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Kasper last won the day on June 19 2018

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  1. bun, deci cum scot astea dintr-un gm de samp? https://imgur.com/a/rejQNmQ
  2. pai aproape de vehicul e, dar problema e ca nu se ataseaza, se creeaza.
  3. pai cand scriu comanda /atasare, asta cand sunt intr-un vehicul nu se ataseaza, se spawneaza remorca la coordonatele alea.
  4. o remorca frate sa o atasez de infernus, cum e la trucker.
  5. Salut! stie cineva cum se ataseaza un obiect de un vehicul? de exemplu eu vreau sa atasez remorca cu id 611 de un infernus prin comanda /atasare, am incercat toate posibilitatile, ex: CMD:atasare(playerid, params[]) { new trailerid = AddStaticVehicle(611,-2236.2903,-2246.4932,29.9406,355.8985,0,0); AttachTrailerToVehicle(trailerid, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); return 1; } help me!
  6. le aveam si degeaba, tot nu merge. Uite server_log: Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [20:13:58] [20:13:58] Server Plugins [20:13:58] -------------- [20:13:58] Loading plugin: streamer [20:13:58] *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.7 by Incognito loaded *** [20:13:58] Loaded. [20:13:58] Loading plugin: nativechecker [20:13:58] Loaded. [20:13:58] Loading plugin: crashdetect [20:13:58] CrashDetect must be loaded before 'streamer.DLL' [20:13:58] Failed. [20:13:58] Loaded 2 plugins.
  7. cum adica sa le inlocuiesc? fi mai explicit te rog.
  8. unde sa il pun cu litere mici? ca in plugins e cu litere mici deja
  9. Deci am un gm pe care vreau sa il deschid si imi da eroarea asta in server log [16:16:28] CrashDetect must be loaded before 'streamer.DLL' [16:16:28] Failed. ce pot sa fac? adica stiu ce inseamna eroarea dar ce ar trebuii sa fac?
  10. frate, nu merge, pun verificarea la comanda cmd:buycar si degeaba, adica functioneaza dar eu vreau sa imi trimita si mesajul, nu doar sa functioneaze, si mesajul nu mi-l trimite.
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