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Everything posted by Mr.Andrey

  1. Uite asa este bine?[pawn] if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 5 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 5) SetPlayerColor(playerid,0xD900D3C8);[/pawn]Am pus asa si tot rosie ramane.De ce ramane tot rosie??
  2. Nu Functioneaza.Tot Rosie ramane.Dar eu vreu sa fie mov.de ce nu se face mov
  3. Buna ziua.Scuza ca va deranjez.Dar am si e o problema cu o factiune Numita ballas ea este rostie si vreu sa o fac Mova. Am pus codul acesta:[pawn]0x8F0DBAFF[/pawn] si am pus la : [pawn]#define TEAM_BALLAS_COLOR 0x8F0DBAFF[/pawn] Si la [pawn]#define COLOR_TheBallas 0x8F0DBAFF[/pawn] Unde este greseala ????Scuza ca vam deranjat:-|
  4. Salut. Am si eu o problema cu masinile Personale. Cand ma duc sa cumpar o masina personala de la Banca, intru in masina, si imi zice ca am furat o Salvare sau Politie si imi da Wanted. :-? Cred ca poate Id-urile din cars.cfg este problema:| Ce sa fac? Scuze daca Titlul nu este bun.. Va rog sa ma ajutati !!!( [move]Respecta si vei fi respectat[/move]
  5. Salut. Am si eu o problema cu masinile Personale. Cand ma duc sa cumpar o masina personala de la Banca, intru in masina, si imi zice ca am furat o Salvare sau Politie si imi da Wanted. :-? Cred ca poate Id-urile din cars.cfg este problema:| Ce sa fac? Scuze daca Titlul nu este bun.. Va rog sa ma jautati !!!(
  6. As vrei si eu sa sti cum pot face chat pt aliante Ex: EU sunt in LCN si ii am alianti pe Ballas si pe Da Nang Boys si printr-o comanda"/fa" sa vb cu ei.Numai noi si membri factiunlod LCN si Balas SI Da nang Boys sa vada ce scrim helpp plzzzz Cine stie post replay.
  7. Mr.Andrey


    am si eu o prblema cum pot sa fac sa scriu colorat.Dar cu culoare de la factiune EX: Daca stiti postreplay ca am mare nevoie.
  8. 1. Dc Cand imi da Cnv invite La primar.Ma respanteaza intruna??? 2.Dc Masinile nu Stau la locul lor.SI la dau si cu /save si tot stau unde vreau ele.SI daca dau/rac se pune totu la loc(Numai la 2 factiune atat)
  9. Adica ?/? si nu merge reparata????????????????????????
  10. Bun cum vam zis si in titlu. Cum as pute sa fac cand un leader iti da invite sa ai armele gata nu trebuie sa le iai din hq ?????????????????? [move]Respecta si vei fi respectata[/move]
  11. [move]T.C am rezolvat[/move]
  12. CUm pot face un dialog colorata de exemplu: Asa vreu sa o fac: http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/2018/samp053zw.png Dar La mine e la fel dar decat ca este alb totul cum pot sa fac sa fie colorat ca in poza aceea
  13. LInia 1218->new BestOne GF ); Linia 10989->} Linia 64219 BestOne GF++; Linia 64219 BestOne GF++; Linia 64219 BestOne GF++; Linia 64219 BestOne GF++; Linia 64220 if(BestOne GF == 1) Linia 64220 if(BestOne GF == 1) Linia 64220 if(BestOne GF == 1) Linia 64220 if(BestOne GF == 1)
  14. Lam desciz cum ai zis u dar acu imi da 8 Errors C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(1218) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-" C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(1218) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(10989) : warning 209: function "JB_OnPlayerConnect" should return a value C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(64219) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(64219) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-" C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(64219) : error 017: undefined symbol "GF" C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(64219) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(64220) : error 001: expected token: ")", but found "-identifier-" C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(64220) : error 017: undefined symbol "GF" C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(64220) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(64220) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 8 Errors.
  15. Acesta e Fs-ul de care vm zis:http://pastebin.com/5zzpvEXS La aces fs ma chinui sa ii pun dialog.Am reusit sa pun dialog.Dar cand selectez artificia si dupa dau ok.Nu apare/se intampla nimik.DC?
  16. Am si eu gm ala Xtr-Zone si imi da eruare urmatoare: \Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\GM Xtr-Zone\gamemodes\Teddy23.pwn(21) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Rotative" Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error. Dc daca imi trebui include ala rotative va rog sa mil daiti daca nu imi spuneti care e problema Va rog mult
  17. Am si eu o problema Am facut ca cand dai /lightfw sati arate un dialog intrunfel ca la radio. Si cand aleg artificia si dau ok nu se intampla nimik dc?
