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Everything posted by AlexVs

  1. Schimba scriptul de login de la AS nu e bun
  2. in loc de New vehicul Privat pui un ex gen : New NRGAlex New NRGVlad si adaugi NRGAlex = Addstatic etc NRGVlad = AddStatic etc si acolo if vehicleid == schimbi numele in numele playerului nu pui NRGAlex decat daca asta e numele lui. NRGAlex este NRG-ul jucatorului AlexXD sa zicem . acolo la if vehicleid == AlexXD ai inteles?
  3. Vreau ca atunci cand dai /members , /helpers , /admins dupa ce iti arata membri online sa scrie cati sunt intrat de ex X-Rank4 Y-Leader Z-Rank2 Now are 3 Members Online. Stie cineva? Va rog frumod nu dati T/C :D
  4. Simplu! In primul rand creezi o noua linie care contine: New Vehicul Privat apoi te duci la AddStaticVehicle si adaugi : VehiculPrivat = AddStaticVehicle(model,coordonate x,y,z,culoare 1,culoare2); apoi adaugi dupa toate aceste linia : if(vehicleid == VehiculPrivat && !ispassenger) { new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); if(strcmp(sendername,"VehiculPrivat",true)) { new Float:cx, Float:cy, Float:cz; GetPlayerPos(playerid, cx, cy, cz); SetPlayerPos(playerid, cx, cy, cz); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY," Vehicul privat al jucatorului {FFFFFF}VehiculPrivat !"); RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); } }
  5. Vreau ca atunci cand dai /members , /helpers , /admins dupa ce iti arata membri online sa scrie cati sunt intrat de ex X-Rank4 Y-Leader Z-Rank2 Now are 3 Members Online. Stie cineva? Va rog frumod nu dati T/C
  6. Cine ma poate ajuta ? intru pe server si nu imi arata numele si heal-ul ... HELP!!! Uite o poza
  7. AlexVs


    Care stie cum pot ca la scriptul /startwar . sa inceapa warul direct nu sa ceara /acceptwar . si sa apara pe harta zona de war
  8. Cand duc servieta la destinatie imi da bani si dupa ii scade la loc ... [pawn]public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid) { if(playerid == CashboxOwner) { PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1054, 0, 0, 0); KillTimer(DropValueTimer); new str[128], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; if(mode == 1) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); } CashboxOwner = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName)); format(str, 128, "%s (ID: %d) a dus servieta la destinatie si a castigat $%d", pName, playerid, CashboxValue); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA, str); format(str, 128, "~y~Felicitari! ~n~~r~ Ai castigat ~n~~g~$%d", CashboxValue); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, str, 4000, 3); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(0x0E68CAA, "Un nou event va incepe peste 10 minute!"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, CashboxValue); SetTimer("StartNewCashboxGame", 600000, 0); IsGameStarted = 0; } return 1; }[/pawn]
  9. Cum pot pune armele pe rankuri la factiuni am incercat ceva dar da urmatoarea eroare : [pawn]D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4427) : warning 211: possibly unintended assignment D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4427) : error 036: empty statement D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4430) : warning 211: possibly unintended assignment D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4430) : error 036: empty statement D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4434) : warning 211: possibly unintended assignment D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4434) : error 036: empty statement D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4439) : warning 211: possibly unintended assignment D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4439) : error 036: empty statement D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4444) : warning 211: possibly unintended assignment D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4444) : error 036: empty statement D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4449) : warning 211: possibly unintended assignment D:\CVA\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4449) : error 036: empty statement Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 6 Errors. [/pawn] La urmatoarele variabile [pawn]if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 18 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 18) //Grove { SetPlayerToTeamColor(playerid); SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2494.7617,-1670.1583,12.8977); SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0); PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = 0; { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] = 1); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 100);// Deagle GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 5, 0);// Bata if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] = 2); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 100);// Deagle GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 5, 0);// Bata GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 29, 130);// MP5 if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] = 3); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 130);// Deagle GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 5, 0);// Bata GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 29, 130);// MP5 GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 31, 150);// M4 if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] = 4); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 150);// Deagle GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 5, 0);// Bata GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 29, 200);// MP5 GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 31, 350);// M4 if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] = 5); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 150);// Deagle GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 5, 0);// Bata GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 29, 200);// MP5 GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 31, 350);// M4 if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] = 6); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 150);// Deagle GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 5, 0);// Bata GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 29, 200);// MP5 GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 31, 350);// M4 } return 1; }[/pawn]
  10. AlexVs


    Eu am pickup pt teleport si cand intru in el ma duce unde vreau dar dispare si trebuie sa astept vreo 30 sec . eu vreau sa ramana
  11. AlexVs


    Era pe page 2 :D
  12. AlexVs


    Srry dar nu inteleg nimic din alea 2 :(
  13. AlexVs


    Cum pot face ca atunci cand intri intr-un pickup info de ala sa nu dispara . sa ramana ,,intact,,
  14. Google Download WaterInclude.dll
  15. AlexVs


    Nu asta ma . Mie imi arata unde se afla servieta Vreau sa pun timer ex: Dupa ce folosesti /watch cand o folosesti iar sa scrie Wait 1 minute after use again (Sa puna timer la watch 1 minut dupa folosire )
  16. AlexVs


    Cum pot pune timer pe acest /watch pt servieta ? [pawn] if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/watch", true)==0) { { new randX = -100+random(200); new randY = -100+random(200); SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, CashboxX+randX, CashboxY+randY, (CashboxZ+60)); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, CashboxX, CashboxY, CashboxZ); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0); SetTimerEx("ResetCam", 10000, 0, "i", playerid); } } return 0; }[/pawn]
  17. Asa este si la mne orikm am rezolvat :)
  18. AlexVs


    Multumesc dar cum pot face ca servieta sa apara dupa payday ? :D
  19. AlexVs


    Cum pot face cand apare ultimul mesaj [pawn] DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); } CashboxOwner = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName)); format(str, 128, "%s (ID: %d) a dus servieta la destinatie si a castigat $%d", pName, playerid, CashboxValue); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA, str); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, CashboxValue); format(str, 128, "~y~Felicitari! ~n~~r~ Ai castigat ~n~~g~$%d", CashboxValue); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, str, 4000, 3); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(0x0E68CAA, "Un nou event va incepe peste 10 minute!"); SetTimer("StartNewCashboxGame", 600000, 0); IsGameStarted = 0; }[/pawn] sa ii dea playerului bani .
  20. Am pus in gm pragmatab size 0
  21. [pawn]E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(2223) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3250) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3264) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3278) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3292) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3306) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3320) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3334) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3362) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3376) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3390) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3474) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3502) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3617) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(3646) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4121) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4830) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(4852) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(6667) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(9179) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(9296) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(9300) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(9303) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(9316) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(9383) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(10638) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(10645) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(10693) : warning 217: loose indentation 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SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(23303) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(23355) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(28754) : warning 217: loose indentation E:\Server SAMP\gamemodes\gf.pwn(28862) : warning 217: loose indentation Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase Header size: 6700 bytes Code size: 1302132 bytes Data size: 4601540 bytes Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4123 cells (16492 bytes) Total requirements: 5926756 bytes 87 Warnings.[/pawn] Ajutor cum pot rezolva
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