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Everything posted by KB.HERO

  1. Cel mai probail se refera la baza fara conturi ca nu merge sa o urci pe ultra-h ca are 1-2k conturi
  2. Dupa cum vad ai vrut sa bagi quest nu ai copit bine de asta iti da errori
  3. Daca ai inlocuit plyerid cu playerid nu aveai erroare "undefined "plyerid"
  4. unde ai "plyerid" pune "playerid" defineste sendquest
  5. ca ai scapta } Uitate mai sus cum ti am dat incerca
  6. case 200: { if(!IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, JobVehicle[playerid])) return sendJob(playerid, "Nu esti cu vehiculul de la job."); DisablePlayerRaceCheckpointEx(playerid); CP[playerid] = 0; PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, JobTD); playerVariables[playerid][pBusSkill] ++; UpdateVar(playerid, "BusSkill", playerVariables[playerid][pBusSkill]); GiveJobSalary(playerid); JobWorking[playerid] = 0; if(JobVehicle[playerid] != 0) { DestroyVehicle(JobVehicle[playerid]); JobVehicle[playerid] = 0; } SCM(playerid, -1, "Felicitari ai terminat toate checkpoint-urile."); } //quest case 301: { SetPlayerRaceCheckpointEx(plyerid, 0, 744.6379,-556.1034,18.0129, 981.4542,-1814.0586,13.9752, 5.0 ); CP[playerid]++; } case 302: { SetPlayerRaceCheckpointEx(plyerid, 0, 981.4542,-1814.0586,13.9752, 981.4542,-1814.0586,13.9752, 5.0); CP[playerid]++; } case 303: { SetPlayerRaceCheckpointEx(plyerid, 0, 981.4542,-1814.0586,13.9752, 167.8773,-1768.6434,4.4820, 5.0); CP[playerid]++; } case 304: { SetPlayerRaceCheckpointEx(plyerid, 0, 167.8773,-1768.6434,4.4820, 1981.6117,-1682.4552,17.0533, 5.0); CP[playerid]++; } case 305: { SetPlayerRaceCheckpointEx(plyerid, 0, 1981.6117,-1682.4552,17.0533, 2208.2031,-1100.8151,31.5547, 5.0); CP[playerid]++; } } return 1; }
  7. Arata tot codul pana ce problema o vad aici case 203: { SetPlayerRaceCheckpointEx(plyerid, 0, 981.4542,-1814.0586,13.9752, 167.8773,-1768.6434,4.4820, 5.0); CP[playerid]++; } trebuie case 303: {
  8. ai gresit ceva nu e ceia ce ai dat prima data sus
  9. CMD:createhouse( playerid, params[] ) { if( PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 6 ) return true; new ivInt, Float:IntPos[3], inter, Float:pX, Float:pY, Float:pZ, string[128], query[500], text, sendername[25]; if( sscanf( params, "i", text ) ) return SCM( playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Syntax: {FFFFFF}/createhouse <Size - 0/1/2> 0 = small, 1 = medium, 2 = big"); if(text >= 3) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Unknown Size"); GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ); SetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeX", pX); SetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeY", pY); SetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeZ", pZ); if(text == 0) { ivInt = random(5); if(ivInt == 0)IntPos[0] = 223.20, IntPos[1] = 1287.08, IntPos[2] = 1082.14, inter = 1; else if(ivInt == 1)IntPos[0] = 2283.04, IntPos[1] = -1140.28, IntPos[2] = 1050.90, inter = 11; else if(ivInt == 2)IntPos[0] = 446.90, IntPos[1] = 506.35, IntPos[2] = 1001.42, inter = 12; else if(ivInt == 3)IntPos[0] = 328.05, IntPos[1] = 1477.73, IntPos[2] = 1084.44, inter = 15; else if(ivInt == 4)IntPos[0] = 223.20, IntPos[1] = 1287.08, IntPos[2] = 1082.14, inter = 1; else if(ivInt == 5)IntPos[0] = -42.59, IntPos[1] = 1405.47, IntPos[2] = 1084.43, inter = 8; } else if(text == 1) { ivInt = random(5)+6; if(ivInt == 6)IntPos[0] = 235.34, IntPos[1] = 1186.68, IntPos[2] = 1080.26, inter = 3; else if(ivInt == 7)IntPos[0] = 24.04, IntPos[1] = 1340.17, IntPos[2] = 1084.38, inter = 10; else if(ivInt == 8)IntPos[0] = -283.44, IntPos[1] = 1470.93, IntPos[2] = 1084.38, inter = 15; else if(ivInt == 9)IntPos[0] = -260.49, IntPos[1] = 1456.75, IntPos[2] = 1084.37, inter = 4; else if(ivInt == 10)IntPos[0] = 377.15, IntPos[1] = 1417.41, IntPos[2] = 1081.33, inter = 15; } else if(text == 2) { ivInt = random(5)+11; if(ivInt == 11)IntPos[0] = 2324.53, IntPos[1] = -1149.54, IntPos[2] = 1050.71, inter = 12; else if(ivInt == 12)IntPos[0] = 1260.64, IntPos[1] = -785.37, IntPos[2] = 