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Everything posted by m0untain

  1. Salutare ! Vreau sa construiesc o comanda pentru un event. Dar din pacate cand tastez comanda pe server imi spune ca nu exista iar in consola primesc o eroare. PS [ i ] nu apare. In GM Exista, dar aici nu ma lasa sa pun. [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [debug] Accessing element at index 65535 past array upper bound 999 [debug] AMX backtrace: [debug] #0 00053180 in public cmd_m0untainrevent (0, 5259032) from rnsv1beta.amx [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe [debug] #2 00000588 in public OnPlayerCommandText (0, 5258968) from rnsv1beta.amx CMD:revent(playerid) { if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendError(playerid, "Only RCONS can use this command","Only RCONS can use this command"); new mostkills = INVALID_PLAYER_ID,string[128]; foreach(Player, i) { if(RocketEvent == 1) { format(string, sizeof(string), "~r~event over!~n~~y~winner:~n~~g~%s~n~~w~%d kills", PlayerName(mostkills), PlayerInfo[mostkills][REventKills]); GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 10000, 0); PlayerInfo[REventKills] = 0; SetTimer("HostName", 5000, true); } if(PlayerInfo[REventKills] > PlayerInfo[mostkills][REventKills]) mostkills = i; GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~rocket event~n~~y~start killing!", 3000, 5); GivePlayerWeaponEx(playerid, 35, 100000); KillTimer(HostNameTimer); SendRconCommand("hostname Romania New Stunt - Rocket Event!"); } return 1; }
  2. Salut ! Am nevoie de un sistem de editare a jucatorului atunci cand este offline. De exemplu: /mcontrol [numele jucatorului] iar dupa sa imi apara un dialog cu lucrurile pe care ii le pot modifica, de exemplu: Admin-ul, Coins, Gems, etc.
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