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Everything posted by alexandru2304

  1. Salut, de curand am gasit un gamemode pe net, si nu inteleg ce are. Am rezolvat toate bugurile, erorile dar aceasta nu stiu s-o rezolv. [debug] AMX backtrace: "[debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [debug] Accessing element at index 49 past array upper bound 48 [debug]#0 0005bf14 in public SetPlayerUnjail <>from gamemode.amx https://pastebin.com/5KQVBdqT
  2. Salut, de curand am gasit un gamemode pe net, si nu inteleg ce are. Am rezolvat toate bugurile, erorile dar aceasta nu stiu s-o rezolv. [debug] AMX backtrace: "[debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [debug] Accessing element at index 49 past array upper bound 48 [debug]#0 0005bf14 in public SetPlayerUnjail <>from gamemode.amx " public SetPlayerUnjail() { if(painttime > 0) { foreach(Player, x) { foreach(Player, a) { if(PlayerPaintballing[x] != 0 && PlayerPaintballing[a] != 0) { SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(x, a, GetPlayerColor(a)); } } } painttime--; if(painttime == 0) { foreach(Player, x) { foreach(Player, a) { if(PlayerPaintballing[x] == 0 && PlayerPaintballing[a] == 0) { SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( x, a, ( GetPlayerColor( a ) & 0xFFFFFF00 ) ); } } } } } foreach(Player, z) { if(playerVariables[z][pDD] >= 1) { playerVariables[z][pDD] --; } if(playerVariables[z][pDs] >= 1) { playerVariables[z][pDs] --; } if(playerVariables[z][pDr] >= 1) { playerVariables[z][pDr] --; } } for(new iGroup; iGroup < MAX_GROUPS; iGroup++) { if(groupVariables[iGroup][gDeelay] >= 1) { groupVariables[iGroup][gDeelay]--; } } for(new i = 0; i <= sizeof(TurfInfo); i++) { new string[256]; new count = 0; new att = WarInfo[wAttacker]; new deff = WarInfo[wFaction]; if(WarInfo[wTime] > 0) { WarInfo[wTime] -= 1; foreach(Player, x) { if(playerVariables[x][pGroup] == WarInfo[wAttacker]) { if(IsPlayerInTurf(x , i)) { count++; } } if(groupVariables[playerVariables[x][pGroup]][gInWar] == 0) { foreach(Player, a) { SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( x, a, ( GetPlayerColor( a ) & 0xFFFFFF00 ) ); } } if(playerVariables[x][pGroup] == WarInfo[wAttacker] || playerVariables[x][pGroup] == WarInfo[wFaction]) { new time = WarInfo[wTime]; TextDrawShowForPlayer(x, tTimer[x]); format(string, sizeof(string), "War time: ~y~%s ~w~", CalculeazaTimp(time)); TextDrawSetString(tTimer[x], string); GangZoneFlashForPlayer(x, Turfs, COLOR_RED); if(IsPlayerInTurf(x, i)) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(x)) { if(JustRemoved[x] == 0) { RemovePlayerFromVehicle(x); SendClientMessage(x, COLOR_RED, "Nu ai voie intr-o masina pe turf!"); JustRemoved[x] = 1; } } } foreach(Player, a) { if((playerVariables[x][pGroup] == WarInfo[wAttacker] || playerVariables[x][pGroup] == WarInfo[wFaction]) && groupVariables[playerVariables[x][pGroup]][gInWar] == 1 && (playerVariables[a][pGroup] == WarInfo[wAttacker] || playerVariables[a][pGroup] == WarInfo[wFaction])) { SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(x, a, GetPlayerColor(a)); } } if(GetPlayerState(x) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) { JustRemoved[x] = 0; } } else if(playerVariables[x][pGroup] == 0) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(x, tTimer[x]); GangZoneStopFlashForPlayer(x, Turfs); } } if(count == 0) { groupVariables[WarInfo[wFaction]][gInWar] = 0; groupVariables[WarInfo[wAttacker]][gInWar] = 0; groupVariables[att][gDeelay] = 600; new id; id = CalculateBestScore(i); new id2 = CalculateWorstScore(i); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "--------------------[war overview]-----------------"); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "Score: %s %d - %d %s",groupVariables[WarInfo[wAttacker]][gGroupName] , groupVariables[WarInfo[wAttacker]][gScore], groupVariables[deff][gScore], groupVariables[deff][gGroupName]); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "Best score: %s (%i). Worst score: %s (%i)", playerVariables[id][pNormalName], playerVariables[id][pWarScore] - playerVariables[id][pWarDeaths], playerVariables[id2][pNormalName], playerVariables[id2][pWarScore] - playerVariables[id2][pWarDeaths]); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); foreach(Player, z) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(z, tTimer[z]); if(playerVariables[z][pGroup] == att || playerVariables[z][pGroup] == deff) { foreach(Player, a) { SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( z, a, ( GetPlayerColor( a ) & 0xFFFFFF00 ) ); } TextDrawHideForPlayer(z, tTimer[z]); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "Your personal score: %i", playerVariables[z][pWarScore] - playerVariables[z][pWarDeaths]); SendClientMessage(z, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); playerVariables[z][pWarScore] = 0; playerVariables[z][pWarDeaths] = 0; GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(z, Turfs, GetTeamZoneColor(TurfInfo[zOwned])); TextDrawHideForPlayer(z, War0[z]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(z, War1[z]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(z, War2[z]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(z, War3[z]); JustRemoved[z] = 0; } } format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "-------------------------------------"); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "[WAR] %s failed to win turf %i owned by %s because they left the turf.", groupVariables[att][gGroupName], i, groupVariables[deff][gGroupName]); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); GangZoneStopFlashForAll(Turfs); WarInfo[wTime] = 