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  1. dariumare's Fight Styles System v1.0 Descriere: Cu acest fs veti putea merge in gym deunde sa invatati fightstyle care se salveaza sql Am lucrat 5 ore la el1 Este 100% facut de mine Comenzi: /learn - /learn si stilul de lupta, trebuie sa fii in gym si te costa 10.000$ /fightstyle - /fightstyle si numele stilului Download: Pastebin Download 1 Credits: dariumare - for filterscript Zh3r0 - for SQLite tutorial SAMP Team - pentru SQLite in sampl Bugs: Eu nu am gasit nici unul dar daca gasiti postati aici! PS. Este primul meu filterscript decinu va luati de mine!
  2. 1. Nush 2. dcmd_giveallweapon(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 9) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index, weap, WeapName[32], string[128]; tmp = strtok(params,Index); new ammo = strval(tmp); tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "USAGE: /giveallweapon [weapon id/weapon name] [ammo]"); if(!strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2) || strval(tmp2) <= 0 || strval(tmp2) > 99999); if(!IsNumeric(tmp)) weap = GetWeaponIDFromName(tmp); else weap = strval(tmp); if(!IsValidWeapon(weap)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"ERROR: Invalid weapon ID"); CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,"GIVEALLWEAPON"); for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { PlayerPlaySound(i,1057,0.0,0.0,0.0); GivePlayerWeapon(i,weap,ammo); } } GetWeaponName(weap, WeapName, sizeof(WeapName) ); format(string,sizeof(string),"Administrator \"%s\" has given all players a %s (%d) with %d rounds of ammo", pName(playerid), WeapName, weap, ammo); return SendClientMessageToAll(blue, string); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"ERROR: You are not a high enough level to use this command"); } 3. Nu inteleg ce teai complicat la comanda aia
  3. am creat un enum si imi da o gramad de erori: enum pKnow { Boxing, Kungfu, Kneehead, Grabkick, Elbow, }; new PlayerKnow[MAX_PLAYERS][pKnow]; si primesc C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(79) : warning 219: local variable "ID" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(83) : error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant) C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(84) : warning 213: tag mismatch C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(84) : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(79) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Kungfu" C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(101) : warning 219: local variable "Kneehead" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(105) : error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant) C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(106) : warning 213: tag mismatch C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(106) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(101) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Kneehead" C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(123) : warning 219: local variable "Grabkick" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(127) : error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant) C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(128) : warning 213: tag mismatch C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(128) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(123) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Grabkick" C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(145) : warning 219: local variable "Elbow" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(149) : error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant) C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(150) : warning 213: tag mismatch C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(150) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(145) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Elbow" C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(177) : error 017: undefined symbol "Result" C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(179) : error 017: undefined symbol "Result" C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(181) : error 017: undefined symbol "Result" C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(183) : error 017: undefined symbol "Result" C:\Users\Patricia\Downloads\Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM\SAMP\filterscripts\FFS.pwn(185) : error 017: undefined symbol "Result" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 9 Errors.
  4. Nu nu are nici o legatura db_query si db_freeresult fac acelasi lucru numai ca db_freeresult elimina toata informatia an rezolvat cu: Nu trebuia asa: format(Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE `FightStyles` SET `Boxing` = '%d' WHERE `Nume` = '%s'",boxing, playerid); ci trebuia format(Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE `FightStyles` SET `Boxing` = '%d' WHERE `Nume` = '%s'",boxing, Name(playerid)); si mai jos: Name(i){ new n[24]; GetPlayerName(i,n,24); return n; }
  5. Am facut un fs si lam compilat si nu mi-a dat erori dar cand scriu comanda in joc nu merge ce am gresit if(strcmp(cmd, "/boxing", true) == 0) { new Query[256]; new boxing = 1; format(Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE `FightStyles` SET `Boxing` = '%d' WHERE `Nume` = '%s'",boxing, playerid); db_free_result(db_query(Database, Query)); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Bravo, ai invatat boxing!"); return 1; }
  6. Exista vreu buton pe care sa pot vedea compiler output? De ex: dupa ce dau x sa mai pot vedea odata ultima compilare ce a aparut
  7. dariumare


    am facut tot ce ai zis si acum nu mai imi da erori dar nu functioneaza sistemul de Puncte de Penalizare uite aici: http://pastebin.com/qjWWMxPu
  8. dariumare


    am primit niste erori si nustiu cum sa le rezolv: D:\Resurse\SAMP\gamemodes\OnlyKill.pwn(28085) : error 036: empty statement D:\Resurse\SAMP\gamemodes\OnlyKill.pwn(28112) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors. si aici liniile: if(strcmp(cmd, "/examen", true) == 0) { if(PlayerToPoint(5.0,playerid,1413.2693,-1700.6459,13.5395)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPP] == 15); //linia 28085 { if(GetPlayerCash(playerid) >= 500) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] == 0) { if(DMVPrepare[playerid] == 0) { DMVPrepare[playerid] = 1; GivePlayerCash(playerid,-5000); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~~h~-5000", 5000, 1); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"Deja dai testul !"); } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"Deja ai licenta de sofer !" ); } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"Nu ai bani pentru a da testul !"); } } else //linia 28112 { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY, "Ai 15 puncte penalizare, fa cerere pe forum pentru a primi carnetul inapoi !"); } } }
  9. dariumare


    Uitati am am facut asa Am pus un timer si tot nu merge new tim1; tim1 = SetTimer("Door0open",1,true) //public public Door0open() { new Float:a, Float:b, Float:c; new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; a = 1571.34863281; b = -1636.45898438; c = 12.70115089; new lift0 = GetObjectPos(lift, x, y, z); if(lift0 == a,b,c) { MoveDynamicObject(door0a,1568.36059570,-1635.38269043,13.54676056,4.0); MoveDynamicObject(door0b,1568.36059570,-1635.38183594,15.04676056,4.0); liftpos = 0; KillTimer(tim1); } }
  10. dariumare


    Deci, am facut un lift la Police Departament cu care sa ajungi pe cladire la elicopter. Eu vreau ca doar cand ajungi sus sa se deschida usa, nu inainte. Uite un alt link la pastebin http://pastebin.com/6vSpJYP9
  11. dariumare


    Deci am facut un lift la PD care sa urce sus si vreau ca doar can ajunge liftul jos sau sus sa se deschida usa nu inainte!Help http://paste2.org/p/1499397(pastebin nu merge)
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