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Everything posted by yonutzz

  1. Ti-am Pus Si Coordonatele De Unde vrei sa te dea >unde vrei sa te dea
  2. [pawn] else if (PlayerToPointStripped(1, playerid,285.9558,-30.1434,1001.5156,355.6969, cx,cy,cz)) { //Gun Shop SetPlayerPos(playerid, 285.6994,-28.8683,1001.5156,347.8868); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~City Hall",5000,1); SetPlayerInterior(playerid,3); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 0); PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = 3; } else if (PlayerToPointStripped(1, playerid,286.0985,-25.0336,1001.5156,355.0935, cx,cy,cz)) { //Gun Shop SetPlayerPos(playerid, 286.4063,-23.6110,1001.5229,7.7720); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Los Santos",5000,1); SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 0); PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = 0; } [/pawn] //------------------------------------------- te duci la AddStaticPickup ,si bagi asta .si in loc de coordonata aia bagii care vrei AddStaticPickup(1318, 2, 1481.0842,-1772.3140,18.7958); //Gun shop afara AddStaticPickup(1318, 2, 1481.0842,-1772.3140,18.7958); //Gun Shop Astea leam zis la vrajeala
  3. Mai exact [Descarca SA-MP 0.3d R2 Client ] http://www.sa-mp.ro/index.php?page=download .de aici si intra in Pawno si deschizi FS-ul care il faci cu asta si nuti va mai da nicio eroare
  4. new paterno1,paterno2,paterno3,paterno4,paterno5,paterno6,paterno7,paterno8 [ ; ] asa trb sa ai Fara []
  5. Stiu problema ..cauta la new ballas1,ballas2,ballas4,ballas5,. [ stergele ] Si mai cauti o data Ballas1 si vei gasi. Ballas1 == AddStaticVehicleEx(.) in loc de ballas1 ,ballas2...etc ,pune paterno1 ,paterno2,paterno3 si asa mai departe.vei reusi . Apoi iti va da cva La new paterno1,parterno2.. un warning.uitate la liniie si la sfarsitul liniei pui [ ; ] Merita Sa Incerci ;)
  6. yonutzz

    masini help

    Ti se incurca id-urile.Intra pe server si numeri toate masinile.Dupa aceea te uiti de la ce id ai pus masinile de vanzare si intri in gamemode si cuti la Isanownablecar si acolo bagi id-urile de la masini care sunt de vanzare.
  7. Nu merge nici asa:( Precizez c am doar .amx si .pwn de la gamemode. Nu am toate folderele de la server.Eu am bagat gamemodu in alt server.
  8. am facut .. sa compilat .i-am dat drumu .dar nu-mi mg .mi se da restart la el . si cand intru in samp . nu-mi apre ca e pornit
  9. [pawn]C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(26) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "GetPlayerMoney") C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(27) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "ResetPlayerMoney") C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(28) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "GivePlayerMoney") C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(29) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "PutPlayerInVehicle") C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(30) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "GivePlayerWeapon") C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(31) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "SetPlayerPos") C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(32) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "SetVehiclePos") C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(1482) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerMoney" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(1514) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerMoney" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(1557) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerWeapon" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(1589) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(1771) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2172) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerMoney" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2704) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerMoney" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2835) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2845) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2911) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerWeapon" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2913) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2923) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2930) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2941) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2954) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2962) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2970) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2978) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2986) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(2994) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(3002) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(3010) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(3018) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(3026) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(3034) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" C:\Documents and Settings\Jok3r\Desktop\Raven's Roleplay 0.3d R2 V4.2\gamemodes\saveG.pwn(3042) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos" Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 26 Errors. [/pawn] Ce Pot Sai Fac Ajutatima va rog Chiar nu pot sa scap de aceste erori [pawn]#define GetPlayerMoney JB_GetPlayerMoney #define ResetPlayerMoney JB_ResetPlayerMoney #define GivePlayerMoney JB_GivePlayerMoney #define PutPlayerInVehicle JB_PutPlayerInVehicle #define GivePlayerWeapon JB_GivePlayerWeapon #define SetPlayerPos JB_SetPlayerPos #define SetVehiclePos JB_SetVehiclePos [/pawn] daca le dau la aceste cu /* ..