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About ShiF7

  • Birthday 05/09/1997

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    Piatra Neamt , Roman
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  1. Up , nu stie nimeni?
  2. Salut o problema cu gm-ul bristonGOV ..asa pe pc imi merge dar cand il pun pe host..demo..imi da eroare la colandreas.so SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [20:27:37] password = "" (string) [20:27:37] mapname = "San Andreas" (string) [20:27:37] [20:27:37] Server Plugins [20:27:37] -------------- [20:27:37] Loading plugin: mysql.so [20:27:37] >> plugin.mysql: R39-3 successfully loaded. [20:27:37] Loaded. [20:27:37] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [20:27:37] [20:27:37] =============================== [20:27:37] sscanf plugin loaded. [20:27:37] Version: 2.8.1 [20:27:37] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [20:27:37] =============================== [20:27:37] Loaded. [20:27:37] Loading plugin: ColAndreas.so [20:27:37] Failed (libBulletDynamics.so.2.82: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) [20:27:37] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [20:27:37] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK. [20:27:37] Loaded. [20:27:37] Loading plugin: streamer.so [20:27:37] *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.8 by Incognito loaded *** [20:27:37] Loaded. [20:27:37] Loading plugin: YSF.so [20:27:37] logprintf = 0x080A91D0 [20:27:37] [20:27:37] =============================== [20:27:37] YSF - kurta999 version R14-3 loaded [20:27:37] (c) 2008 Alex "Y_Less" Cole - (c) 2010 - 2015 kurta999 [20:27:37] Server version: 0.3.7 R2 [20:27:37] Operating System: Linux [20:27:37] Built on: Jul 21 2015 at 00:46:01 [20:27:37] =============================== [20:27:37] Loaded. [20:27:37] Loaded 5 plugins. [20:27:37] [20:27:37] Filterscripts [20:27:37] --------------- [20:27:37] Loading filterscript 'harta.amx'... [20:27:37] Unable to load filterscript 'harta.amx'. [20:27:37] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [20:27:37] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [20:27:37] [debug] CA_DestroyObject [20:27:37] [debug] CA_Init [20:27:37] [debug] CA_RayCastLineAngle [20:27:37] [debug] CA_RayCastLine [20:27:37] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [20:27:37] [debug] CA_DestroyObject [20:27:37] [debug] CA_Init [20:27:37] [debug] CA_RayCastLineAngle [20:27:37] [debug] CA_RayCastLine [20:27:37] Script[gamemodes/briston.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [20:27:37] Number of vehicle models: 0 Va rog sa ma ajutati!
  3. Problema mea este urmatoarea: Am pluginul datahandler.dll pe un gm mai vechi dar nu gasesc versiunea pentru linux. Erorile / Warnings:Daca scot pluginul SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [09:52:16] [09:52:16] Server Plugins [09:52:16] -------------- [09:52:16] Loading plugin: crashdetect [09:52:16] CrashDetect v4.12 is OK. [09:52:16] Loaded. [09:52:16] Loading plugin: profiler [09:52:16] Profiler v2.7.6 is OK. [09:52:16] Loaded. [09:52:16] Loading plugin: mysql [09:52:16] >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded. [09:52:16] Loaded. [09:52:16] Loading plugin: sscanf [09:52:16] [09:52:16] =============================== [09:52:16] sscanf plugin loaded. [09:52:16] Version: 2.8.1 [09:52:16] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [09:52:16] =============================== [09:52:16] Loaded. [09:52:16] Loading plugin: streamer [09:52:16] *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.2 by Incognito loaded *** [09:52:16] Loaded. [09:52:16] Loading plugin: Whirlpool [09:52:16] [09:52:16] ================== [09:52:16] [09:52:16] Whirlpool loaded [09:52:16] [09:52:16] ================== [09:52:16] [09:52:16] Loaded. [09:52:16] Loading plugin: fixes2 [09:52:16] [09:52:16] =============================== [09:52:16] fixes plugin loaded. [09:52:16] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [09:52:16] =============================== [09:52:16] Loaded. [09:52:16] Loading plugin: MapAndreas [09:52:16] Loaded. [09:52:16] Loading plugin: nativechecker [09:52:16] Loaded. [09:52:16] Loaded 9 plugins. [09:52:16] [09:52:16] Ban list [09:52:16] -------- [09:52:16] Loaded: samp.ban [09:52:16] [09:52:16] [09:52:16] Filterscripts [09:52:16] --------------- [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'newPlayerElement' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'erasePlayerElement' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'setItemVariable' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'itemInPossession' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'getPhoneIndexFromOccurance' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'getItemVar' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'getItemType' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'getItemPage' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'getItemID' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'itemIndexExists' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'getItemTypeFromVar' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'givePlayerItem' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'getPlayerItemID' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'removePlayerItem' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'removePlayerItemType' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'getItemTempVarFromVar' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'getItemVarFromID' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'setItemVariableByID' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'getItemTempVar' [09:52:16] Error: