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Everything posted by Shad0wdpbgd

  1. tot degeaba, eu nu stiu ce sa ma mai fac bro, am incercat tot
  2. erorile alea sunt de la altceva
  3. ba pai tu trebuie sa pui new MySQL:SQL acolo unde ai definit tu nu ce ai facut tu acolo "MySQL"_format(SQL, gQuery, 128, "select = from accounts where Name = '%s' limit 1", GetName(playerid); MySQL_tquery(SQL, gQuery, "checkAccount", "i", playerid); aia nu are treaba da mi un discord daca ai
  4. GetName(playerid)); incearca asa, trebe sa mearga
  5. la 108 de ce ai pus GetName((playerid)? Trebuia sa pui GetName(playerid), doar cu o paranteza EDIT: si are dreptate vicentzo-
  6. [20:46:34] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue) [20:46:34] [debug] AMX backtrace: [20:46:34] [debug] #0 00003918 in ?? (1768252498) in Wing.amx [20:46:34] [debug] #1 00004a14 in ?? (-492545, 39841740, 32) in Wing.amx [20:46:34] [debug] #2 00004378 in ?? (0, 8, 39841924, 39841952, 1) in Wing.amx [20:46:34] [debug] #3 00042d64 in ?? (39841952) in Wing.amx [20:46:34] [debug] #4 0004322c in ?? (51) in Wing.amx [20:46:34] [debug] #5 000441d0 in public @Z () in Wing.amx [20:46:34] [debug] #6 native CallLocalFunction () in samp-server.exe [20:46:34] [debug] #7 00041240 in ?? () in Wing.amx [20:46:34] [debug] #8 0000294c in public OnGameModeExit () in Wing.amx [20:46:46] [20:46:46] [20:46:46] ============================================================== [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] | YYYYYYY YYYYYYY SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IIIIIIIIII | [20:46:46] | Y:::::Y Y:::::Y SS:::::::::::::::S I::::::::I | [20:46:46] | Y:::::Y Y:::::Y S:::::SSSSSS::::::S I::::::::I | [20:46:46] | Y::::::Y Y::::::Y S:::::S SSSSSSS II::::::II | [20:46:46] | YYY:::::Y Y:::::YYY S:::::S I::::I | [20:46:46] | Y:::::Y Y:::::Y S:::::S I::::I | [20:46:46] | Y:::::Y:::::Y S::::SSSS I::::I | [20:46:46] | Y:::::::::Y SS::::::SSSSS I::::I | [20:46:46] | Y:::::::Y SSS::::::::SS I::::I | [20:46:46] | Y:::::Y SSSSSS::::S I::::I | [20:46:46] | Y:::::Y S:::::S I::::I | [20:46:46] | Y:::::Y S:::::S I::::I | [20:46:46] | Y:::::Y SSSSSSS S:::::S II::::::II | [20:46:46] | YYYY:::::YYYY S::::::SSSSSS:::::S I::::::::I | [20:46:46] | Y:::::::::::Y S:::::::::::::::SS I::::::::I | [20:46:46] | YYYYYYYYYYYYY SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IIIIIIIIII | [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] | (c) 2021 MPL v1.1 | [20:46:46] | Alex "Y_Less" Cole and contributors. | [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] ============================================================== [20:46:46] [20:46:46] [20:46:46] ========================================== [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] | Missing YSI scriptfiles directories: | [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] | /scriptfiles/YSI/fixes/ | [20:46:46] | /scriptfiles/YSI/temp/ | [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] ========================================== [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] | Generating code, this may take a | [20:46:46] | little bit of time. Note that this | [20:46:46] | code generation works best with the | [20:46:46] | JIT plugin, which you are not | [20:46:46] | currently using. Get it here: | [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] | https://git.io/jit-plugin | [20:46:46] | | [20:46:46] | Please wait... | [20:46:47] | | [20:46:47] | Done! | [20:46:47] | | [20:46:47] ========================================== [20:46:47] | | [20:46:47] | Server: 0.3DL - Windows | [20:46:47] | Compiler: 3.10.08 - Windows | [20:46:47] | Codepage: <none> | [20:46:47] | YSI: 5.06.1932 | [20:46:47] | Started: 1659721606 | [20:46:47] | JIT: <none> | [20:46:47] | Crashdetect: <found> | [20:46:47] | | [20:46:47] ========================================== [20:46:47] [20:46:47] *** YSI Info: YSI Script ID: 1 [20:46:47] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue) [20:46:47] [debug] AMX backtrace: [20:46:47] [debug] #0 00040f28 in ?? () in Wing.amx [20:46:47] [debug] #1 00005f18 in ?? () in Wing.amx [20:46:47] [debug] #2 0000272c in public OnRuntimeError () in Wing.amx [20:46:47] [20:46:47] Number of vehicle models: 0 [20:48:10] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue) [20:48:10] [debug] AMX backtrace: [20:48:10] [debug] #0 00063114 in public L_AFKDETECT () in Wing.amx [21:42:08] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue) [21:42:08] [debug] AMX backtrace: [21:42:08] [debug] #0 00063110 in public L_AFKDETECT () in Wing.amx [21:50:01] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue) [21:50:01] [debug] AMX backtrace: [21:50:01] [debug] #0 000630b8 in public L_AFKDETECT () in Wing.amx [21:51:59] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue) [21:51:59] [debug] AMX backtrace: [21:51:59] [debug] #0 000632c4 in public L_AFKDETECT () in Wing.amx
  7. exact, am facut asta foreach(new i : Player) { if(strmatch(GetNameEx(i), name)) { return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "This player is online."); } } gQuery[0] = (EOS); inline banofflinePlayer() { if(!cache_num_rows()) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Nu exista un cont in baza de date cu acest nume."); new playerID = cache_get_value_name(0, "ID", gQuery); inline altinline() { pe aici cred ca este problema, mai ales la aia cu new playerid= cache_get_value_name
  8. salut bro, am bagat si crashdetect, tot degeaba uite poza din joc: https://imgur.com/a/WyFvBtt
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