*/ se compileaza fara Vreo eroare dar cand vreau sa pornesc Serverul imi zice [pawn] ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3d-R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team [14:17:58] filterscripts = "" (string) [14:17:58] [14:17:58] Server Plugins [14:17:58] -------------- [14:17:58] Loading plugin: streamer [14:17:58] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6 by Incognito loaded *** [14:17:58] Loaded. [14:17:58] Loaded 1 plugins. [14:17:58] [14:17:58] Ban list [14:17:58] -------- [14:17:58] Loaded: samp.ban [14:17:58] [14:17:58] [14:17:58] Filterscripts [14:17:58] --------------- [14:17:58] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [14:17:58] HouseInfo:0 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:1 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:2 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:3 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:4 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:5 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:6 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:7 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:8 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:9 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:10 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:11 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:12 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:13 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:14 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:15 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:16 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:17 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:18 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:19 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:20 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:21 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:22 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:23 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:24 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:25 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:26 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:27 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:28 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:29 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:30 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:31 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:32 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:33 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:34 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] HouseInfo:35 Owner: hTakings 0 hVec 0 [14:17:58] BizzInfo:0 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] BizzInfo:1 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] BizzInfo:2 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] BizzInfo:3 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] BizzInfo:4 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:0 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:1 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:2 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:3 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:4 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:5 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:6 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:7 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:8 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:9 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:10 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:11 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:12 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] SBizzInfo:13 Owner: Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:0/0 Interior:0. [14:17:58] EnableTirePopping() function is removed. [14:17:58] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3 [14:17:58] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap() [14:17:58] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 84 [14:17:58] [14:17:58] [14:17:58] Number of vehicle models: 0 [/pawn] Stiu ca nu se cer scripturi ..dar va rog dac aveti un junkbuster cva .. ajutatima (
  10. Nu ai bagat bine rotatiile sau nu pluginurile din 0.3d
  11. Nu ai cum sa nu gasesti.Cauta la [pawn]public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {[/pawn] Si acolo o sa ai PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount] =[pawn]PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount] =[/pawn] pentru cati sa ii dea in banca si dupa aceea cauta la[pawn]public OnPlayerLogin(playerid,password[])[/pawn] si ar trebuie sa fie ultimul pentru bani [pawn]GivePlayerMoney(playerid,[/pawn]
  12. yonutzz


    Pai cum vrei sa iti apara textul daca nu ai facut textdraw? Baga asta si o sa iti mearga.. [pawn]Create3DTextLabel("Bank Office\nType /enter to enter",0xFFFFFFFF,2309.1907,-8.5980,26.7422,20.0, 0, 1);[/pawn]
  13. Mie nu imi merge.cand dau sa cupar arme imi zice cva de radio..
  14. da masinile personale de ce nu poti sa le cumperi?intra in ele ca si cum nu ar fi de vanzare, adica poti sa mergi cu ele fara sa le cumperi, nu apare nimic sa dai sa le cumperi.La rent merg bine dar sa le cumperi nu.. din ce cauza?
  15. Cum fac la portile de la factiuni sa se deschida portile si cand Dau CAPSLOCK si cand dau click stanga la mouse?
  16. Salut, stiu ca nu se cer scripturi si imi cer scuze dar are cineva sami dea si mie map construction? ca de pe sa-mp.com nu merge linku de download, nu mai merge la nimeni si am mare nevoie de el.Va rog foarte mult sa ma ajutati.Ms
  17. In server.cfg la pluginuri ai adaugat extensia .so? de exemplu la streamer pune streamer.so , asa faci la toate pluginurile..
