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Everything posted by Mititel

  1. Link-urile nu mai sunt bune.
  2. Si cum pot sa pun trivia automat si sa dau acces la anumiti playeri fara sa ma loghez in RCON ADMIN? Si daca ma poti ajuta sa-l bag in gm ca nu stiu :|
  3. Salut, am incercat sa pun un fel de trivia pe server, era o comanda care puneam eu intrebarea si raspunsul, dar comanda nu o puteam folosi din cauza ca nu eram autorizat s-o folosesc, eu find admin pe server nu a mers sa folosesc acea comanda. Acest fs am folosit: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=368100
  4. Vorbeste frumos. Uite aici: #include <a_samp> #include <core> #include <float> #include <time> #include <file> #include <utils> #include <morphinc> #include <Streamer>
  5. Pai cam ce pluginuri ar trebuie pentru un server? PS:Sa nu ma complic in atatea.
  6. Totul vedeti in poza !!! http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/9415/probleman.png
  7. Totul vedeti in poza !!! http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/9415/probleman.png
  8. Mititel

    Auto AFK

    Salut care ma ajuta si pe mine cu un sistem auto afk adica cand dai esc sau iesi in bara sa se schimbe culoare in negru si cand intri in joc sa-ti revina culoarea si sa nu ii poti da /w cat timp esti AFK si daca dai /w sa screi Acest Player este afk si cand revine la pc sa mearga /w si sa se schimbe culoare la loc Sper ca ati inteles...Multumesc.
  9. Deci daca saprg banca imi da wanted 10 si daca astept un anumit timp imi scade wanted-ul prea repede de la wanted 10 imi scade wanted 5 wanted 4 wanted 2 de odata si ramana cu wanted 2 si daca ma omoara un cops si ma baga jail tot am wanted ajutati-ma pls.... //--------------------------------------------------------- public SetPlayerCriminal(playerid,declare,reason[]) {//example: SetPlayerCriminal(playerid,255, "Stealing A Police Vehicle"); if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrimes] += 1; new points = WantedPoints[playerid]; new turned[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new turner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new turnmes[128]; new wantedmes[128]; new wlevel; strmid(PlayerCrime[playerid][pAccusedof], reason, 0, strlen(reason), 255); GetPlayerName(playerid, turned, sizeof(turned)); if (declare == 255) { format(turner, sizeof(turner), "Unknown"); strmid(PlayerCrime[playerid][pVictim], turner, 0, strlen(turner), 255); } else { if(IsPlayerConnected(declare)) { GetPlayerName(declare, turner, sizeof(turner)); strmid(PlayerCrime[playerid][pVictim], turner, 0, strlen(turner), 255); strmid(PlayerCrime[declare][pBplayer], turned, 0, strlen(turned), 255); strmid(PlayerCrime[declare][pAccusing], reason, 0, strlen(reason), 255); } } format(turnmes, sizeof(turnmes), "You've commited a Crime ( %s ). Reporter: %s.",reason,turner); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_1RED, turnmes); new wanted = GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid); SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, wanted + 1); if(points > 0) { new yesno; if(points == 3) { if(WantedLevel[playerid] != 1) { WantedLevel[playerid] = 1; wlevel = 1; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 4 && points <= 5) { if(WantedLevel[playerid] != 2) { WantedLevel[playerid] = 2; wlevel = 2; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 6 && points <= 7) { if(WantedLevel[playerid] != 3) { WantedLevel[playerid] = 3; wlevel = 3; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 8 && points <= 9) { if(WantedLevel[playerid] != 4) { WantedLevel[playerid] = 4; wlevel = 4; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 10 && points <= 11) { if(WantedLevel[playerid] != 5) { WantedLevel[playerid] = 5; wlevel = 5; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 12 && points <= 13) { if(WantedLevel[playerid] != 6) { WantedLevel[playerid] = 6; wlevel = 6; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 14 && points <= 15) { if(WantedLevel[playerid] != 7) { WantedLevel[playerid] = 7; wlevel = 7; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 16 && points <= 17) { if(WantedLevel[playerid] != 8) { WantedLevel[playerid] = 8; wlevel = 8; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 18 && points <= 19) { if(WantedLevel[playerid] != 9) { WantedLevel[playerid] = 9; wlevel = 9; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 20 && points <= 21) { if(WantedLevel[playerid] != 10) { WantedLevel[playerid] = 10; wlevel = 10; yesno = 1; } } if(WantedLevel[playerid] >= 1) { if(gTeam[playerid] == 3) { gTeam[playerid] = 4; } } if(yesno) { format(wantedmes, sizeof(wantedmes), "Current Wanted Level: %d", wlevel); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, wantedmes); for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pMember] == 1||PlayerInfo[i][pLeader] == 1 || PlayerInfo[i][pMember] == 2||PlayerInfo[i][pLeader] == 2 || PlayerInfo[i][pMember] == 3||PlayerInfo[i][pLeader] == 3) { format(cbjstore, sizeof(turnmes), "HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: %s",turner); SendClientMessage(i, TEAM_BLUE_COLOR, cbjstore); format(cbjstore, sizeof(turnmes), "HQ: Crime: %s, Suspect: %s",reason,turned); SendClientMessage(i, TEAM_BLUE_COLOR, cbjstore); } } } } } }//not connected } public Production() { new string[256]; for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pFishes] >= 5) { if(FishCount[i] >= 3) { PlayerInfo[i][pFishes] = 0; } else { FishCount[i] += 1; } } if(PlayerDrunk[i] > 0) { PlayerDrunk[i] = 0; PlayerDrunkTime[i] = 0; GameTextForPlayer(i, "~p~Drunk effect~n~~w~Gone", 3500, 1); } if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] < 6) { PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] += 1; } //+ 5 min to PayDay anti-abuse for(new k = 0; k < MAX_PLAYERS; k++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(k)) { if(gTeam[k] == 2 && CrimInRange(80.0, i,k)) { } else { WantedPoints[i] -= 3; if(WantedPoints[i] < 0) { WantedPoints[i] = 0; } new points = WantedPoints[i]; new wlevel; if(points > 0) { new yesno; if(points == 3) { if(WantedLevel[i] != 1) { WantedLevel[i] = 1; wlevel = 1; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 21 && points <= 20) { if(WantedLevel[i] != 10) { WantedLevel[i] = 10; wlevel = 10; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 19 && points <= 18) { if(WantedLevel[i] != 9) { WantedLevel[i] = 9; wlevel = 9; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 17 && points <= 16) { if(WantedLevel[i] != 8) { WantedLevel[i] = 8; wlevel = 8; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 15 && points <= 14) { if(WantedLevel[i] != 7) { WantedLevel[i] = 7; wlevel = 7; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 13 && points <= 12) { if(WantedLevel[i] != 6) { WantedLevel[i] = 6; wlevel = 6; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 11 && points <= 10) { if(WantedLevel[i] != 5) { WantedLevel[i] = 5; wlevel = 5; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 9 && points <= 8) { if(WantedLevel[i] != 4) { WantedLevel[i] = 4; wlevel = 4; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 7 && points <= 6) { if(WantedLevel[i] != 3) { WantedLevel[i] = 3; wlevel = 3; yesno = 1; } } else if(points >= 5 && points <= 4) { if(WantedLevel[i] != 2) { WantedLevel[i] = 2; wlevel = 2; yesno = 1; } } if(WantedLevel[i] >= 1) { if(gTeam[i] == 3) { gTeam[i] = 4; } } if(yesno) { format(string, sizeof(string), "Current Wanted Level: %d", wlevel); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, string); } } } } } } } } Astea sunt cele 2 coduri
  10. E bine ce ai zis dar fara comanda /afk si /back :|
  11. Nu vreau cu comenzi de genu /afk sau /back sa se puna direct afk cand nu se misca 5-10 minute si sa aiba o culoare gri inchis si sa nu ii poti da /w si sa ii poti da /w cand revine culoarea normala si cand cineva ii da /w sa zica ,,Acest player este afk"
  12. Am cauta aici si pe sa-mp.com si pe Google da nu gasesc nimic de auto afk. Adica cand cineva sta nemiscat 5-10 minute sa ii se schimbe culoarea si sa nu poata da un playeri celui afk /w si cand revine sa sa faca culoarea la loc am dat cautare pe google cu auto afk sistem dar tot imi da cu /afk si /back eu nu vreau sa fie cu /afk sau /back sa se puna automat singur afk si sa nu ii poti da /w playerului care e AFK si cand revine sa ii poti da /w si sa revina culoarea Ex: /w gigel salut si cand e afk sa scrie Acesta player este AFK si cand nu mai e afk sa ii poti da /w
  13. Cand un player pune un contract pentru factiunea hitman un membru nou de rank 1 nu poate lua bani cand il omoara ? de ce? ii dau /portable apoi contracts apoi givehit [name/id] si cand il omoara nu primeste suma pusa ( Va rog ajutati-ma :sad:
  14. Care ar fi comanda? /styles ?
  15. Am cautat pe pe forumu astape google pe sa-mp.com nu stiu unde sa mai caut ajutatima sa gasesc comanda de /facwarn adica daca esti lider la gang/mafie si memberi nu te asculta sa le dau faction warned si la 3/3 sa iasa automat dar sa apara si reson(motiv) de ce a fost dat afara si sa apara la toti care sunt in factiunii PLSS ajutati-ma va rog eu mult
  16. Deci cand un pd sau fac singur wanted nu scade, adica sacde dar nu apare ca a scazut de exemplu am wanted 4 nu imi arata cand ajunge la 3 pana fac wanted 0. Ma ajutati plss nu am cum sa va arata script-ul dar imi puteti da voi?
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