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Everything posted by CenzoR

  1. Salutare! Suntem in cautare de un om cu seriozitate pentru a scripta un server de samp, avem tot ce trebuie inafara de un scripter. Pentru contact Discord: scofield
  2. Salut! Caut comunitate/server de samp unde pot veni in ajutor cu mapping Contact discord: Sheek47 #3326 SAU PM pe site
  3. Salut! Caut o comunitate serioasa de samp sau un server serios, care are nevoie de o persoana pentru a administra doar partea de staff si organizare. (doar administrez, nu vreau sa fac alte operatiuni). Tin sa mentionez ca am experienta in samp de 7+ ani. PM pe site sau discord: Sheek47#3326
  4. Salutare! Caut o echipa administrativa pentru un server de samp care urmeaza sa se deschida! PM cine vrea sa se alature sau lasati un discord!
  5. Salut, vreau sa deschid un server de samp si sunt in cautare de un Manager si de un Owner de incredere si capabili sa se ocupe cat timp sunt eu offline! URGENT PM Cine doreste sa se alature!
  6. Salut! Am panelul Lavarel de la Linkmania, am modificat cam tot ce am gasit dar cred ca mai trebuie sa mai modific fisiere pentru al urca Ma poate ajuta cineva ce fisiere mai trebuie ca sa se urce panelul?
  7. [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:40:50 01/19/22] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype
  8. Sunt destul de multe.. dar nu-mi dau seama de la ce este
  9. Salut! Am conectat gamemodeul, imi zice ca baza de date s-a conectat cu succes, daaaarrr... cand vreau sa intru pe el... spune ca parola este incorecta ca si cum ai avea baza de date neconectata, datele sunt puse in gamemode, am verificat totul, de la ce poate sa vina problema ma puteti ajuta?
  10. Salut! Am eroarea asta la compilare C:\Users\40723\Desktop\GM\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks.inc(64) : fatal error 111: user error: Did you do <YSI/y_hooks> instead of the required <YSI\y_hooks>? Compilation aborted. Pawn compiler 3.10.8 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error. In GM am trecut includeul tot ce trebuie, dar imi da eroare asta, ma poate ajuta cineva? De la ce este?
  11. Salut, ma poate ajuta cineva cum se face exact chestia aia cand intri si iesi dintr-un biz/casa, sa-ti dea freeze pana se incarca mappingul?
  12. Am incercat si nu prea stiu sa o fac
  13. public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) { new string[256]; new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel(playerid, VehicleHUD[3], GetVehicleModel(vehicleid)); va_PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, VehicleHUD[13], "%s", aVehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) - 400]); for(new i; i < 18; i++) PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, VehicleHUD[i]); if((GetTickCount()-GetPVarInt(playerid, "cartime")) < 1000 && InDealer[playerid] == 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "AdmWarning: {FFFFFF}%s(%d) {006400}posibil sa aiba Troll-Hack #5", GetName(playerid), playerid); SendAdminMessage(COLOR_WARNING, string, 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "carspam", GetPVarInt(playerid, "carspam")+1); if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "carspam") >= 2) { NightBot(playerid, "Cheats (Troll-Hack #5)"); } } SetPVarInt(playerid, "cartime", GetTickCount()); } new Scarid = FindSpawnID(vehicleid); if(Scarid != 0) { new ssstring[256]; KillTimer(VehicleTimer[Scarid]); format(ssstring, sizeof(ssstring), "This {00ccff}%s {FFFFFF}is owned by {FFFF00}%s {FFFFFF}- Odometer : %.2f | Insurance : $%s ( %d points ) | Colors %d,%d", aVehicleNames[CarInfo[Scarid][cModel]-400],CarInfo[Scarid][cOwner],CarInfo[Scarid][KM], FormatNumber(CarInfo[Scarid][cTax]), CarInfo[Scarid][cPoints], CarInfo[Scarid][cColorOne], CarInfo[Scarid][cColorTwo]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ssstring); if(CarInfo[Scarid][cPoints] == 0) { SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Acest vehicul nu are asigurarea platita!"); new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective; GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective); SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective); vehEngine[vehicleid] = 0; } } if(((newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER))) {
  14. la public OnPlayerStateChange
  15. Cand intru intr-o masina personala, normal ar trebui sa iti arate cate zile are, cati km si de cine este detinuta, etc, problema e ca nu arata Am incercat si alte scripturi din alte gamemodeuri asemanatoare dar nu merg Script: new ssstring[256]; KillTimer(VehicleTimer[Scarid]); format(ssstring, sizeof(ssstring), "This {00ccff}%s {FFFFFF}is owned by {FFFF00}%s {FFFFFF}- Odometer : %.2f | Insurance : $%s ( %d points ) | Colors %d,%d", aVehicleNames[CarInfo[Scarid][cModel]-400],CarInfo[Scarid][cOwner],CarInfo[Scarid][KM], FormatNumber(CarInfo[Scarid][cTax]), CarInfo[Scarid][cPoints], CarInfo[Scarid][cColorOne], CarInfo[Scarid][cColorTwo]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ssstring); if(CarInfo[Scarid][cPoints] == 0) { SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Acest vehicul nu are asigurarea platita!"); new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective; GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective); SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective); vehEngine[vehicleid] = 0; } }
  16. Salut! Am problema cand intru in masina persoanala nu imi arata detalile acesteia, de ex cate zile are, km, culorile. Scriptul este deja pus in gamemode (nu este anulat) Ma poate ajuta cineva?
  17. gmfrom0\gamemodes\from0.pwn(32) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "../modules/colorss.pwn" am aceasta eroare.. din ce cauza este? nu o pot rezolva deloc, ma poate ajuta cineva? m-am uitat si in folderul modules, nu gasesc niciun pwn cu colorss
  18. RPG.WTFCS.RO Salut! Server-ul rpg.wtfcs.com isi deschide portiile astazi la ora 20:00, va asteptam in numar cat mai mare! Eu de unul singur administrez acest server, numai este nimeni alaturi de mine, doresc ca acest proiect sa fie unul serios! Suntem in cautare de HELPERI si cativa MANAGERI activi, seriosi si de incredere, dar nu oferim aceste functii la toate persoanele care cer acest lucru! Va asteptam cu drag ! DNS: rpg.wtfcs.com:7777 IP:
  19. Salut, caut URGENT staff + un manager maxim 2 seriosi si de incredere pentru un nou server de samp! Mai multe detalii pe discord : Sheek47#3326
  20. Inca este valabil URGENT!!! Cerere pe discord Sheek47#3326
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