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  1. CesT


    Nu mi se pune culoarea la masina personala, si nici nu mi se salveaza in baza de date. case PCar_D+1: { if(!response) return true; //---------------------------------------------------------------- if(strval(inputtext) >= 0 && strval(inputtext) <= 255) { new i = CosminInfo[playerid][CarVCP]; new color1, color2; //------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicles[i][VehicleColor][0] = strval(inputtext); //------------------------------------------------------------- if(Vehicles[i][VehicleColor][0]) { ChangeVehicleColor(Vehicles[i][vehicleData], Vehicles[i][VehicleColor][0] = color1, Vehicles[i][VehicleColor][1] = color2); } Vehicles[i][VehicleInterior] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid), Vehicles[i][VehicleWorld] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), UpdateVehicle(i, 1), SaveVehicle(i); //------------------------------------------------------------- } else { SendError2(playerid, "Please insert a model between 0 and 255 caracters!", "Te rugam sa inserezi un model intre 0 si 255 caractere!"); } }
  2. CesT


    Ba,am o problema cu /mycar. Cand scriu /mycar si aleg una din masini,imi apare numele altei masini la toate optiunile. case PCar_D+3: { if(!response) return 1; //---------------------------------------------------------------- new count = 0; eString[0] = EOS; //---------------------------------------------------------------- for(new i = 0; i < MAX_CARS; i++) { if(Vehicles[i][VehicleCreated]) { if(!strcmp(Vehicles[i][VehicleOwner], PlayerName(playerid))) { if(count == listitem) { //-------------------------------------------------------- format(eString, sizeof(eString), "{FFFFFF}Manage your {00FF00}%s!", VehicleNames[Vehicles[i][VehicleModel] - 400]); SPD(playerid, PCar_D+4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, eString, "{FFFFFF}Get vehicle\n{FF0000}Set car - spawn\n{FFFFFF}Change car color 1\n{FFFFFF}Change car color 2\n{FF0000}Change car plate", "Choose", "Back"); //-------------------------------------------------------- } else { count++; } } } } }
  3. CesT


    Cum rezolv asta: D:\Counter-Strike 1.6 - WaRzOnE\RSZ - de lucru\gamemodes\RSZ.pwn(21184) : error 001: expected token: "]", but found "-identifier-"D:\Counter-Strike 1.6 - WaRzOnE\RSZ - de lucru\gamemodes\RSZ.pwn(21184) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zeroD:\Counter-Strike 1.6 - WaRzOnE\RSZ - de lucru\gamemodes\RSZ.pwn(21184) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zeroD:\Counter-Strike 1.6 - WaRzOnE\RSZ - de lucru\gamemodes\RSZ.pwn(21184) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one lineCompilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 E de aici: for(new i=0; i < sizeof(Vehicles[][VehicleMods]); i++)
  4. Ba, am o problema cu system-u' de masini personale de pe SER, nu imi ramane masina unde o parchez, desi coordonatele mi se schimba in baza de date..
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