Function not registered: 'setItemTempVar' [09:52:16] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [09:52:16] [debug] newPlayerElement [09:52:16] [debug] erasePlayerElement [09:52:16] [debug] setItemVariable [09:52:16] [debug] itemInPossession [09:52:16] [debug] getPhoneIndexFromOccurance [09:52:16] [debug] getItemVar [09:52:16] [debug] getItemType [09:52:16] [debug] getItemPage [09:52:16] [debug] getItemID [09:52:16] [debug] itemIndexExists [09:52:16] [debug] getItemTypeFromVar [09:52:16] [debug] givePlayerItem [09:52:16] [debug] getPlayerItemID [09:52:16] [debug] removePlayerItem [09:52:16] [debug] removePlayerItemType [09:52:16] [debug] getItemTempVarFromVar [09:52:16] [debug] getItemVarFromID [09:52:16] [debug] setItemVariableByID [09:52:16] [debug] getItemTempVar [09:52:16] [debug] setItemTempVar [09:52:16] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [09:52:16] [debug] newPlayerElement [09:52:16] [debug] erasePlayerElement [09:52:16] [debug] setItemVariable [09:52:16] [debug] itemInPossession [09:52:16] [debug] getPhoneIndexFromOccurance [09:52:16] [debug] getItemVar [09:52:16] [debug] getItemType [09:52:16] [debug] getItemPage [09:52:16] [debug] getItemID [09:52:16] [debug] itemIndexExists [09:52:16] [debug] getItemTypeFromVar [09:52:16] [debug] givePlayerItem [09:52:16] [debug] getPlayerItemID [09:52:16] [debug] removePlayerItem [09:52:16] [debug] removePlayerItemType [09:52:16] [debug] getItemTempVarFromVar [09:52:16] [debug] getItemVarFromID [09:52:16] [debug] setItemVariableByID [09:52:16] [debug] getItemTempVar [09:52:16] [debug] setItemTempVar [09:52:16] Script[gamemodes/gamemode.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [09:52:16] Number of vehicle models: 0 [09:52:16] New version of CrashDetect is available for download (4.13) Codul sursa:Asta contine includerul de la datahandler // [PLUGIN]: dataHandler (C) 2013 #if defined dataHandler #endinput #endif #define dataHandler native newPlayerElement(playerid); native erasePlayerElement(playerid); native givePlayerItem(playerid, itemID, iType, iVar); native removePlayerItem(playerid, iID); native getPlayerItemAmount(playerid, iType); native getItemID(playerid, index); native getItemType(playerid, index); native getItemVar(playerid, index); native getItemPage(playerid, str[], len = sizeof(str), page = 1); native itemIndexExists(playerid, index); native getItemTypeFromVar(playerid, var); native getItemTempVarFromVar(playerid, var, tempIdx = 0); native setItemTempVar(playerid, index, tempVar, tempIdx = 0); native getItemTempVar(playerid, index, tempIdx = 0); native removePlayerItemType(playerid, type); native setItemVariable(playerid, index, variable); native getPlayerItemID(playerid, type); native getItemVarFromID(playerid, id); native setItemVariableByID(playerid, id, var); native itemInPossession(playerid, type); native getFirstItemIndex(playerid, type); native getPhoneIndexFromOccurance(playerid, phoneID); native getPhoneVarFromOccurance(playerid, phoneID); Randurile la care primesc erorile sunt:Nu am erori , cam asa arata in gm puse nativele alea: COMMAND:dice(playerid, params[]) { if(itemInPossession(playerid, 15)) { new me[70], result = random(6) + 1; format(me, sizeof(me), "** %s arunca cu zaruri %s si da %s.", GetNameWithSpace(playerid, 1), HisHer(playerid), numbers[result]); ProxDetector(12, playerid, me, COLOR_PINK); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Nu ai zaruri."); } return 1; } ----------------------------------------------- if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pItemType][DroppedItems[slot][itemIdx]] != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Nu poti lua obiectul de pe jos deoarece ai un obiect in mana."); PlayerInfo[playerid][pItemType][DroppedItems[slot][itemIdx]] = DroppedItems[slot][itemType]; PlayerInfo[playerid][pItemID][DroppedItems[slot][itemIdx]] = DroppedItems[slot][iID]; PlayerInfo[playerid][pItemVar][DroppedItems[slot][itemIdx]] = DroppedItems[slot][itemVar]; PlayerInfo[playerid][pItemIndex][DroppedItems[slot][itemIdx]] = givePlayerItemEx(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pItemID][DroppedItems[slot][itemIdx]], PlayerInfo[playerid][pItemType][DroppedItems[slot][itemIdx]], PlayerInfo[playerid][pItemVar][DroppedItems[slot][itemIdx]]); if(DroppedItems[slot][itemType] == 29 || DroppedItems[slot][itemType] == 240 || DroppedItems[slot][itemType] == 241) ---------------------------------------------------- { id = cache_get_row_int(i, 0); item = cache_get_row_int(i, 1); var = cache_get_row_int(i, 2); givePlayerItemEx(playerid, id, item, var); if(item == 231) { Alte detalii:Chiar a-si dori sa fiu ajutat la aceasta problema...nu vreau sa renunt la gm.Cine ma ajuta ii voi plati munca.Va multmuesc
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