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  1. aLiNNN.


    Salut. Am si eu o problema. Am realizat o comanda cu 2 checkpointuri( un traseu pentru a transporta marfa). Dar cand ajung in primul checkpoint, se executa automat comanda /dropcar chiar daca nu am jobul.( mi se vinde masina si apare ca pot reveni peste 20 minute ) //=MUNCESTE1==================================================================================// if(strcmp(cmd, "/transport1", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 10 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 10) { CP[playerid] =1; SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -55.2474,-223.5161,5.4297, 4.0); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Transporta marfa la checkpoint."); return 1; } if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerToPoint(1.0,playerid, -55.2474,-223.5161,5.4297)) { CP[playerid] =1; SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -55.2474,-223.5161,5.4297, 4.0); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Transporta marfa la checkpoint."); return 1; } } } }
  2. aLiNNN.


    WOW primul stadion de fotbal pe care il vad facut de cineva ( Am mai vazut doar cel din lv si nici acela nu e de fotbal ) ... Super tare omule 100/100
  3. Imi place si e numa bun pentru un roleplay sasu godfather 5/5 apropo nu este cel de pe gla** ( dorinel , gaby ) server samp ( astea sunt indicii ca sa nu fac reclama la comunitate ) :grin:
  4. aLiNNN.

    Casa in copac

    Pana acum nu am mai vazut astfel de creatie =)) ...
  5. Pentru efortul depus 3/5 ... Dar sincer e ceva usor... SI ce cauta portile alea acolo? :angry:
  6. aLiNNN.


