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Everything posted by Byzzi4life

  1. Sper sa fi rasplatit pentru ucea ce faci ..
  2. Ms muult Imi poti da si culoarea albastra din somatiile ca pe bugged ? terog frumos
  3. Salut, cand dau /comanda imi merge comanda dar sunub comanda imi apare asta SERVER: Unknown commdand CMD:m1(playerid, params[]) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, "Checkpoint-ul va afisa locatia playerului King.BMX.[218]. Distanta pana la player:2324."); } si imi apare asa Checkpoint-ul va afisa locatia playerului King.BMX.[218]. Distanta pana la player:2324. SERVER: Unknown commdand
  4. Pori si simplu un se compileaza, lam lasat 30 minute cred, si tot asa face ..
  5. Pori si simpluu un se compileaza, lam lasat vro 5- 110 nminuute cred si tot asa face ..
  6. te duci la SQL = mysql_connect si pui ceva genu mysql_connect(MySQL_Host, MySQL_User, MySQL_Database, MySQL_Password);
  7. si ce ar puutea fii, restul gm-uurilor se cumpileaza perfect, nuuu am nicio problema ?
  8. Da mane, La-m loat pe ala dar nuu se termina de compilat, ramane asa de ce ?
  9. Salut, am loat gm-ul Gold Play de pe acest forum dar nu merge sa se compileze, cred ca stiti problema nu o sa o mai repet, Imi poate zice cineva cum o rezolv ?
  10. Esti tare, Stai calm GM-UL tau este iun siguranta ..
  12. CMD:getgift(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGetGift] < 3) { new ent[128],rot[128]; format(ent, sizeof ent, "You can use /getgift in %d hours.", 3-PlayerInfo[playerid][pGetGift]); format(rot, sizeof rot, "Poti folosii /getgift in %d ore.", 3-PlayerInfo[playerid][pGetGift]); Error(playerid, ent, rot); return 1; } if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, 1128.9360,-1449.3734,15.7969)) { Error(playerid, "You are not at the GiftBox.", "Nu esti la GiftBox."); SetPlayerCP(playerid, 1128.9360,-1449.3734,15.7969, 4.0); return 1; } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------de aIci new ent[128],rot[128],name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name); new randgift = random(20); if(randgift == 1 || randgift == 5 || randgift == 9 || randgift == 15 || randgift == 6 || randgift > 16) { new amount = 500000 + random(5000000); format(ent, sizeof ent, "* GiftBox: %s has won $%s from the GiftBox!", name, FormatNumber(amount)); format(rot, sizeof rot, "* GiftBox: %s a castigat $%s din GiftBox!", name, FormatNumber(amount)); GivePlayerCash(playerid, amount); } if(randgift == 2 || randgift == 7 || randgift == 0) { new Float:amount = 30.0; format(ent, sizeof ent, "* GiftBox: %s has won %0.2f EUR from the GiftBox!", name, amount); format(rot, sizeof rot, "* GiftBox: %s a castigat %0.2f EUR din GiftBox!", name, amount); PlayerInfo[playerid][pEUR] += amount; } if(randgift == 3 || randgift == 8 || randgift == 10 || randgift == 16) { new amount = 1 + random(5); format(ent, sizeof ent, "* GiftBox: %s has won %d Respect Points from the GiftBox!", name, amount); format(rot, sizeof rot, "* GiftBox: %s a castigat %d Puncte de Respect din GiftBox!", name, amount); PlayerInfo[playerid][pRP] += amount; } if(randgift == 4 || randgift == 11 || randgift == 12 || randgift == 13 || randgift == 14) { new amount = 1 + random(5); format(ent, sizeof ent, "* GiftBox: %s has won %d Rob Points from the GiftBox!", name, amount); format(rot, sizeof rot, "* GiftBox: %s a castigat %d Puncte de Jaf din GiftBox!", name, amount); PlayerInfo[playerid][pRob] += amount; } if(randgift == 0) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]++; format(ent, sizeof ent, "* GiftBox: %s has won Level UP from the GiftBox!", name); format(rot, sizeof rot, "* GiftBox: %s a castigat Level UP din GiftBox!", name); }-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pana aici PlayerInfo[playerid][pGetGift] = 0; loop(Character, i) { SM(i, 0x9DDDF2FF, ent, rot); } SavePlayerData(playerid); return 1; }
  13. Salut, ma puteti ajuta sa pun uun textdraw jos in colt ca sa imi arate ticks in timp real ?
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