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  1. Asta a fost problema, multumesc.
  2. Salutare am incercat sa fac o comanda cu care sa creez casele direct din joc, cu un interior random. In gamemode nu primesc nicio eroare, dar cand tastez comanda in joc nu functioneaza si primesc in consola urmatoarea eroare: [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [debug] Attempted to read/write array element at index 1 in array of size 1 [debug] AMX backtrace: [debug] #0 0005410c in public cmd_createhouse (0, 1126740) in servername.amx [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () in samp-server.exe [debug] #2 0002e224 in public OnPlayerCommandText (0, 1126596) in servername.amx Codul: new Float:SmallHouseInterior[][] = { {223.0797, 1287.7438, 1082.1406, 1.000}, // 1 {2282.7927, -1139.3999, 1050.8984, 11.000}, // 11 {328.0025, 1478.5465, 1084.4375, 15.000}, // 15 {-42.5438, 1406.3199, 1084.4297, 8.000}, // 8 {2308.8101, -1212.2432, 1049.0234, 6.000}, // 6 {2233.6196, -1114.5808, 1050.8828, 5.000}, // 5 {2259.8242, -1135.7554, 1050.6328, 10.000}, // 10 {2217.8169, -1076.1425, 1050.4844, 1.000}, // 1 {267.1584, 305.2281, 999.1484, 2.000}, // 2 {244.1047, 304.9235, 999.1484, 1.000}, // 1 {2468.4509, -1698.2510, 1013.5078, 2.000}, // 2 {-68.7771, 1351.9674, 1080.2109, 6.000}, // 6 {221.9701, 1140.8445, 1082.6094, 4.000}, // 4 {295.0533, 1473.0192, 1080.2578, 15.000}, // 15 {2237.6023, -1080.8840, 1049.0234, 2.000}, // 2 {2365.3372, -1134.8403, 1050.8750, 8.000}, // 8 {22.8908, 1403.7777, 1084.4297, 5.000}, // 5 {386.5427, 1471.8826, 1080.1875, 15.000}, // 15 {376.2806, 1417.5321, 1081.3281, 15.000}, // 15 {447.3249, 1397.5758, 1084.3047, 2.000} // 2 }; new Float:MediumHouseInterior[][] = { {24.0680, 1340.5543, 1084.3750, 10.000}, // 10 {83.0025, 1322.8451, 1083.8662, 9.000}, // 9 {490.8654, 1399.1970, 1080.2578, 2.000}, // 2 {226.7048, 1114.2527, 1080.9950, 5.000}, // 5 {260.8823, 1237.9570, 1084.2578, 9.000}, // 9 {235.4070, 1187.3690, 1080.2578, 3.000}, // 3 {-261.2778, 1456.7443, 1084.3672, 4.000}, // 4 {2269.6677, -1210.3624, 1047.5625, 10.000}, // 10 {2196.0349, -1204.3772, 1049.0234, 6.000}, // 6 {2496.0198, -1692.6827, 1014.7422, 3.000}, // 3 {2317.9451, -1026.1736, 1050.2178, 9.000}, // 9 {235.340652, 1187.027343, 1080.257812, 3.000}, // 3 {2495.914062, -1692.474853, 1014.742187, 3.000} // 3 }; new Float:BigHouseInterior[][] = { {234.2033, 1064.1516, 1084.2117, 6.000}, // 6 {140.1820, 1366.4713, 1083.8594, 5.000}, // 5 {225.630997, 1022.479980, 1084.069946, 7.000}, // 7 {1261.296386, -785.447937, 1091.906250, 5.000}, // 5 {2324.479248, -1148.910644, 1050.710083, 12.000} // 12 }; CMD:createhouse(playerid, params[]) { new lQuery[500], size, price, level, rent, id = houses+1, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, randomint; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 6) return NotAdmin; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][IsLoggedIn] == false) return NotConnected; if(sscanf(params, "iiii", size, price, level, rent)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MEDIUMBLUE, "(Syntax): {FFFFFF}/createhouse <size 0 / 1 / 2> <price> <level> <rent>"); if(size >= 4) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "(Error): {FFFFFF}Invalid size."); GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); switch(size) { case 0: { randomint = random(sizeof(SmallHouseInterior)); HouseInfo[id][hInterior] = floatround(SmallHouseInterior[randomint][3], floatround_round); HouseInfo[id][hExitX] = SmallHouseInterior[randomint][0]; HouseInfo[id][hExitY] = SmallHouseInterior[randomint][1]; HouseInfo[id][hExitZ] = SmallHouseInterior[randomint][2]; format(HouseInfo[id][hSize], 8, "Small"); mysql_format(g_SQL, lQuery, sizeof(lQuery), "INSERT INTO `houses` (`Size`, `Entrance X`, `Entrance Y`, `Entrance Z`, `Exit X`, `Exit Y`, `Exit Z`, `Price`, `Level needed`, `Rent Price`, `Interior`, `Virtual world`) VALUES ('Small', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d')", x, y, z, HouseInfo[id][hExitX], HouseInfo[id][hExitY], HouseInfo[id][hExitZ], price, level, HouseInfo[id][hInterior], id); } case 1: { randomint = random(sizeof(MediumHouseInterior)); HouseInfo[id][hInterior] = floatround(MediumHouseInterior[randomint][3], floatround_round); HouseInfo[id][hExitX] = MediumHouseInterior[randomint][0]; HouseInfo[id][hExitY] = MediumHouseInterior[randomint][1]; HouseInfo[id][hExitZ] = MediumHouseInterior[randomint][2]; format(HouseInfo[id][hSize], 8, "Medium"); mysql_format(g_SQL, lQuery, sizeof(lQuery), "INSERT INTO `houses` (`Size`, `Entrance X`, `Entrance Y`, `Entrance Z`, `Exit X`, `Exit Y`, `Exit Z`, `Price`, `Level needed`, `Rent Price`, `Interior`, `Virtual world`) VALUES ('Medium', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d')", x, y, z, HouseInfo[id][hExitX], HouseInfo[id][hExitY], HouseInfo[id][hExitZ], price, level, HouseInfo[id][hInterior], id); } case 2: { randomint = random(sizeof(BigHouseInterior)); HouseInfo[id][hInterior] = floatround(BigHouseInterior[randomint][3], floatround_round); HouseInfo[id][hExitX] = BigHouseInterior[randomint][0]; HouseInfo[id][hExitY] = BigHouseInterior[randomint][1]; HouseInfo[id][hExitZ] = BigHouseInterior[randomint][2]; format(HouseInfo[id][hSize], 8, "Big"); mysql_format(g_SQL, lQuery, sizeof(lQuery), "INSERT INTO `houses` (`Size`, `Entrance X`, `Entrance Y`, `Entrance Z`, `Exit X`, `Exit Y`, `Exit Z`, `Price`, `Level needed`, `Rent Price`, `Interior`, `Virtual world`) VALUES ('Big', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d')", x, y, z, HouseInfo[id][hExitX], HouseInfo[id][hExitY], HouseInfo[id][hExitZ], price, level, HouseInfo[id][hInterior], id); } } mysql_tquery(g_SQL, lQuery); HouseInfo[id][hEntranceX] = x; HouseInfo[id][hEntranceY] = y; HouseInfo[id][hEntranceZ] = z; HouseInfo[id][hPrice] = price; HouseInfo[id][hLevelNeeded] = level; HouseInfo[id][hRent] = rent; HouseInfo[id][hVirtualWorld] = id; CreateDynamicPickup(1272, 1, HouseInfo[id][hEntranceX], HouseInfo[id][hEntranceY], HouseInfo[id][hEntranceZ]); UpdateHouseLabel(id), houses++; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ANNO, "SERVER: {FFFFFF}House successfully created."); return 1; } Tin sa precizez ca sunt oarecum la inceput, si daca m-ati putea ajuta cu alte sfaturi inafara de aceasta problema v-as fi recunoscator. Multumesc.
  3. La auto-complete imi scrie "cache_get_row_count(destination)", dar sunt nou si nu am idee ce semnifica acel "destination" Multumesc. "warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition" case DIALOG_EMAIL: { if(!response) return Kick(playerid); if(!IsAValidEmail(inputtext)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Email invalid!"); format(PString, sizeof(PString), "%s", (PlayerInfo[playerid][pLanguage] == 0) ? ("Acum trebuie sa-ti alegi un email."):("Please enter a email for your account.")); return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_EMAIL, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "EMAIL STAGE", PString, "Next", "Exit"); } format(PString, sizeof(PString),"SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `Email` = '%s'",inputtext); new Cache: result = mysql_query(g_SQL, PString); if(cache_get_row_count() > 0) // ================================ WARNINGUL SE AFLA LA ACEASTA LINIE ================================ { cache_delete(result); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Email invalid!"); format(PString, sizeof(PString), "%s", (PlayerInfo[playerid][pLanguage] == 0) ? ("Acum trebuie sa-ti alegi un email."):("Please enter a email for your account.")); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "*Acel email este deja folosit. / This email is already used."); return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_EMAIL, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "EMAIL STAGE", PString, "Next", "Exit"); } cache_delete(result); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Inregistrarea a luat sfarsit."); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney]=20000; Update(playerid, pMoneyx); PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]=1; Update(playerid, pLevelx); PlayerInfo[playerid][pSkin]=15; Update(playerid, pSkinx); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "LOGIN STAGE:", "Please enter your choosen password.\nTe rugam sa-ti introduci parola", "Enter", "Exit"); }
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