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About ScandaL

  • Birthday 11/03/1995

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  1. Incearca asta .... if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 3)
  2. Am luat scriptul ala tkadmin l-am instalat am facut baza de date, pornesc server si cand ma contectez cade serveru In debug apare asta >> mysql_real_escape_string( Connection handle: 1 )
  3. Nici asa nu merge :|! Ce sa ii fac?
  4. Amo problema, nu imi apare textdraw chiad daca am urmat toti pasiI :-?? De ce? Uitati toate liniile! [pawn]new Text:Textdraw0;[/pawn] public OnPlayerConnect: [pawn]TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw0);[/pawn] public OnGameModeInit: [pawn]Textdraw0 = TextDrawCreate(4.000000, 435.000000, "Text"); TextDrawLetterSize(Text:Textdraw0, 20, 21); TextDrawColor(Text:Textdraw0, 0xFFFFFFFF); TextDrawSetShadow(Text:Textdraw0, 1); TextDrawSetOutline(Text:Textdraw0, 0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(Text:Textdraw0, 170); TextDrawFont(Text:Textdraw0, 1); TextDrawSetProportional(Text:Textdraw0, 1);[/pawn] Cand intru in joc nu apare nici un textdraw!
  5. Vreau sa fac si eu comanda asta sa fie folosita doar dintr-un loc nu de oriunde! if(strcmp(cmd, "/advertise", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/ad", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You havent logged in yet !"); return 1; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] < 5) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x4FA7FFFF, "*** You must be level 5 to use /ad"); return 1; } GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); new length = strlen(cmdtext); while ((idx < length) && (cmdtext[idx] <= ' ')) { idx++; } new offset = idx; new result[64]; while ((idx < length) && ((idx - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1))) { result[idx - offset] = cmdtext[idx]; idx++; } result[idx - offset] = EOS; if(!strlen(result)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: (/ad)vertise [advert text]"); return 1; } if ((!adds) && (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1)) { format(string, sizeof(string), " Please try again later %d seconds between Advertisements !", (addtimer/1000)); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, string); return 1; } new payout = idx * 25; if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < payout) { format(string, sizeof(string), "* You used %d characters which cost $%d, you don't have enough.", offset, payout); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string); return 1; } GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - payout); SBizzInfo[7][sbTill] += payout; ExtortionSBiz(7, payout); format(string, sizeof(string), "{6EF83C} â„¢|AD|:{FFFFFF} %s,{6EF83C} |Contact|:{0049FF} %s{6EF83C} |TEL|:{F81414} %d", result, sendername,PlayerInfo[playerid][pPnumber]); OOCNews(0xFFFFFFFF,string); format(string, sizeof(string), "~r~Paid $%d~n~~w~Message contained: %d Characters", payout, idx); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 5); if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1){SetTimer("AddsOn", addtimer, 0);adds = 0;} } return 1; } Coordonatele pe care vreau sa o pun: 844.7395,-1045.7008,25.4302
  6. ScandaL


    Nu imi mai da eroarea dar tot nu se pune icon pe mapa unde is casele!
  7. ScandaL


    Nu merge cu setplayermapicon .....vreau ca la fiecare casa sa puna un icon ! Uite cu SetPlayerMapIcon: D:\Samp GM\MR.ILLUSION\MrIllusion\gamemodes\eRP.pwn(8679) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition D:\Samp GM\MR.ILLUSION\MrIllusion\gamemodes\eRP.pwn(8679) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
  8. ScandaL


    Poi o folosesc in cateva locuri dar cand dau compile imi da urmatoarea eroare: [pawn]D:\Samp GM\MR.ILLUSION\MrIllusion\gamemodes\eRP.pwn(8569) : error 017: undefined symbol "CreateMapIcon"[/pawn] Uite unde vreau sa o folosesc: if(HouseInfo[h][hOwned] == 1) { format(PropertyString,sizeof(PropertyString),"%s \n Owner: %s \n Rent Price: $%d \n Description: %s \n To Rent Type /rentroom",HouseInfo[h][hMessage],HouseInfo[h][hOwner], HouseInfo[h][hRent], HouseInfo[h][hDiscription]); HouseLabel[h] = Create3DTextLabel(PropertyString ,0x7D0000FF,HouseInfo[h][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancez],25, 0, 1); HousePickup[h] = AddStaticPickup(1239, 1, HouseInfo[h][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancez]); CreateMapIcon(32, 0, HouseInfo[h][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancez]); }
  9. ScandaL


    Cum definesc urmatoarea funcite in gamemode [pawn]CreateMapIcon(32, 0, HouseInfo[h][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancez]);[/pawn]
  10. ScandaL


    Cine ma ajuta si pe mine cu comanda /mask care sa ascunda numele hitmanului si sa nu poata vb pe /pm.....Sa ascunda=sa dispara numele de deasupra capului!! PS: Dak postez la probleme godfather nu ma ajuta nimeni!!!
  11. Ma ajuta si pe mn cineva cu comada /mask cu care doar un hitman poate sa isi ascunda numele? adica sa nu ii mai apara numele deasupra capului si cand scrie sai ii puna "Uknown say:......................... Si sa pun un cabinet cu ce arme si skinuri vreau eu in el................pls help
  12. Ajutatima si pe mn va rog cu un totorial cu care sa bag comanda /fpk cu care un admin poate da afara un membru/lider al factiunii! Va rog ajutatima!
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