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  1. Salut, am si eu o 'problema' cu un cod de ProgressBar. E pe baza de exp si atunci cand ating (100+/100) se reseteaza la 0. Vreau ca atunci cand fac de ex. 200/100 sa faca level up si sa imi ramana 100/200 (pentru urmatorul level). function giveExp(playerid, expAmount) { new exp_String[64], szStr[128], query[100]; if(!expAmount) expAmount = 1; PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp] += expAmount; SCMf(playerid, -1, "{ffffff}Ai primit %d puncte de experienta (total %d).",expAmount,PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp]); format(exp_String,64,"~g~+%d EXPERIENCE",expAmount); GameTextForPlayer(playerid,exp_String,3000,1); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp] >= PlayerInfo[playerid][pNeedExp]) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp] = 0; UpdateProgress(playerid); PlayerInfo[playerid][pNeedExp] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pNeedExp] + 100; PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] ++; SetPlayerScore(playerid,PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]); UpdateProgress(playerid); mysql_format(SQL, query, 100, "UPDATE `users` SET `Level` = '%d' WHERE `ID` = '%d' LIMIT 1", PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel], PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID]); mysql_tquery(SQL, query, "", ""); Update(playerid, pNeedExpx); format(szStr, sizeof szStr,"Ai avansat la level {ffffff}%d{25a869} deoarece ai acumulat destula experienta.",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]); SCM(playerid, 0x25a869FF, szStr); } return true; } function UpdateProgress(playerid) { new string[512]; format(string, sizeof(string), "Level: %d (%d/%d Exp)", PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel], PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp], PlayerInfo[playerid][pNeedExp]); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, HudBarTD, string); PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, HudBarTD); SetPlayerProgressBarMaxValue(playerid, HudProgress[playerid], PlayerInfo[playerid][pNeedExp]); SetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, HudProgress[playerid], PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp]); SetPlayerProgressBarColour(playerid, HudProgress[playerid], COLOR_SVORANGE); ShowPlayerProgressBar(playerid, HudProgress[playerid]); return 1; }
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