  18. MAi am o intrebare cum pot adauga kiss fm Radio zu etc...
  19. Am rezolvat ai avut Dreptate MS mult T.C
  20. Am si eu O problema: Cand ii dau comprimare imi da urmatoarele Erori: C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\123456\radio_eng.pwn(108) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer" C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\123456\radio_eng.pwn(122) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer" C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\123456\radio_eng.pwn(129) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer" C:\Users\Mr.Andrey\Desktop\123456\radio_eng.pwn(130) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 4 Errors. Uitati asa e Fs-Ul[pawn]#include <a_samp> #undef MAX_PLAYERS #define MAX_PLAYERS 25 main() { print("FS Online radio in cars loaded."); print("Author: SDraw"); } forward PlayVehicleRadioForPlayer(playerid,online); forward NonChangeRadio(playerid); forward IsAVel(vehicleid); forward HideStationTitle(playerid); new VehRadio[MAX_VEHICLES]; new PassengerInCar[MAX_VEHICLES][8]; new bool:WaitForBuf[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PassengerSeat[MAX_PLAYERS]; new OldCar[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:StationTextCoords[16][2] = { {225.0,20.0},{280.0,20.0},{265.0,20.0},{265.0,20.0}, {260.0,20.0},{250.0,20.0},{235.0,20.0},{265.0,20.0}, {255.0,20.0},{270.0,20.0},{260.0,20.0},{250.0,20.0}, {255.0,20.0},{255.0,20.0},{270.0,20.0},{270.0,20.0} }; new StationTitle[16][1][64] = { {"CJRS Radio Montreal"}, {"Radio BN"}, {"ZenRadio.FM"}, {"METAL ONLY"}, {"Radio Paloma"}, {"MUSIK.Extream"}, {"Techno4ever Radio"},{"DEFJAY.COM"}, {"TechnoBase.FM"}, {"Music One"}, {"Radio Jackie"},{"Suburds of Goa"}, {"Groove Salad"}, {"AAN Country"},{"KickRadio"},{"Radio Off"} }; new StationUrl[15][1][64] = { {""},{""},{""}, {""},{""},{"http://scfire-ntc-aa01.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1052"}, {""},{""},{""}, {""},{""},{""}, {""},{""},{""} }; new Text:StationText[16]; public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("----------------------------------"); print("FS Online Radio In Vehicles Loaded"); print("Author: SDraw"); print("----------------------------------"); for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) { VehRadio = 2; for(new s = 1; s < 8; s++) PassengerInCar = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; } for(new t = 0; t < 16; t++) { StationText[t] = TextDrawCreate(StationTextCoords[t][0],StationTextCoords[t][1],StationTitle[t][0]); TextDrawAlignment(StationText[t],0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(StationText[t],0x000000ff); TextDrawFont(StationText[t],2); TextDrawLetterSize(StationText[t],0.4,1.6); TextDrawColor(StationText[t],0x906010ff); TextDrawSetOutline(StationText[t],1); TextDrawSetProportional(StationText[t],2); TextDrawSetShadow(StationText[t],1); } return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { WaitForBuf[playerid] = false; OldCar[playerid] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID; PassengerSeat[playerid] = 0; return 0; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid) { if(OldCar[playerid] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) PassengerInCar[OldCar[playerid]][PassengerSeat[playerid]] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; return 0; } public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid,newstate,oldstate) { if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER) { new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(IsAVel(veh)) return 0; new seat = GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid); if(seat != 0) { PassengerInCar[veh][seat] = playerid; PassengerSeat[playerid] = seat; OldCar[playerid] = veh; } PlayVehicleRadioForPlayer(playerid,VehRadio[veh]); } if(oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER) { new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(IsAVel(veh)) return 0; StopAudioStreamForPlayer (playerid); if(OldCar[playerid] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) { PassengerInCar[OldCar[playerid]][PassengerSeat[playerid]] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; OldCar[playerid] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID; } } return 0; } public PlayVehicleRadioForPlayer(playerid,online) { if(online == 0) { StopAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,StationText[15]); WaitForBuf[playerid] = true; SetTimerEx("NonChangeRadio",5000,false,"i",playerid); SetTimerEx("HideStationTitle",3500,false,"i",playerid); return 1; } StopAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid); PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid,StationUrl[online - 1][0]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,StationText[online - 1]); WaitForBuf[playerid] = true; SetTimerEx("NonChangeRadio",5000,false,"i",playerid); SetTimerEx("HideStationTitle",3500,false,"i",playerid); return 1; } public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid,newkeys,oldkeys) { if(newkeys == KEY_ACTION) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(IsAVel(veh)) return 0; if(WaitForBuf[playerid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"* Wait for 5 second. Then you'll be able to change radiostation."); VehRadio[veh]++; if(VehRadio[veh] == 16) VehRadio[veh] = 0; PlayVehicleRadioForPlayer(playerid,VehRadio[veh]); for(new s = 1; s < 8; s++) { if(PassengerInCar[veh] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) PlayVehicleRadioForPlayer(PassengerInCar[veh],VehRadio[veh]); } } } } if(newkeys == 132) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(IsAVel(veh)) return 0; if(WaitForBuf[playerid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"* Wait for 5 second. Then you'll be able to change radiostation."); VehRadio[veh]--; if(VehRadio[veh] == -1) VehRadio[veh] = 15; PlayVehicleRadioForPlayer(playerid,VehRadio[veh]); for(new s = 1; s < 8; s++) { if(PassengerInCar[veh] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) PlayVehicleRadioForPlayer(PassengerInCar[veh],VehRadio[veh]); } } } } return 0; } public NonChangeRadio(playerid) { WaitForBuf[playerid] = false; return 1; } public HideStationTitle(playerid) { for(new i = 0; i < 16; i++) TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,StationText); return 1; } public IsAVel(vehicleid) { new model = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid); if(model == 481 || model == 509 || model == 510) return 1; return 0; }[/pawn] [move]VA rog sa MA ajutati[/move] Uitati si Fs-ulhttp://www.2shared.com/file/SFKFHta4/FS_OIV_03d-R6.html
  21. [move]Dami si mm GM acela[/move]
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