  18. Scuze ca sau facut 2 posturi, nu stiu din ce cauza.Imi cer scuze.Puteti sterge unu din ele.Multumesc
  19. Cum fac la portile de la factiuni sa se roteasca bine portile?Nu stiu cum trebuie adaugate rotatiile bine, si sa nu ziceti ca nu am includele updatate pentru 0.3d ca lea updatat dar degeaba, de Exemplu aici: Si poarte este creata asa: [pawn]CreateDynamicObject(980,1547.54284668,-1627.65795898,15.15620422,0.00000000,0.00000000,90.00000000);[/pawn] Si poarta asta care se deschide bine: [img width=500 height=375] [pawn]CreateObject(980, 1539.7956542969, -1627.5184326172, 15.156204223633, 0, 0, 90);[/pawn] Care este diferenta la rotatii, in afara ca coordonatele unde sunt puse portile nu sunt la fel.
  20. Cum fac la portile de la factiuni sa se roteasca bine portile?Nu stiu cum trebuie adaugate rotatiile bine, si sa nu ziceti ca nu am includele updatate pentru 0.3d ca lea updatat dar degeaba, de Exemplu aici: Si poarte este creata asa: [pawn]CreateDynamicObject(980,1547.54284668,-1627.65795898,15.15620422,0.00000000,0.00000000,90.00000000);[/pawn] Si poarta asta care se deschide bine: [img width=500 height=375] [pawn]CreateObject(980, 1539.7956542969, -1627.5184326172, 15.156204223633, 0, 0, 90);[/pawn] Care este diferenta la rotatii, in afara ca coordonatele unde sunt puse portile nu sunt la fel.
  21. 1.Titlu 2.Nu se cer fs-uri
  22. Ma puteti ajuta?chiar nu stie nimeni??scuze de 2x post dar sunt disperat, vreau sa rezolv asta ca so pot baga gm pe host :sad: :sad:
  23. de ce faci 2posturi? nu poti da edit la primu?
  24. problema asta o am si eu si nu am reusit so rezolv :sad:
  25. Salut am pe un server masini personale, dar cand intru in masina nu imi arata sa dau /v buy dar comanda merge , pot so cumpar masina doar ca nu imi apara cand ma urc in masina pretu si sa dau /v buy.. cum sa fac sa mearga? Defapt imi apare prima data cand ma duc repede la showroom sa cumpar iar dupa 2-3 minute nu imi mai apare sa dau /v buy sau daca am masina cumparata nu mai arata ca este a mea. Aceasta este de la /v buy [pawn] if(IsAnOwnableCar(newcar)) { if(CarInfo[newcar][cOwned]==0) { TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0); format(string,sizeof(string),"~w~Vehicle: %s~n~Price: ~g~%d~n~~w~/v buy to buy this vehicle~n~~r~/exit ~w~to exit this vehicle",CarInfo[newcar][cDescription],CarInfo[newcar][cValue]); GameTextForPlayer(playerid,string,5000,5); } if(CarInfo[newcar][cOwned]==1) { format(string,sizeof(string),""color_grey"Vehicul inregistrat pe numele:"wh" %s",CarInfo[newcar][cOwner]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, string); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] == vehicle) { } else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] == vehicle) { } //else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey3] == vehicle) { } else { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1338 && AdminDuty[playerid] == 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You can drive this car because you are admin on duty !"); } else { RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You don't have a key of this vehicle"); } } } } gLastCar[playerid] = newcar; gLastDriver[newcar] = playerid; }[/pawn] Acum am vazut ca la unele masini prima data cand intru in ea nu imi apare sa dau /v buy, ies din ea si daca intru iar imi aparare bine, si la cele cumparate tot asa face, daca un player intra prima data nu ii zice nimic, iar daca iesi si intra iar ii spune a cui este masina... Din ce cauza face asa?? :sad:
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