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  1. Da-ne liniile cu erorile ca să te putem ajuta
  2. Ma ofer scripter, am gamemodul meu.Daca vreti, pot incepe si de la alte gamemoduri, nu cer nimic. Nivel:Incepator-Avansat catre Mediu. contact:[email protected] sau DarknessShadow#7771
  3. Linia : if(PlayerInfo[pLeader] != 0); erori : BigZoneGM.pwn(19047) : error 036: empty statement AJUTOR chiar nu i-am dat de cap Scripter 2k19
  4. rezolvai inainte, dar multumesc de idee frt
  5. Desktop\server samP\gamemodes\ew.pwn(242) : warning 209: function "cmd_startjob" should return a value uitati liniile, (comanda) CMD:startjob(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerJob[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Nu ai JOB"); switch(PlayerJob[playerid]) { case 1: { if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, 1070.3855, 1314.1974, 10.9171)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Nu esti in zona in care trebuie sa muncesti"); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1070.3855, 1314.1974, 10.9171, 7.0); Checkpoint[playerid] = 1; return 1; } } } }
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