1091.91, inter = 5; else if(ivInt == 13)IntPos[0] = 140.17, IntPos[1] = 1366.07, IntPos[2] = 1083.65, inter = 5; else if(ivInt == 14)IntPos[0] = 234.19, IntPos[1] = 1063.73, IntPos[2] = 1084.21, inter = 6; else if(ivInt == 15)IntPos[0] = 225.68, IntPos[1] = 1021.45, IntPos[2] = 1084.02, inter = 7; else if(ivInt == 16)IntPos[0] = 226.30, IntPos[1] = 1114.24, IntPos[2] = 1080.99, inter = 5; } new i = housess+1; mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO houses (Owner, Lockk, Hel, Arm, Level, Rentabil, Rent, Owned, Discription, Value, Takings) VALUES('AdmBot', '0', '0', '0', '10', '1', '500', '0', 'House', '10000000', '0')"); mysql_tquery(SQL, query, "", ""); HouseInfo[hID] = i; HouseInfo[hEntrancex] = GetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeX"); HouseInfo[hEntrancey] = GetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeY"); HouseInfo[hEntrancez] = GetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeZ"); HouseInfo[hExitx] = IntPos[0]; HouseInfo[hExity] = IntPos[1]; HouseInfo[hExitz] = IntPos[2]; format(HouseInfo[hOwner], 64, "AdmBot"); format(HouseInfo[hDiscription], 64, "House"); HouseInfo[hValue] = 5000000; HouseInfo[hHel] = 0; HouseInfo[hInterior] = inter; HouseInfo[hLock] = 0; HouseInfo[hOwned] = 0; HouseInfo[hRent] = 10000; HouseInfo[hRentabil] = 1; HouseInfo[hTakings] = 0; HouseInfo[hLevel] = 10; HouseInfo[hVirtual] = housess+1; mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `Entrancex`='%f',`Entrancey`='%f',`Entrancez`='%f',`Exitx`='%f',`Exity`='%f',`Exitz`='%f',`Interior`='%d',`Virtual`='%d',`Value`='%d',`Level`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d'",HouseInfo[hEntrancex],HouseInfo[hEntrancey],HouseInfo[hEntrancez],HouseInfo[hExitx],HouseInfo[hExity],HouseInfo[hExitz],HouseInfo[hInterior],HouseInfo[hVirtual],HouseInfo[hValue],HouseInfo[hLevel],i); mysql_tquery(SQL, query, "", ""); mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `Entrancex`='%f',`Entrancey`='%f',`Entrancez`='%f',`Exitx`='%f',`Exity`='%f',`Exitz`='%f',`Interior`='%d',`Virtual`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d'", HouseInfo[hEntrancex], HouseInfo[hEntrancey], HouseInfo[hEntrancez], HouseInfo[hExitx], HouseInfo[hExity], HouseInfo[hExitz], HouseInfo[hInterior], HouseInfo[hVirtual], i); mysql_tquery(SQL, query, "", ""); if(ivInt >= 0 && ivInt <=5) { mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `InteriorType` = 0 WHERE `ID`='%d'",i); mysql_tquery(SQL,query,"",""); HouseInfo[hInteriorType] = 0; } else if(ivInt >= 6 && ivInt <=10) { mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `InteriorType` = 1 WHERE `ID`='%d'",i); mysql_tquery(SQL,query,"",""); HouseInfo[hInteriorType] = 1; } else if(ivInt >= 11 && ivInt <=16) { mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `InteriorType` = 2 WHERE `ID`='%d'",i); mysql_tquery(SQL,query,"",""); HouseInfo[hInteriorType] = 2; } OnPropTextdrawUpdate(1,i); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInfo[hEntrancex], HouseInfo[hEntrancey], HouseInfo[hEntrancez]); housess++; format(string,sizeof(string),"[Casa] %d a fost creata cu succes.!",i); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, string); GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); format(string, sizeof(string), "[Admin] %s: a creat o noua casa ID %d", sendername, i); ABroadCast(COLOR_ADMCHAT, string, 1); return true; }
  10. uitate ca scrie localhost hosted unde e localhost pui datele fara parola adica root baza "", la host ip baza baza parola
  11. Pe ce lucrezi localhost sau host ?
  12. dupa baza sterge 123123 daca esti pe localhost nu trebuie sa ai parola
  13. Aici pui datele mysql de la host define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost'); define('DB_USERNAME', 'rayzenro_panel'); define('DB_PASSWORD', ''); define('DB_DATABASE', 'rayzenro_panel');
  14. Voi nu observati ca e gm gta-samp ? sau o duceti rau cu vederea? @Alin_239 @**Aimer**
  15. new name[MAX_PLAYERS_NAME]; Pune asa new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
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