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  1. [pawn]C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2123) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2152) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2188) : error 004: function "SafeResetPlayerWeapons" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2189) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerWeapon" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2216) : error 004: function "SafeResetPlayerWeapons" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(3063) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(3591) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(3784) : error 004: function "RemoveRoadblock" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(3820) : error 004: function "ClearChatbox" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(3822) : error 004: function "ClearChatbox" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(3833) : error 004: function "SafeResetPlayerWeapons" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(3834) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerWeapon" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(3859) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(3984) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerWeapon" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4098) : error 004: function "ProxDetectorS" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4296) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4364) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4395) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4396) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4442) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4443) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4473) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4474) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4480) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4481) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(4504) : error 004: function "BusrouteEnd" is not implemented Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 26 Errors. [/pawn] Acum imi da asta.... Am sters asta si am repuso [pawn]if(strcmp(x_nr,"sell",true) == 0) { if(IsAtDealership(playerid)) { if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] || GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2]) { GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); new ownvehkey; if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey]) { ownvehkey = PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey]; } else if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2]) { ownvehkey = PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2]; } } else { return 1; } if(strcmp(sendername, CarInfo[ownvehkey][cOwner], true) == 0) { new carsellprice = CarInfo[ownvehkey][cValue] / 4 * 3; new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; new Float:a; CarInfo[ownvehkey][cOwned] = 0; strmid(CarInfo[ownvehkey][cOwner], "Dealership", 0, strlen("Dealership"), 999); SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid,carsellprice); PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~You have sold your car for: ~n~~g~$%d", carsellprice); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 10000, 3); GetVehiclePos(ownvehkey, x, y, z); GetVehicleZAngle(ownvehkey, a); CarInfo[ownvehkey][cLocationx] = x; CarInfo[ownvehkey][cLocationy] = y; CarInfo[ownvehkey][cLocationz] = z; CarInfo[ownvehkey][cAngle] = a; if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey]) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] = 999; } else if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2]) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] = 999; } RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] == ownvehkey) { SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0); SetPlayerPos(playerid,CarInfo[ownvehkey][cLocationx],CarInfo[ownvehkey][cLocationy],CarInfo[ownvehkey][cLocationz]); PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = 0; } OnPropUpdate(); OnPlayerUpdate(playerid); DestroyVehicle(ownvehkey); CreateVehicle(CarInfo[ownvehkey][cModel],CarInfo[ownvehkey][cLocationx],CarInfo[ownvehkey][cLocationy],CarInfo[ownvehkey][cLocationz]+1.0,CarInfo[ownvehkey][cAngle],CarInfo[ownvehkey][cColorOne],CarInfo[ownvehkey][cColorTwo],60000); return 1; } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You have to sit at your own car to sell it! "); return 1; } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You are not at a dealership"); return 1; }[/pawn] nu ii bine ceva la ea?
  2. [pawn]C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(16) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Utils" Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error. [/pawn] Dupa ce am facut cu alt pawno imi da eroarea asta...
  3. [pawn]C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2123) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2152) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2188) : error 004: function "SafeResetPlayerWeapons" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2189) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerWeapon" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2216) : error 004: function "SafeResetPlayerWeapons" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2687) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2698) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2710) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2714) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2726) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2730) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2734) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2738) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2742) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2746) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2750) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2754) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2766) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2770) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2774) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2778) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2782) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2794) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2798) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2802) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\Prada\Desktop\Gm la care lucrez\gamemodes\RO-RP.pwn(2814) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 26 Errors.[/pawn]
  4. Salut , am o problema si nu stiu sa o rezolv.Cand pun GM-u pe host , in consola imi arata ca ii pornit dar cand vreau sa intru pe server imi arata ca ii off , de ce?
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