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Everything posted by AsSsASIN

  1. Se poate adauga un proxdetector la Onplayertext? Eu ma dezactivat Realchatu. Merci:)
  2. Da dar : if (x > minx && x < maxx && y > miny && y < maxy) return 1; ?
  3. Nu pot sa fac cordonatele stiti cum pot schimba asta : public IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float:minx, Float:maxx, Float:miny, Float:maxy) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); if (x > minx && x < maxx && y > miny && y < maxy) return 1; return 0; } in minx miny maxx maxy?
  4. Asa a zis si MoroJr, si ce am inteles, Nimic.. mai explicit? Un exemplu poate?
  5. Unde sa pun if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 1501.274, -1737.13, 1634.373, -1595.012)) { TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, PD); } else { TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,PD); } Ca sa mearga ?
  6. Ex asta : new Float:Zones[][GPSInfo] = { { "Police Departament Turf.", 1508.879, -1741.078, 1721.838, -1595.012, 900.00} }; A zis ca trebuie cordonatele de la 3d ceva de genu :|Cum ai afla cordonatele de la un Gangzone. Asa a zis MoroJr...
  7. ?????? dan: nu ?????? dan: iti trebuie 3d ?????? dan: si min_z , respectiv max_z Cum adica? Cum le aflu ?
  8. /*********************************** * Simple GPS System * * Version 1 * * Creator: Littlejohny * * Script by GTA-Scripting.tk * ************************************/ /* Thanks to Mabako for the Zones! */ #include <a_samp> new Text:gps[MAX_PLAYERS]; enum GPSInfo { zone_name[30], Float:zone_minx, Float:zone_miny, Float:zone_minz, Float:zone_maxx, Float:zone_maxy, Float:zone_maxz } new Float:Zones[][GPSInfo] = { { "Police Departament Turf.", 1508.879, -1741.078, 1721.838, -1595.012} }; new gMax; new GPS_Spawned[MAX_PLAYERS]; forward GPS(); public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("************************************"); print("* Simple GPS System *"); print("* Version 1 *"); print("* Creator: Littlejohny *"); print("* Script by GTA-Scripting.tk *"); print("************************************"); SetTimer("GPS", 500, 1); gMax = GetMaxPlayers(); for(new i=0; i<gMax; i++) { gps[i] = TextDrawCreate(0.0, 0.0,"GPS"); TextDrawAlignment(gps[i],0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(gps[i],0x000000ff); TextDrawFont(gps[i],3); TextDrawLetterSize(gps[i],0.199999,1.100000); TextDrawColor(gps[i],0xffffffff); TextDrawSetOutline(gps[i],1); TextDrawSetProportional(gps[i],1); } return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { print("************************************"); print("* Simple GPS System *"); print("* Version 1 *"); print("* Creator: Littlejohny *"); print("* Script by GTA-Scripting.tk *"); print("************************************"); return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { GPS_Spawned[playerid] = 0; return 1; } public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { GPS_Spawned[playerid] = 1; return 1; } public OnPlayerDeath(playerid,killerid,reason) { GPS_Spawned[playerid] = 0; return 1; } public GPS() { new str[256]; for(new i=0; i<gMax; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(GPS_Spawned[i] == 1) { format(str,sizeof(str),"%s", GetPlayerArea(i)); TextDrawSetString(gps[i], str); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, gps[i]); } else { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, gps[i]); } } } return 1; } stock GetPlayerArea(playerid) { new str[130]; format(str,sizeof(str),"%s",Zones[GetPlayerZone(playerid)][zone_name]); return str; } stock GetPlayerZone(playerid) { new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid,x,y,z); for(new i=0;i<sizeof(Zones);i++) { if(x > Zones[i][zone_minx] && y > Zones[i][zone_miny] && z > Zones[i][zone_minz] && x < Zones[i][zone_maxx] && y < Zones[i][zone_maxy] && z < Zones[i][zone_maxz]) return i; } return false; } Dar nu se vede unde trebuie, dupa ce m-am loghat, apare pe ecran, ce are :|?
  9. new Float:Zones[][GPSInfo] = { { "Police Departament Turf.", -2997.40, -2892.90, -242.90, -1213.90, -1115.50, 900.00} }; Nu inteleg acest cod (-2997.40, -2892.90, -242.90, -1213.90, -1115.50, 900.00) Ar trebuii sa fie un Gangzone... dar sunt prea multe, ce sunt fiecare?
  10. Incerc acum, dau EDIT daca merge... EDIT : Nu merge
  11. Degeaba pun eu SetTimer ca tot nu merge... si chiar nu ma pot logha...
  12. Functia : public IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float:minx, Float:maxx, Float:miny, Float:maxy) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); if (x > minx && x < maxx && y > miny && y < maxy) return 1; return 0; } Scriptu pus in OnPlayerSpawn : if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, -1591.064, 1702.824, -1741.078, 1539.302)) { PD = TextDrawCreate(0.0, 434.0,"Police Departament Turf."); TextDrawFont(PD,3); TextDrawLetterSize(PD,10,10); TextDrawColor(PD,0xF6F6F6FF); TextDrawSetShadow(PD,1); TextDrawSetOutline(PD,1); TextDrawBackgroundColor(PD,0x000FF); TextDrawUseBox(PD,0); return 1; } LE: Nu se vede nimic :|
  13. As dori sa stiu un lucru, cum se poate face ca cand intru intr-o locatie ( ex: 1539.302, -1733.182, 1695.218, -1606.855) sa imi arata un TextDraw (Police Departament Turf.). Multumesc!
  14. Mar loa o gramada, mai bine astept poate stie cineva..
  15. Cum se numeste animu care bagi cartela in interfon?
  16. Dialog : if(dialogid == 4) { if(strlen(inputtext)) { new tmppass[64]; strmid(tmppass, inputtext, 0, strlen(inputtext), 255); Encrypt(tmppass); OnPlayerLogin(playerid,tmppass); } else { new loginstring[128]; new loginname[64]; GetPlayerName(playerid,loginname,sizeof(loginname)); format(loginstring,sizeof(loginstring),"WRONG PASSWORD\nPlease enter the correct password:",loginname); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,4,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Login",loginstring,"Login","Exit"); } } Cand dau login cu orce parola m-as loga tot ma baga!
  17. Daca erai inteligent, puteai sa le bagi in GameMode si sa modifici scriptul... asta-i scriptu : if((IsACop(playerid)) degeaba il modifici in FileScript pt ca o sa zica ca nu stie ce este IsACop...
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