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Everything posted by Issey

  1. Issey

    Ajutor masini

    Mersii Alexander a functionat
  2. Problema intalnita (descriere):Deci , folosesc atat speedometer-ul Lux cat si unul din GM , speedometer-ul lux merge bine , apare in orice masina as fi , dar cel din GM nu, apare la primele 500-600 de masini , iar la restul pana la 1000 nu apare ..si nu stiu de ce Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):- Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):- Imagini / Video (optional):- Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: da asta e din FS : public LuX_SpeedoMeterUp() { new Float:LPosX; new Float:LPosY; new Float:LPosZ; new Float:PlayerSpeedDistance; new value; new Float:L_VehHealth; for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)) { GetPlayerPos(i, LPosX, LPosY, LPosZ); GetPlayerVehicleID(i); GetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(i), L_VehHealth); PlayerSpeedDistance = floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(LPosX,LuX_ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadX])),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(LPosY,LuX_ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadY])),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(LPosZ,LuX_ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadZ])),2)); value = floatround(PlayerSpeedDistance * 5000); new LuxZone[MAX_ZONE_NAME]; GetPlayer2DZone(i, LuxZone, MAX_ZONE_NAME); if(LuX_SpeedoMeter[i] == 0){ TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, LFunc[i]); LuX_SpeedoMeter[i] = 1; } format(lstring,sizeof(lstring),"~b~Vehicul: ~w~%s~n~~b~HP: ~w~%.2f~n~~b~Altitudine: ~w~%.1f~n~~b~Gps: ~w~%s",LVehiclesName[GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(i))-400],L_VehHealth,LPosZ,LuxZone); TextDrawSetString(LFunc[i], lstring); } LuX_ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadX] = LPosX, LuX_ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadY] = LPosY, LuX_ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadZ] = LPosZ;} for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++){ if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)){ TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, LFunc[i]); LuX_SpeedoMeter[i] = 0; } } return 1; }si asta din GM : public CheckCar() { for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) { new string[256]; if(GetPlayerState(i) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { new car = GetPlayerVehicleID(i); new Speed = GetSpeed(i); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, TextDrawCar[i][1]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, TextDrawCar[i][2]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Box[i]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line1[i]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line2[i]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line3[i]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line4[i]); format(string, sizeof(string), "Fuel: %d%", Gas[car]); TextDrawSetString(TextDrawCar[i][1], string); format(string, sizeof(string), "Km/h: %d", Speed); TextDrawSetString(TextDrawCar[i][2], string); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, TextDrawCar[i][1]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, TextDrawCar[i][2]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Line1[i]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Line2[i]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Line3[i]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Line4[i]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Box[i]); } else { //KillTimer(checkcartimer); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, TextDrawCar[i][1]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, TextDrawCar[i][2]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Box[i]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line1[i]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line2[i]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line3[i]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line4[i]); } } return 1; }
  3. Problema intalnita (descriere): Salut , am o problema cu anumite masini, de exemplu merg cu ea si cand ies din aceasta in maxim 2 secunde se respawneaza automat si acest lucru mi se intampla cu mai multe masini .. Ce ar trebui sa le fac ? ( Am scos si comanda de /rac) Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):- Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):- Imagini / Video (optional):- Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?:Da
  4. Issey


    Problema intalnita (descriere):Deci folosesc un speedometer luat de pe net pe care l-am editat putin , imi merge , doar ca la vehicule noi ( adaugate de mine ) nu apare , in rest la celelalte apar si nu stiu de ce , unde ar trebui sa umblu .. ? Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):- Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):- Imagini / Video (optional):- Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?:da
  5. Da , se poate da TC
  6. Stiu cum sa le adaug, de vreo 4 ani fac mape, era un bug de la un FS care mi le anula
  7. Daca le fac asa nu apar deloc ..
  8. Problema intalnita (descriere): Salut , am o problema cu mapele de pe server . Deci la inceput aveam cateva mape , apoi am mai facut eu cateva le am adaugat si au inceput mapele sa nu mai apara in intregime ( adica lipsesc obiecte din ele ) sau chiar sa nu apara deloc , am incercat sa le fac si cu CreateDynamicObject ( asa nu apar deloc ) daca le fac ca si FS nu imi apar mapele vechi. Ce ar trebui sa fac ? P.S. Folosesc ultima versiune de streamer Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): - Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):- Imagini / Video (optional): - Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: da (sunt mapper de cativa ani , e prima data cand intampin problema asta )
  9. Issey


