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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Cine te ruga mă? Că îl găsești pe orice forum..
  2. poate sa fie si de la id ? și la mașinile personale face la fel. + mașinile îs puse in ordine.. in unele mașini mă pot urca , dar îmi apare asa: http://imgur.com/xDrTMs8 ceva gen să incep misiunea la trucker
  3. L-am deschis , stai liniștit. PS: Nu imi plac minciunile. și termina cu posturile aiurea.
  4. gm-ul e din 2012 băiete, acel gm din prezentare nu va fi postat niciodată pe net.
  5. Nu e gamemodul din prezentare, lasa vrajeala.
  6. Problema intalnita (descriere): Atunci cand urc intr-o masina imi da slap aiurea + Sunt unele masini in care mai merge sa urc .. dar nu toate.. Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): - Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): Postez orice cod ce mi se cere. Imagini / Video (optional): - Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: Da, am verificat linie cu line de la RemovePlayerFroVehicle(playerid); @EquiNox Un mic ajutor te rog ?
  7. Problema intalnita (descriere): Folosesc gm bugged si daca cumpar o masina si o tin 2 zile si o vand si cumpar tot pe acelasi slot mi se pune tot aceliasi zile.. Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): Imagini / Video (optional): Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: Da.
  8. Problema intalnita (descriere):Nu imi vine ora jucata la payday si nici in baza de date nu se seteaza, dar cand dau cu /set se seteaza in /stats si in baza de date. Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): public PayDay() { foreach(Player, x) { new BankInterest = playerVariables[x][pBankMoney] / 250, RandPay = (random(495) + 5) * (playerVariables[x][pPlayingHours]/60) + random(5000) + 500, TotalPay = BankInterest + RandPay; SendClientMessage(x, COLOR_TEAL, "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); SendClientMessage(x, COLOR_WHITE, "Your paycheck has arrived, please visit the bank to withdraw your money."); playerVariables[x][pBankMoney] += TotalPay; new taxamount = 5; if(playerVariables[x][pDriveLicense] > 0) { playerVariables[x][pDriveLicense] -= 1; if(playerVariables[x][pDriveLicense] == 0) { SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_RED,"Your driving license has expired!"); } } if(playerVariables[x][pGunLicense] > 0) { playerVariables[x][pGunLicense] -= 1; if(playerVariables[x][pGunLicense] == 0) { SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_RED,"Your gun license has expired!"); } } if(playerVariables[x][pFlyLicense] > 0) { playerVariables[x][pFlyLicense] -= 1; if(playerVariables[x][pFlyLicense] == 0) { SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_RED,"Your fly license has expired!"); } } if(playerVariables[x][pBoatLicense] > 0) { playerVariables[x][pBoatLicense] -= 1; if(playerVariables[x][pBoatLicense] == 0) { SendClientMessage(x,COLOR_RED,"Your boat license has expired!"); } } if(playerVariables[x][pSeconds] >= 1800) { playerVariables[x][pPlayingHours]++; if(playerVariables[x][pGiftHours] > 0) { if(playerVariables[x][pGiftHours] == 0) { SCM(x,COLOR_YELLOW,"You can now use /getgift."); } playerVariables[x][pGiftHours] --; } } else { SCM(x,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"Nu ai jucat suficient pentru a primi ora jucata."); } if(playerVariables[x][pGroupRank] == 7) { playerVariables[x][pBankMoney] += 50000; SCM(x,COLOR_WHITE,"Ai primit $50.000 salariu de leader."); } if(playerVariables[x][pDonate] == 1) { playerVariables[x][pBankMoney] += playerVariables[x][pLevel] * 10000; format(szMessage, 256, "Premium bonus: $%s", NumberFormat(playerVariables[x][pLevel] * 10000)); SCM(x, -1, szMessage); } if(playerVariables[x][pDonate] == 1) { playerVariables[x][pRobPoints]+= 2; playerVariables[x][pRPoints]+= 2; if(playerVariables[x][pFPunish] > 0) { playerVariables[x][pFPunish] -= 2; if(playerVariables[x][pFPunish] < 1) { playerVariables[x][pFPunish] = 0; } } } if(playerVariables[x][pDonate] == 0) { playerVariables[x][pRobPoints]++; playerVariables[x][pRPoints]++; if(playerVariables[x][pFPunish] > 0) { playerVariables[x][pFPunish] --; } } format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "Paycheck: $%d | Bank balance: $%d | Bank interest: $%d | Tax: $%d (%d percent) | Normal earnings: $%d", RandPay, playerVariables[x][pBankMoney], BankInterest, taxamount, assetVariables[1][aAssetValue], TotalPay-taxamount); SendClientMessage(x, COLOR_GREY, szMessage); SendClientMessage(x, COLOR_TEAL, "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); playerVariables[x][pSeconds] = 0; savePlayerData(x); } return 1; } Imagini / Video (optional): Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?:da
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