    4/5 ... Nu prea imi plac casele care au usa direct in apa :grin: ... Restul e ok!
  7. Mie unul nu imi place deloc... off: Nu prea admir creatiile pentru stunt/drift/etc... dar asta, chiar nu imi place!
  8. Ai dreptate.. Daca harta ar fi pentru role play, cine te-ar auzit si-ar face cruce!
  9. Tin sa va anunt, ca aceasta mapa este facuta cu mult timp in urma... Din pacate pe atunci strandu arata altfel... Azi l-am refacut pentru a-l posta pe samp ( Nu mai aveam mapa in pc ) Poze: 1. http://postimage.org/image/qyg8soqs/ 2. http://postimage.org/image/qz51uw5g/ 3. http://postimage.org/image/2or3t6s5g/ 4. http://postimage.org/image/2orc2vimc/ 5. http://postimage.org/image/2orfdy7lw/ CreateObject(987, 2336.4523925781, -1429.7327880859, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(3749, 2335.2006835938, -1411.1888427734, 28.850135803223, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(987, 2324.9995117188, -1433.1820068359, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 16); CreateObject(987, 2313.1674804688, -1433.2159423828, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 359.99914550781); CreateObject(987, 2304.6477050781, -1441.671875, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 43.994506835938); CreateObject(987, 2292.6540527344, -1441.7962646484, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 1.9892578125); CreateObject(987, 2289.6342773438, -1441.9063720703, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 1.988525390625); CreateObject(987, 2290.7028808594, -1429.9920654297, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 265.98852539063); CreateObject(987, 2291.6782226563, -1418.1765136719, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 265.98449707031); CreateObject(987, 2292.6254882813, -1406.3669433594, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 265.98449707031); CreateObject(987, 2293.4982910156, -1394.5416259766, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 265.98449707031); CreateObject(987, 2305.2895507813, -1394.4534912109, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 179.98449707031); CreateObject(987, 2316.869140625, -1394.4321289063, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 179.98352050781); CreateObject(987, 2328.7180175781, -1394.5290527344, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 179.98352050781); CreateObject(987, 2336.7827148438, -1394.4868164063, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 179.98352050781); CreateObject(987, 2324.087890625, -1394.6640625, 22.99250793457, 0, 0, 321.98352050781); CreateObject(9237, 2333.8825683594, -1397.8558349609, 30.872840881348, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(16337, 2335.2624511719, -1415.4291992188, 23, 0, 0, 268); CreateObject(1215, 2337.0297851563, -1405.6140136719, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2333.2082519531, -1405.4642333984, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2334.01953125, -1413.6879882813, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2336.8137207031, -1413.7474365234, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2336.9211425781, -1409.6795654297, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2336.6711425781, -1409.6705322266, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2336.4211425781, -1409.6617431641, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2336.1711425781, -1409.6529541016, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2335.9211425781, -1409.6441650391, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2335.6711425781, -1409.6353759766, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2335.1713867188, -1409.6184082031, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2335.4206542969, -1409.6263427734, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2334.9204101563, -1409.6096191406, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2334.6701660156, -1409.6011962891, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2334.4201660156, -1409.5924072266, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2334.1701660156, -1409.5836181641, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2334.169921875, -1409.5830078125, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2318.083984375, -1402.4794921875, 21.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2315.0869140625, -1402.3168945313, 21.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2315.0727539063, -1405.0794677734, 19.055110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2317.8674316406, -1405.1625976563, 19.055110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2308.8352050781, -1400.306640625, 19.055110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2306.5446777344, -1409.4331054688, 19.055110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2297.171875, -1411.7332763672, 19.055110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2295.5793457031, -1418.9343261719, 19.055110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2297.6879882813, -1430.0314941406, 19.055110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2303.400390625, -1426.7709960938, 19.055110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2312.1394042969, -1431.0142822266, 19.055110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2324.837890625, -1429.7239990234, 19.055110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2322.6809082031, -1421.0096435547, 18.416818618774, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2324.2353515625, -1410.8648681641, 18.873746871948, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2324.5727539063, -1402.3549804688, 19.123746871948, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2309.0070800781, -1416.0625, 19.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2310.1823730469, -1419.6220703125, 19.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2311.0700683594, -1412.7475585938, 19.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2313.8256835938, -1412.2856445313, 19.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2316.3811035156, -1413.3311767578, 19.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2317.7995605469, -1416.3814697266, 19.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2317.2106933594, -1419.6075439453, 19.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2314.826171875, -1420.5811767578, 19.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2311.5056152344, -1421.1243896484, 19.305110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2314.84375, -1400.3801269531, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2318.4223632813, -1400.3942871094, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2309.2563476563, -1400.53125, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2295.3662109375, -1416.4844970703, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2300.0310058594, -1430.1967773438, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2306.2541503906, -1430.7938232422, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2316.5288085938, -1431.2056884766, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2324.1083984375, -1423.1772460938, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2326.78125, -1417.2307128906, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1215, 2326.93359375, -1406.6010742188, 23.555110931396, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1637, 2328.6025390625, -1428.0832519531, 24.286273956299, 0, 0, 274); CreateObject(1598, 2306.2104492188, -1403.1385498047, 23.29249382019, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1598, 2309.1923828125, -1408.1822509766, 22.29249382019, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1598, 2303.3696289063, -1420.4310302734, 22.29249382019, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1598, 2312.0061035156, -1424.9187011719, 22.29249382019, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1598, 2328.1394042969, -1426.3992919922, 23.29249382019, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1598, 2328.2836914063, -1427.1341552734, 23.29249382019, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1598, 2328.1828613281, -1427.91796875, 23.29249382019, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1598, 2328.3759765625, -1428.8989257813, 23.29249382019, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1643, 2316.9248046875, -1407.5859375, 19.213430404663, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1461, 2307.078125, -1404.982421875, 23.790548324585, 0, 0, 268); CreateObject(1461, 2326.6962890625, -1414.8089599609, 23.790548324585, 0, 0, 95.994995117188); CreateObject(1461, 2295.6394042969, -1422.7833251953, 23.790548324585, 0, 0, 269.99304199219); CreateObject(1594, 2292.3115234375, -1432.7172851563, 23.212755203247, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1594, 2296.5703125, -1432.7579345703, 23.212755203247, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1594, 2296.8642578125, -1435.7846679688, 23.212755203247, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1594, 2297.0151367188, -1439.6063232422, 23.212755203247, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1594, 2292.4538574219, -1439.6387939453, 23.212755203247, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1594, 2292.509765625, -1436.1027832031, 23.212755203247, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(2964, 2303.2841796875, -1438.2329101563, 23, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(2964, 2306.6875, -1435.2121582031, 23, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(2964, 2300.3947753906, -1435.3479003906, 23, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1409, 2332.7058105469, -1417.7263183594, 23, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1409, 2332.732421875, -1403.7373046875, 23, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3361, 2302.2199707031, -1405.603515625, 24.999279022217, 0, 0, 88); CreateObject(1645, 2309.4797363281, -1396.7913818359, 23.348161697388, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1646, 2311.17578125, -1396.6849365234, 23.361236572266, 0, 0, 2); CreateObject(1646, 2312.669921875, -1396.5520019531, 23.361236572266, 0, 0, 1.99951171875); CreateObject(1646, 2314.4350585938, -1396.6461181641, 23.361236572266, 0, 0, 1.99951171875); CreateObject(1646, 2314.4345703125, -1396.6455078125, 23.361236572266, 0, 0, 1.99951171875); CreateObject(1646, 2318.1433105469, -1396.3937988281, 23.361236572266, 0, 0, 1.99951171875); CreateObject(1646, 2319.7177734375, -1396.2529296875, 23.361236572266, 0, 0, 1.99951171875); CreateObject(1646, 2321.29296875, -1396.1123046875, 23.361236572266, 0, 0, 1.99951171875); CreateObject(1646, 2322.9680175781, -1396.2009277344, 23.361236572266, 0, 0, 1.99951171875); CreateObject(1646, 2307.9331054688, -1396.7485351563, 23.361236572266, 0, 0, 1.99951171875); CreateObject(1646, 2306.2575683594, -1396.6594238281, 23.361236572266, 0, 0, 1.99951171875); p.s Cei care vreti fisierul .map PM ME!
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