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Everything posted by RenDy

  1. RenDy


    Eu sunt cam incepator! as vrea sa stiu unde un GM pot pune obiectele ! nu stiu deloc va rog ajutatima am convertit mapa creata si mai dat obiectele da nu stiu cum sa le pun!
  2. RenDy


    am cautat in GM si nu am gasit nici una din cele 2 nici setgamemodetext("Nume_MODEL); era ceva de la un script care baga un tutorial cu textdraw la inceput si nici celalalt cu numele mapei nu lam gasit decat asta era atat
  3. RenDy


    Am o problema cu numele harti si modu cand dau drumu als erver imi apae la mod unknow si la mapa alt nume de al un server dar eu un server.cfg am pus ce nume am vrut eu da nu apare plz help!
  4. RenDy

    O problema

    Am bagat servru asta http://www.2shared.com/file/CAbkxeHf/Zonek.html pe un dedicat si imi da eraore la gamemod da cand il deschid la mn in pc merge.......si la alti a mers are niste pluginuri sscanf si streamer ii da eraore la alea 2 si dupa nu citeste gm-u plz help!
  5. Am o problema folosesc un mod RP mai exact http://solidfiles.com/d/w5hW/ si mere cand ies nu se salveaza si cand intru trb sa ma inregistrez air ...plz help
  6. plz help am sters chestia aia cu Nume_Prenume si mia dat eraorea asat plz zicetimi ce trb sa fac am asa
  7. Am bagat serveru pe host, si ala ala in calc cu host cand aprinde serveru ii da eroare la plugin streamer si sscanf , numi ruleaza gm zice gamescript 2 nu mai tin minte bine. PS: la mine in calc imi porneste si merge perfect dar la ala nu emrge ii da eraorea asta
  8. RenDy

    erori in pawno

    Am incercat si tot la fel .uitati cum am intre acele erori adica intre 26895-26917
  9. RenDy

    erori in pawno

    si asa #include <a_samp> #include <core> #include <float> #include <time> #include <file> #include <utils> #include <morphinc> #include <JunkBuster> #include <MidoStream> #pragma tabsize 0 static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS]; tot imi apar acelea
  10. As vrea sa modific numele unor factiuni cum fac?
  11. RenDy

    Help plz

    Daca ma puteti ajuta cu un script de unde pot cumpara amsini personale din jok cu /v buy sau alta comanda!!! va rog frumos!
  12. E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13135) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13136) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13141) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13142) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13150) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13151) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13156) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13157) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13165) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13166) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13171) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13172) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13180) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13181) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13186) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13187) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13195) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13196) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13201) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13202) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13210) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13211) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13216) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13217) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13112) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "objective" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13112) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "boot" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13112) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "bonnet" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13112) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13112) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "alarm" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13112) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13112) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "engine" E:\Zonek\gamemodes\Zonek.pwn(13111) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "veh" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 24 Errors. acu mia dat astea dupa ce am bagat ala de ai zis tu!
  13. Am un gm si mi-a dat urmatoarea eroare va rog zicetimi ce trb sa fac! am sters stream ala de la punctu 15 si dupa imi da mai multe erori despre nush ce e ceva cu object
  14. Nu stiu ce are cand dau /giverank zice acces denied
  15. Astai comanda /giverank si am bagat julebox la pawno in include si acu am niste erori C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\LSLRP\gamemodes\BlodZ.pwn(11325) : error 021: symbol already defined: "strtok" C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\LSLRP\gamemodes\BlodZ.pwn(11340) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\LSLRP\gamemodes\BlodZ.pwn(14174) : warning 219: local variable "mod" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\LSLRP\gamemodes\BlodZ.pwn(26894) : warning 217: loose indentation C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\LSLRP\gamemodes\BlodZ.pwn(26897) : warning 217: loose indentation C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\LSLRP\gamemodes\BlodZ.pwn(26900) : warning 217: loose indentation C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\LSLRP\gamemodes\BlodZ.pwn(26912) : warning 217: loose indentation C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\LSLRP\gamemodes\BlodZ.pwn(26916) : warning 217: loose indentation Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors.
  16. Nu stiu de ce imi apare aceasta eroare Si inca un lucru pe server cand dau /giverank zice acces denie plz ajutatima!
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