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Everything posted by keri22

  1. keri22

    20 error's

    D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1208) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1209) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1214) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1215) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1227) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1228) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1233) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1234) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1246) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1247) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1252) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1253) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1282) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1283) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1288) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1289) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1301) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1302) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1307) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(1308) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetVehicleParamsEx" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(3507) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "alarm" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(3507) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "bonnet" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(3507) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "boot" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(3507) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(3507) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "engine" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(3507) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights" D:\Scripturi samp\Drift Universe 0.3c\gamemodes\DU.pwn(3507) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "objective" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 20 Errors. :-?? de la imi da errorile acestea nu inteleg :@
  2. keri22

    3 spawnuri

    Salut! Cum pot face 2 spawnuri am incercat sa fac dar imi dadea diferit errori, ma putite ajuta va rog frumos ?
  3. incearca in loc de 1 sa pui 0 poate merge
  4. keri22

    [MAP] Banca-Ls

    Mda.. nu stiu unde vezi tu elefanti cred ca sunt doar in creieri tai aia goi .IN fine nu am chef sa ma cert cu tine Pace!
  5. Salut! Am incercat sa pun numere de imatriculare in gm dar mi-a esuat ,intr-un timp vazusem un SF in genu asta ma poate ajuta cineva sau daca imi poate spune cum sa fac?
  6. Vezi ca placa ta audio orie e busita ori nu ai instalat bine windowsul din 2 tot iese 1 .Aceasta problema am avuto si eu ,era de placa audio era pe cale de "Recycle Bin"
  7. Poate nu dai compile si apesi pe X si dupa dai click pe yes paote asa faci tu ,acuma nu stiu ce sa zic . Dami id-ul tau prin pm ca te ajut :)
  8. pui astea la new new AFK[MAX_PLAYERS]; Pui sub public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) asta AFK[playerid] = 0; Asta o pui la IF; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) { admins --; if(AFK[playerid] == 1) { afkadmins --; } } Asta la else: else if(listitem == 5) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 6) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "* You are not authorized to use this option"); return 1; } if(AntiAfk == 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "* You have Turned off the Anti AFK detection!"); AntiAfk = 0; format(string, sizeof(string), "[ADMIN]: %s has turned off the Anti AFK detection.",sendername); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string, 5); } else if(AntiAfk == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "* You have Turned on the Anti AFK detection!"); AntiAfk = 1; format(string, sizeof(string), "[ADMIN]: %s has turned on the Anti AFK detection.",sendername); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string, 5); } } Asta la Text Drawn Textdraw50 = TextDrawCreate(311.000000, 111.000000, "You are AFK. ~n~To Get Back Type Any Command ~n~or Press 'ENTER_VEHICLE' Key"); TextDrawAlignment(Textdraw50, 2); TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraw50, -65281); TextDrawFont(Textdraw50, 1); TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw50, 0.800000, 4.700000); TextDrawColor(Textdraw50, 255); TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw50, 1); TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw50, 1); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si asta e comanda /afk if (strcmp(cmd, "/afk", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) { if(AFK[playerid] == 0) { if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { GetPlayerPos(playerid,TeleportDest[playerid][0],TeleportDest[playerid][1],TeleportDest[playerid][2]); SafeSetPlayerPos(playerid, 0,0,2500); } else { GetVehiclePos(idcar, TeleportDest[playerid][0],TeleportDest[playerid][1],TeleportDest[playerid][2]); SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0,0,2500); } afkadmins ++; AFK[playerid] = 1; TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw5); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw50); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw44); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw45); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw55); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw49[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw51[playerid]); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pWatch] == 1) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw56); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw57); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw58); } } else { if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) SafeSetPlayerPos(playerid, TeleportDest[playerid][0],TeleportDest[playerid][1],TeleportDest[playerid][2]); else SetVehiclePos(idcar, TeleportDest[playerid][0],TeleportDest[playerid][1],TeleportDest[playerid][2]); afkadmins --; AFK[playerid] = 0; TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw5); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw50); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw44); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw45); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw49[playerid]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw51[playerid]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw55); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pWatch] == 1) { TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw56); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw57); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw58); } } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "* Access Denied."); } } return 1; } Eu asta o am in GM si la 60 de secunde il baga automat pe jucator AFK
  9. Multumesc SonGoKu daca nu erai tu ramaneam cu buza umflata
  10. Tot la fel imi scrie unknown :|nu merge nu stiu dece :@ am facut cum ai spus
  11. keri22

    [MAP] Banca-Ls

    Cred ca mai bine taceai ) sincer vorbind uitate si tu cand e postata mapa si nu cred ca are vreun sens ce ai spus tu dar in fine pace!
  12. Ai un bug de la filescript . Scoatel si baga altul tot cu antispam ,asa am patit si eu si am facut asa iar dupa aceea am scapat de problema >
  13. Salut! Am urcat serverul de samp pe linux totul merge bine,dar ceva nu functioneaza la Gm imi scrie " unknown".Oare de la ce poate fii ? cineva mi-a spus sa rebag scriptfilesu am incercat si asa dar degeaba. Ma puteti ajuta? Multumesc!
  14. Nu ma ajuta si pe mine nimeni :(
  15. Da cum spune The Boss nu are nici o problema Gm :-?
  16. Salut! M-am uitat pe tutorialu depe sa-mp cum bagi pe linux un server dar nimic nam inteles :| cine imi poate spune cu lux de amanunte? va rog e urgent
  17. keri22

    Doresc ceva!

    Prietene dar faci ceva frumos ) daca te tine daca nu bine :evil:
  18. keri22

    Doresc ceva!

    Da :| ce-i asa exagerat de ex pe un server din UK asa era :|
  19. keri22

    Doresc ceva!

    pa cookie pe asta o am si eu dar vreau sa semnalizeze:))
  20. Salut! Am observat pe munte servere daca apesi Q sau E spune ca X semnalizeaza catre "dreapta sau Stanga" Am incercat sa imi fac singur comanda dar nu a mers . Cine ma poate ajuta
  21. Bagati un pawno nou http://www.sa-mp.com/download.php
  22. keri22


    De unde pot lua un streamer pentru obiect? Ma puteti ajuta?
  23. deci nu imi merge sa iau nici o arma si nu mi se vad pesti ce ar trebui sa fac ?
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