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Everything posted by Marius30014

  1. @Flint comanda: } YCMD:buycrate(playerid, params[], help) { new x; if(PlayerToPoint(3, playerid, 417.6335,-2570.5161,13.8522)) x = 0; else if(PlayerToPoint(3, playerid, 409.9367,-2564.2122,13.8522)) x = 1; else if(PlayerToPoint(3, playerid, 402.3880,-2564.2168,13.8522)) x = 2; else if(PlayerToPoint(3, playerid, 402.9582,-2576.2825,13.8522)) x = 3; else if(PlayerToPoint(3, playerid, 400.0225,-2570.4521,13.8522)) x = 4; else return SCM(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Nu esti in zona crate-urilor."); AlegeCrates[playerid] = x; gString[0] = EOS; format(gString, sizeof(gString), "{A0C4D3}Doresti sa cumperi un %s Crate?\nAcest crate costa {1A79A2}(%d GPoints / %d Premium Points){A0C4D3}.", CrateName[x], CratePrice[x][0], CratePrice[x][1]); ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, DIALOG_BUYCRATES, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Buy Crate", gString, "Da", "Nu"); return true; } DIALOGUL: } } } case DIALOG_BUYCRATES: { if(!response) return true; format(gString, sizeof(gString), "Payment\tPrice\nGPoints\t{E26AF2}%d\nPremium Points\t{EEEE3F}%d", CratePrice[AlegeCrates[playerid]][0], CratePrice[AlegeCrates[playerid]][1]); ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, DIALOG_BUYCRATES1, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Buy Crate", gString, "Da", "Nu"); } case DIALOG_BUYCRATES1: { if(!response) return true; new x = AlegeCrates[playerid]; switch(listitem) { case 0: { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCPoints] < CratePrice[x][0]) return SCMf(playerid, -1, "Nu ai suficiente GPoints"); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCPoints] -= CratePrice[x][0]; format(gString, sizeof(gString), "(Crate Systems) {FFFFFF} Ti-ai cumparat o cutie (%s) pentru {E26AF2}%d GPoints {FFFFFF} ! Total cutii rare: %d [%d total - general]", CrateName[x], CratePrice[x][0], PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrates][x]+1, totalcrates(playerid)+1); Update(playerid, pCPointsx); } case 1: { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints] < CratePrice[x][1]) return SCMf(playerid, -1, "Nu ai suficiente puncte premium."); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints] -= CratePrice[x][1]; format(gString, sizeof(gString), "(Crate Systems) {FFFFFF} Ti-ai cumparat o cutie (%s) pentru {EEEE3F}%d PP {FFFFFF} ! Total cutii rare: %d [%d total - general]", CrateName[x], CratePrice[x][1], PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrates][x]+1, totalcrates(playerid)+1); Update(playerid, pPremiumPointsx); } } SCM(playerid, -1, "Pentru a deschide o cutie, foloseste /opencrate."); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrates][x] ++; save_crates(playerid); }
  2. Salut sa-mp.ro am si eu o problema cand dau /buycrates pe telefon si dau da imi da crate fara sa se selecteze. Eu vreau sa fac pe telefon sa se selecteze prima caseta GPoints prima daca doriti discordul meu:AlbertDev#1810 doar sa se selecteze prima caseta pe telefon cand dai /buycrates Salutari!
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