0; WarInfo[wAttacker] = 0; WarInfo[wFaction] = 0; } if(WarInfo[wTime] == 2) { if(groupVariables[WarInfo[wAttacker]][gScore] > groupVariables[WarInfo[wFaction]][gScore]) { TurfInfo[zOwned] = WarInfo[wAttacker]; format(result, sizeof(result), "UPDATE turfs SET Owned = '%d' WHERE ID = %d", TurfInfo[zOwned], i); mysql_tquery(handle, result); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "NR AdmBot: Gruparea mafiota %s a cucerit teritoriul %i care era detinut de mafia %s.", groupVariables[att][gGroupName], i, groupVariables[deff][gGroupName]); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_NEWSRP, szMessage); groupVariables[att][gDeelay] = 300; } else if(groupVariables[WarInfo[wAttacker]][gScore] < groupVariables[WarInfo[wFaction]][gScore]) { TurfInfo[zOwned] = WarInfo[wFaction]; format(result, sizeof(result), "UPDATE turfs SET Owned = '%d' WHERE ID = %d", TurfInfo[zOwned], i); mysql_tquery(handle, result); groupVariables[att][gDeelay] = 600; format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "[WAR] %s failed to win turf %i owned by %s.", groupVariables[att][gGroupName], i, groupVariables[deff][gGroupName]); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); } else if(groupVariables[WarInfo[wAttacker]][gScore] == groupVariables[WarInfo[wFaction]][gScore]) { TurfInfo[zOwned] = WarInfo[wFaction]; format(result, sizeof(result), "UPDATE turfs SET Owned = '%d' WHERE ID = %d", TurfInfo[zOwned], i); mysql_tquery(handle, result); groupVariables[att][gDeelay] = 600; format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "[WAR] %s failed to win turf %i owned by %s.", groupVariables[att][gGroupName], i, groupVariables[deff][gGroupName]); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); } new id; id = CalculateBestScore(i); new id2 = CalculateWorstScore(i); groupVariables[WarInfo[wFaction]][gInWar] = 0; groupVariables[WarInfo[wAttacker]][gInWar] = 0; format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "--------------------[war overview]-----------------"); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "Score: %s %d - %d %s",groupVariables[WarInfo[wAttacker]][gGroupName] , groupVariables[WarInfo[wAttacker]][gScore], groupVariables[deff][gScore], groupVariables[deff][gGroupName]); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "Best score: %s (%i). Worst score: %s (%i)", playerVariables[id][pNormalName], playerVariables[id][pWarScore] - playerVariables[id][pWarDeaths], playerVariables[id2][pNormalName], playerVariables[id2][pWarScore] - playerVariables[id2][pWarDeaths]); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); foreach(Player, z) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(z, tTimer[z]); if(playerVariables[z][pGroup] == att || playerVariables[z][pGroup] == deff) { foreach(Player, a) { SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( z, a, ( GetPlayerColor( a ) & 0xFFFFFF00 ) ); } TextDrawHideForPlayer(z, tTimer[z]); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "Your personal score: %i", playerVariables[z][pWarScore] - playerVariables[z][pWarDeaths]); SendClientMessage(z, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); playerVariables[z][pWarScore] = 0; playerVariables[z][pWarDeaths] = 0; GangZoneShowForPlayerEx(z, Turfs, GetTeamZoneColor(TurfInfo[zOwned])); JustRemoved[z] = 0; } } format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "-------------------------------------"); SendToGroup(att, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); SendToGroup(deff, COLOR_ATTACK, szMessage); GangZoneStopFlashForAll(Turfs); WarInfo[wTime] = 0; WarInfo[wAttacker] = 0; WarInfo[wFaction] = 0; } } } foreach(Player, i) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(PaintballRound == 1 && PlayerPaintballing != 0) { new string[500]; format(string,sizeof(string),"Paintball time: ~b~%s", CalculeazaTimp(painttime)); TextDrawSetString(Paintball[3], string); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Paintball[3]); } if(PlayerStoned >= 2) { new Float:angle; GetPlayerFacingAngle(i, angle); if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)) { if(GetPlayerState(i) == 2) { SetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(i), angle + 15); SetPlayerDrunkLevel (i, 5000); } } else { SetPlayerDrunkLevel (i, 5000); } } if(MedicCallTime > 0) { if(MedicAccepted < 999) { if(IsPlayerConnected(MedicAccepted)) { new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z; GetPlayerPos(MedicAccepted, X, Y, Z); SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, X, Y, Z, 5); } } } } } } "
  3. Salut, recent am creat un sistem crates. (Ciordit de pe net si editat umpik) Am nevoie sa fac ca textdrawurile sa dispara cand apas tasta "ESC' folosesc zcmd, e filterscript. Mz
  4. ba :)))))) Ala e gratis pe bugged.ro sau te miri pe unde, dar e gratis cum sa zici ca e 20 de euro :)))
  5. Pai, si vreau s-o rezolv dar nu am habar cum. Ce propui?
  6. Salut, am o problema la urmatorul fragment din gamemode, am facut tot ce spunea in tutorial, dar mi-a dat o eroare de-a pula. Profz: Am incercat sa fac un job (Testile Driver) si la checkpoint uri mi-a dat cu eroarea in nas, nu pricep ce are. Sunt exact ca aluia din tutorial. Aici sunt erorile mele: (10603) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-" (10608) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address (10608) : warning 215: expression has no effect (10608) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")" (10608) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (10608) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line 5 Errors.
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