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  1. ai uitat sa inchizi o } sau ai uitat sa pui ; dai ctrl+z ca sa si dupa fiecare dai compile din nou sa vezi unde se compileaza corect, pe urma adaugi din nou si te uiti sa fie totul ok.
  2. salut am gasit pe sa-mp.com/forum cum pot sa fac ca atuncea cand cineva are o masina personala sa ii apara, numele ca si 3dtext pe masina, insa am o intrebare.. unde trebe sa adaug acele linii daca imi poate spune cineva.. raman recunoscator new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],string[128]; new Float:vehx, Float:vehy, Float:vehz; new Text3D:vehowner; GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name)); GetVehiclePos(veh, vehx, vehy, vehz); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s (%d)'s vehicle.", name, playerid); vehowner = Create3DTextLabel( string, COLOR, vehx, vehy, vehz, 40.0, 0, 0 ); Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle( vehowner, YOURVEHICLE, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); si ar mai trebuit sa pun un Update3DTextLabel? sau ala e doar in caz daca pun la /setplate?
  3. Viper

    ZyGhy R.P.G

    am luat si eu gm asta si am dat un compile ca am vrut sa vad ceva.. daca nu da vreo eroare cum patesc la altele insa imi da eroare cu Cannot read from include G_ObjectRot.. am bagat inc de la 0.3e la fel, am cautat pe urma include-ul G_ObjectRot pe net insa nu l-am gasit.. si nush dc imi da aceasta eroare.. imi poate spune careva please?..
  4. salut am gasit pe sa-mp.com/forum cum pot sa fac ca atuncea cand cineva are o masina personala sa ii apara, numele ca si 3dtext pe masina, insa am o intrebare.. unde trebe sa adaug acele linii daca imi poate spune cineva.. raman recunoscator new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],string[128]; new Float:vehx, Float:vehy, Float:vehz; new Text3D:vehowner; GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name)); GetVehiclePos(veh, vehx, vehy, vehz); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s (%d)'s vehicle.", name, playerid); vehowner = Create3DTextLabel( string, COLOR, vehx, vehy, vehz, 40.0, 0, 0 ); Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle( vehowner, YOURVEHICLE, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  5. am cautat.. si nu e asta problema.. chiar nu pricep.. indiferent de unde primesc bani se reseteaza la 0 :\
  6. salut.. am o problema cu un server.. nush din ce cauza.. daca primesc bani la payday se reseteaza la 0, daca dau /givemoney 0 si tot asa.. indiferent.. nu stiti de la ce e problema?.. am avut o functie: SafeGivePlayerMoney.. am sters-o insa tot la fel mi se intampla si nu imi pot da seama de ce.. va rog ajutatima..
  7. Salut.. cand dau compile imi da aceasta eroare insa nush dc.. ca eu am acele functii.. de ce mi le da imi poate spune cnv pls? E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(2768) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(2793) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(3487) : error 004: function "SaveCK" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(3521) : error 004: function "SavePapers" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(3554) : error 004: function "SaveFamilies" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(3836) : error 004: function "SaveStuff" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(3844) : error 004: function "SaveStuff" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(3935) : error 004: function "UnLockCar" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(3943) : error 004: function "UnLockCar" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4047) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4066) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4075) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4090) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4099) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4114) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4123) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4138) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4147) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4162) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4171) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4186) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4195) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4210) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4219) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4234) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented E:\Viper\gamemodes\Rp.pwn(4243) : error 004: function "SetPlayerToTeamColor" is not implemented Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 26 Errors.
  8. imi da aceasi eroare:| EDIT: am rezolvat problema.. nu imi vine sa cred ca a fost din cauza celorlalte Include-uri :| am pus alea de la 0.3e si acuma merge.. thanks oricum scuze din nou de post..
  9. salut am un mod.. si am o problema.. am acel include.. l-am luat dp net si cand dau compile imi da eroarea astea E:\viper\gamemodes\Godfather.pwn(23) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "vehicle_library" Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error.
  10. mda oare cum de nu am stiut sa fac asta :|.. ms de ajutor
  11. Sal am vrut sa imi schimb la systemul de Register/Login ca atuncea cand scrii parola sa iti apara cu ****** insa imi da eroarea astea: E:\Viper RPG\gamemodes\Viper.pwn(5961) : error 017: undefined symbol "DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD" E:\Viper RPG\gamemodes\Viper.pwn(5971) : error 017: undefined symbol "DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD" E:\ViperRPG\gamemodes\Viper.pwn(6291) : error 017: undefined symbol "DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD" E:\Viper RPG\gamemodes\Viper.pwn(11427) : error 017: undefined symbol "DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD" E:\Viper RPG\gamemodes\Viper.pwn(11734) : error 017: undefined symbol "DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD" E:\Viper RPG\gamemodes\Viper.pwn(46064) : error 017: undefined symbol "DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD" E:\Viper RPG\gamemodes\Viper.pwn(46094) : error 017: undefined symbol "DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD" imi puteti spune de ce?.. trebe sa il pun doar la OnPlayerConnect?
  12. salut am o intrebare.. de ce imi arata asa: http://postimage.org/image/wca2kuqr7/... adica la Mod: Unknown.. cand intru pe server imi da Connecting to (pune ip-ul server-ului) si pe urma imi da eroare aia cu nu mere server-ul.. imi puteti spune de ce?.. :D
  13. am rezolvato insa nu imi scade cookie desi am pus GivePlayerCookie(playerid, -5); nu stiti dece nu imi scade? daca va rog frumos sa imi ziceti am bagato si la #define... EDIT: Am rezolvato!
  14. Salut am vrut sa fac o comanda: if(strcmp(cmd, "/usecookie", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] >= 5000) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCookie] >= 5) { new exp = PlayerInfo[i][pExp]; PlayerInfo[i][pExp] = exp + 1; SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, "Ai obtinuit un respect point pentru 5 cookie!; } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN," Tu nu ai 5 cookie !"); } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN," Tu nu ai 5000$ !"); } } } } dar cand o bag in mod si il compilez imi da dont send.. imi puteti spune.. va rog foarte frumos unde am gresit?.. multumesc
  15. Viper

    Aero Ls Stunt

    3/5 puteai sa adaugi mai mult si sa o faci mai frumoasa..
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