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Everything posted by xFaNeL

  1. Am si eu o problema cu panelul postat wcode #9.Merge sa ma loghez dar cand dau pe exemplu : Factions,Clans,Staff etc ma deconecteaza , aveti idee ce asi putea sa ii fac sa nu ma mai deconecteze?
  2. xFaNeL

    old shit

    Daca este BigZone edit de ce are Edison credite?
  3. Imi puteti da T/C Rezolvat!
  4. YCMD:createhouse(playerid, params[], help) { new pret, nivel; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 7) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Nu ai acces!"); if(CreateHouse[playerid] == 1) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Deja creezi o casa!"); if(sscanf(params, "ii", pret, nivel)) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: {FFFFFF}/createhouse <price> <nivel>"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, ShopTDs[1], "Seteaza"); CreateHouse[playerid] = 1; SInterior[playerid] = 1; pPret[playerid] = pret; pNivel[playerid] = nivel; GetPlayerPos(playerid, pPos[playerid][0], pPos[playerid][1], pPos[playerid][2]); pInteriorID[playerid] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid), pVirtual[playerid] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); SetInteriorCamera(playerid); ShowShopTDs(playerid); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, playerid+900); return 1; } Cand dau /createhouse in joc si selectez interiorul merge , si cand vreau sa dau Seteaza nu se intampla nimic. HELP
  5. Pe localhost si ultra-h nu merge acel gamemode.
  6. @SunSet32 Tasteaza comanda "/vipnamecolor" si pune o culoare , ex: ff0000 , 33cc33 , ffff00. (RED , GREEN , YELLOW) Dupa ce ai facut asta ar trebui sa iti dispara parantezele "{}"
  7. pui asa "gamemode0 pawno 1" Nu merge pe Ultra-h , pe localhost nu am testat.
  8. De ce se repeta tutorialu de fiecare data la logare?
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