: 4879968 bytes Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4124 cells (16496 bytes) Total requirements: 6764476 bytes 1 Warning. normal asta nu fusese prima eroare pe celelalte am reusit sa le fac
  5. Tot ati raspuns la topicul asta raspundeti si la topicul meu scz de Off topic. :(
  6. Salutare , sunt nou pe acest forum si am vazut ca orice intrebare isi are rezolvarea asa ca mam gandit ... La serverul meu de sa-mp pot cumpara - detine doar doua masini personale , serverul are comenzile acelea /v [nume] buy , sell ,sellto ... daca ma puteti ajuta sa pot pune mai multe masini . Mersi Si am uitat ceva , cum pot sa scot si eu asta ca lumea sa isi puna ce nick vrea? :-s http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/10/samp002zg.png/
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