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  1. Buna seara, eu impreuna cu DanielGamer ( Scripter ) Avem un server de 4 luni. Am avut un scripter care pana la urma ne-a trolat si a facut niste prostii prin gamemode, am reparat tot ce a stricat dar faza este ca de cand a facut prostii se ia crash pe server. Gen orice player care joaca 20-30 minute primeste crash.. nu stim ce sa mai facem si am dorii sa ne ajutati voi .. Stiti cumva ce ar putea cauza acest crash? Singura eroare este ceva Cu SetplayerunjailEx array out of bundex
  2. Buna seara, am un server ce dispune de playeri , dar totusi sunt cam multe restarturi pe zi pentru problema asta. La un momentdat , timpul la jail find tutorial etc se blocheaza. In log e ceva legat de setplayerunjail si array out of budding sau ceva de gen ( nu sunt scripter bun ). Am intrebat scripteri marisori si nimeni nu a gasit o explicat aveti aici comanda si am rugamintea de a ma ajuta , ofer si ceva in schimb ( paysafe ) daca problema se rezolva , pentru ca am nevoie. function SetPlayerUnjail() { new string[300]; foreach(new i : Player) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { new level = PlayerData[pLevel]; if(level >= 0 && level <= 2) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 10; } else if(level >= 3 && level <= 4) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 11; } else if(level >= 5 && level <= 6) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 12; } else if(level >= 7 && level <= 8) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 13; } else if(level >= 9 && level <= 10) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 14; } else if(level >= 11 && level <= 12) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 15; } else if(level >= 13 && level <= 14) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 16; } else if(level >= 15 && level <= 16) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 17; } else if(level >= 17 && level <= 18) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 18; } else if(level >= 19 && level <= 20) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 19; } else if(level >= 21) { PlayerData[pPayCheck] += 20; } if(PlayerData[pJailed] > 0) { if(PlayerData[pJailTime] > 0 && WantLawyer == 0) { PlayerData[pJailTime]--; format(string, sizeof(string),"~y~Time Left in Jail: ~n~~w~%d Seconds.",PlayerData[pJailTime]); TextDrawSetString(JailTD,string);//jail } if(PlayerData[pJailTime] <= 0 && WantLawyer == 0) { PlayerData[pJailTime] = 0; if(PlayerData[pJailed] == 1) { SetPlayerInterior(i, 0); SetPlayerPos(i,1546.4282,-1675.6783,13.5623); } else if(PlayerData[pJailed] == 2) { SetPlayerWorldBounds(i,20000.0000,-20000.0000,20000.0000,-20000.0000); //Reset world to player SetPlayerInterior(i, 0); SetPlayerPos(i, 90.2101,1920.4854,17.9422); } PlayerData[pJailed] = 0; SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1," You have paid your debt to society."); format(string, sizeof(string), "~g~Freedom~n~~w~Try to be a better citizen"); GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 5000, 1); if(gTeam == 4) { gTeam = 3; } ClearCrime(i); SetPlayerToTeamColor(i); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, JailTD); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, 0); } }
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