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Adan Barbaros

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  1. Header size: 45816 bytes Code size: 4164168 bytes Data size: 60122532 bytes Stack/heap size: 262144 bytes; estimated max. usage: unknown, due to recursion Total requirements:64594660 bytes Rezolvari ?
  2. Da-mi liniile 2832 9447 9448 9449 11112 11120 11725 11728 21135 21136 21137 21138 21139 21140 21141 21142 21143 21144 21145 21146 21146 21148 21149 21150 21151 Si te ajut.
  3. Salut, as dorii daca se poate sa imi faceti un textdraw de tip /updates asemanator cu asta doar ca asta e /v sau cum as putea sa-i schimb comanda [/] new Float:ChangePos[MAX_PLAYERS][3]; new ChangePos2[MAX_PLAYERS][2]; //new Float:PlayerPos[MAX_PLAYERS][6]; new Float:TeleportDest[MAX_PLAYERS][7]; new reg[ ] = "{ee5555}/v buy{FFFFFF} -cumperi un vehicul personal\n{ee5555}/v sell[1,2,3,4,5]{FFFFFF}- vinzi masina slot 1 ,2 ,3,4 sau 5\n", reg2[ ] = "{ee5555}/v color[1,2,3,4,5]{FFFFFF} - schimbi culoare masinii 1,2,3,4 sau 5.\n{ee5555}/v sellto[1,2,3,4,5]{FFFFFF}- vinzi masina 1,2,3,4 sau 5 unui player.\n", reg3[ ] = "{ee5555}/v sellex - Vinzi masina cu 1$.\n", reg4[ ] = "{ee5555}/v plate[1,2,3,4,5]{FFFFFF} - schimbi numarul la masina 1,2,3,4 sau 5 \n", reg5[ ] = "{ee5555}/v locate[1,2,3,4,5]{FFFFFF} - vezi locatia masinii 1,2,3,4 sau 5\n", reg6[ ] = "{ee5555}/v color[1,2,3,4,5]{FFFFFF} - schimbi culoarea masinii 1,2,3,4 sau 5\n{ee5555}/towcar - {FFFFFF}iti respawnezi masina personala \n", reg7[ ] = "{ee5555}/v park{FFFFFF} - iti parchezi masina in locul dorit \n{ee5555}/v lock[1,2,3,4,5]{FFFFFF} - incui / descui masinile 1,2,3,4 sau 5\n", reg8[ ] = "{ee5555}/v info{FFFFFF}- vezi detalii despre vehiculele tale personale\n{FFFFFF}Serverul contine 241 de masini personale\n\n{118DCF}********Masinile se cumpara de la dealere [/gps]********* "; EDIT: NU MA PRICEp
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