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Everything posted by alexking

  1. Salut, am incercat sa fac comanda /endlive sa opreasca live-ul si cand un jucator e online insa nu merge. Aveti vreo idee? YCMD:endlive(playerid, params[], help) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 9) if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] == 5) { for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(TalkingLive != 255) { SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "The live has been canceled."); TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1); TalkingLive = 255; } } } return 1; }
  2. Salut, am gamemode-ul B-Hood by HPQ123 si are o problema la find, cand dau /find imi da in alta locatie. YCMD:find(playerid, params[], help) { if(JobWorking[playerid] == 1) return 1; if(CP[playerid] != 0 || targetfind[playerid] != -1) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CHECKPOINT, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Checkpoint", "Ai deja un checkpoint activ.\nDoresti sa-l anulezi? Daca da, apasa pe 'Ok'.", "Ok", "Exit"); new id,giveplayer[30],string[100]; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 8 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] != 11 && !IsACop(playerid)) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Nu ai jobul 'Detective'."); if(sscanf(params, "u",id)) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: {FFFFFF}/find <playerid/name>"); if(!IsPlayerConnected(id) || id == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Acel player nu este conectat."); if(Spectate[id] != 255) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Acel player este ocupat!"); if(id == playerid) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Nu poti folosi aceasta comanda asupra ta!"); if(togfind[id] == 1) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_GREY, "Acel player nu poate fi urmarit!"); if(GetPVarInt(id, "Undercover") == 1) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Acel player este ocupat!"); if(BizRobbed[playerid] != 0) return 1; if(togfind[id] == 1 && OnDuty[playerid] == 0 && PlayerHit[playerid] == -1) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_LGREEN, "Eroare: Acel player nu poate fi urmarit!"); UsedFind[playerid] = 1; GetPlayerName(id, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer)); new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z; GetPlayerPos(id, X,Y,Z); SetPlayerCheckpointEx(playerid, X,Y,Z, 3.5); targetfind[playerid] = id; CP[playerid] = 53; format(string, sizeof(string), "* Punctul rosu a fost setat pe %s (%d) care se afla in zona %s.",giveplayer,id,GetPlayerZone(id)); SCM(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,string); for(new m; m < 2; m++) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDailyMission][m] == 12) CheckMission(playerid, m); } return 1; }
  3. Salut, am si eu o intrebare Cum pot face functia ''Spawn All Vehicles'' in [/v], folosesc un gamemode burned editat spre b-hood de la HPQ123.
  4. O idee de ce-mi da eroarea asta? - poza cu playerinfo(playerid)(pcarid]); - restul comenzii
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