    Solutia cu strcat a functionat , cea a lui rappy
  10. Issey


    Mersii , a functionat .
  11. Issey


    Mai are cineva idei?
  12. Am si eu o problema cu sistemul de factiuni, pe server erau inital 10 factiuni , am creat una nimic rau, inca una totu mergea bine si acum am vrut sa mai fac inca 6 (18 in total) le-am facut dar la compilare am eroarea asta "table overflow: "staging buffer" la acest cod SaveFactions() { new coordsstring[4096]; format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", FACTION_1, FACTION_2, FACTION_3, FACTION_4, FACTION_5, FACTION_6, FACTION_7, FACTION_8, FACTION_9, FACTION_10, FACTION_11, FACTION_12, FACTION_13, FACTION_14, FACTION_15, FACTION_16, FACTION_17, FACTION_18, FACTION1_OWNER, FACTION2_OWNER, FACTION3_OWNER, FACTION4_OWNER, FACTION5_OWNER, FACTION6_OWNER, FACTION7_OWNER, FACTION8_OWNER, FACTION9_OWNER, FACTION10_OWNER, FACTION11_OWNER, FACTION12_OWNER, FACTION13_OWNER, FACTION14_OWNER, FACTION15_OWNER, FACTION16_OWNER, FACTION17_OWNER, FACTION18_OWNER, TOTAL_FACTION1_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION2_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION3_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION4_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION5_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION6_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION7_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION8_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION9_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION10_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION11_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION12_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION13_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION14_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION15_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION16_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION17_MEMBERS, TOTAL_FACTION18_MEMBERS, FactionInfo[1][FactionType], FactionInfo[2][FactionType], FactionInfo[3][FactionType], FactionInfo[4][FactionType], FactionInfo[5][FactionType], FactionInfo[6][FactionType], FactionInfo[7][FactionType], FactionInfo[8][FactionType], FactionInfo[9][FactionType], FactionInfo[10][FactionType], FactionInfo[11][FactionType], FactionInfo[12][FactionType], FactionInfo[13][FactionType], FactionInfo[14][FactionType], FactionInfo[15][FactionType], FactionInfo[16][FactionType], FactionInfo[17][FactionType], FactionInfo[18][FactionType], FactionRank[1][1], FactionRank[1][2], FactionRank[1][3], FactionRank[1][4], FactionRank[1][5], FactionRank[1][6], FactionRank[2][1], FactionRank[2][2], FactionRank[2][3], FactionRank[2][4], FactionRank[2][5], FactionRank[2][6], FactionRank[3][1], FactionRank[3][2], FactionRank[3][3], FactionRank[3][4], FactionRank[3][5], FactionRank[3][6], FactionRank[4][1], FactionRank[4][2], FactionRank[4][3], FactionRank[4][4], FactionRank[4][5], FactionRank[4][6], FactionRank[5][1], FactionRank[5][2], FactionRank[5][3], FactionRank[5][4], FactionRank[5][5], FactionRank[5][6], FactionRank[6][1], FactionRank[6][2], FactionRank[6][3], FactionRank[6][4], FactionRank[6][5], FactionRank[6][6], FactionRank[7][1], FactionRank[7][2], FactionRank[7][3], FactionRank[7][4], FactionRank[7][5], FactionRank[7][6], FactionRank[8][1], FactionRank[8][2], FactionRank[8][3], FactionRank[8][4], FactionRank[8][5], FactionRank[8][6], FactionRank[9][1], FactionRank[9][2], FactionRank[9][3], FactionRank[9][4], FactionRank[9][5], FactionRank[9][6], FactionRank[10][1], FactionRank[10][2], FactionRank[10][3], FactionRank[10][4], FactionRank[10][5], FactionRank[10][6], FactionRank[11][1], FactionRank[11][2], FactionRank[11][3], FactionRank[11][4], FactionRank[11][5], FactionRank[11][6], FactionRank[12][1], FactionRank[12][2], FactionRank[12][3], FactionRank[12][4], FactionRank[12][5], FactionRank[12][6], FactionRank[13][1], FactionRank[13][2], FactionRank[13][3], FactionRank[13][4], FactionRank[13][5], FactionRank[13][6], FactionRank[14][1], FactionRank[14][2], FactionRank[14][3], FactionRank[14][4], FactionRank[14][5], FactionRank[14][6], FactionRank[15][1], FactionRank[15][2], FactionRank[15][3], FactionRank[15][4], FactionRank[15][5], FactionRank[15][6], FactionRank[16][1], FactionRank[16][2], FactionRank[16][3], FactionRank[16][4], FactionRank[16][5], FactionRank[16][6], FactionRank[17][1], FactionRank[17][2], FactionRank[17][3], FactionRank[17][4], FactionRank[17][5], FactionRank[17][6], FactionRank[18][1], FactionRank[18][2], FactionRank[18][3], FactionRank[18][4], FactionRank[18][5], FactionRank[18][6]); new File: file2 = fopen("factions.cfg", io_write); fclose(file2); return 1; } si daca adaug mai multe la "coordsstring" imi apar erorile astea : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions) error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)
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