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Everything posted by Claudiu2015

  1. Problema intalnita (descriere):Cum se creeaza masini pentru DMV + checkpoint-urile.Merge comanda EXAM dar nu am Masinile puse Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):CMD:exam( playerid, params[] ) { if( IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) ) { if( gPlayerLogged[ playerid ] == 0 ) return SCM( playerid, -1, ""ALB"Trebuie sa fi conectat pentru a utiliza aceasta comanda." ); if( PlayerToPoint( 3, playerid, 1611.4918,-1893.9436,13.5469 ) ) { if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDriverLicense ] == 1 ) return SCM( playerid, -1, ""ALB"Deja ai o licenta de condus, nu iti poti cumpara alta." ); if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pCash ] < 3000 ) return SCM( playerid, -1, ""ALB"Ai nevoie de 3.000$ pentru a lua permisul de conducere." ); if( DriversSchool[ playerid ] == true ) return SCM( playerid, -1, ""ALB"Deja te-ai inscris la scoala de soferi." ); DriversSchool[ playerid ] = true; SCM( playerid, -1, ""ALBASTRU"Ai la dispozitie 15 de secunde pentru a te urca in masina de examen." ); SetTimerEx( "ExamenLicenta", 15000, false, "i", playerid ); } else return SCM( playerid, -1, ""ALB"Nu poti da examenul pentru o licenta din aceasta locatie." ); } return 1; } Imagini / Video (optional): Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?:
  2. Imi da o eroare : error 017: undefined symbol "cColorOne" warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "HouseKey"
  3. Unde trebuie pusa aia cu UPDATE-ul la ce lini si cea ca sa distruga masina .. ?
  4. Problema intalnita (descriere):Cand dau /park la masina personala nu se salveaza pozitia . Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):Nici-un warning/eroare doar ca nu se salveaza pozitia . Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):CMD:park ( playerid , params [ ] ) { if ( IsPlayerConnected ( playerid ) ) { new Float: VPos [ 4 ] , key , HouseKey = PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pHouseKey ] ; if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 0 ) return SCM ( playerid , -1 , IsNotConnected ) ; if ( VPersSpawned [ playerid ] == MAX_PERSONALCARS ) return SCM ( playerid , -1 , ""ALB"You need a car so you can park visible." ) ; if ( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle ( playerid ) && ( VPersSpawned [ playerid ] == GetPlayerVehicleID ( playerid ) ) && ( GetPlayerState ( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER ) ) { if ( ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pHouseKey ] != MAX_HOUSES ) && ( PlayerToPoint ( 30 , playerid , HouseInfo [ HouseKey ] [ hIntrare ] [ 0 ] , HouseInfo [ HouseKey ] [ hIntrare ] [ 1 ] , HouseInfo [ HouseKey ] [ hIntrare ] [ 2 ] ) ) ) { GetVehiclePos ( GetPlayerVehicleID ( playerid ) , VPos [ 0 ] , VPos [ 1 ] , VPos [ 2 ] ) ; GetVehicleZAngle ( GetPlayerVehicleID ( playerid ) , VPos [ 3 ] ) ; if ( SlotUSED [ playerid ] == 1 ) { key = PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pCarKey1 ] ; } else if ( SlotUSED [ playerid ] == 2 ) { key = PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pCarKey2 ] ; } else if ( SlotUSED [ playerid ] == 3 ) { key = PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pCarKey3 ] ; } CarInfo [ key ] [ cLocation ] [ 0 ] = VPos [ 0 ] ; CarInfo [ key ] [ cLocation ] [ 1 ] = VPos [ 1 ] ; CarInfo [ key ] [ cLocation ] [ 2 ] = VPos [ 2 ] ; CarInfo [ key ] [ cAngle ] = VPos [ 3 ] ; mysql_format( gHandle, SQLString, sizeof( SQLString ), "UPDATE `%s` SET `LocationX` = '%f', `LocationY` = '%f', `LocationZ` = '%f', `Angle` = '%f' WHERE `CarID` = '%d' LIMIT 1", DBNAME_PCARS, CarInfo[ key ][ cLocation ][ 0 ], CarInfo[ key ][ cLocation ][ 1 ], CarInfo[ key ][ cLocation ][ 2 ], CarInfo[ key ][ cAngle ], key ); mysql_tquery( gHandle, SQLString, "", "" ); SCM ( playerid , -1 , ""ALBASTRU"[ INFO ] The car was parked successful in this location." ) ; } else { if ( PlayerTicket [ playerid ] == false ) return SCM ( playerid , -1 , ""ALB"Need parking ticket from 24 / 7 to park the car." ) ; GetVehiclePos ( GetPlayerVehicleID ( playerid ) , VPos [ 0 ] , VPos [ 1 ] , VPos [ 2 ] ) ; GetVehicleZAngle ( GetPlayerVehicleID ( playerid ) , VPos [ 3 ] ) ; if ( SlotUSED [ playerid ] == 1 ) { key = PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pCarKey1 ] ; } else if ( SlotUSED [ playerid ] == 2 ) { key = PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pCarKey2 ] ; } else if ( SlotUSED [ playerid ] == 3 ) { key = PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pCarKey3 ] ; } CarInfo [ key ] [ cLocation ] [ 0 ] = VPos [ 0 ] ; CarInfo [ key ] [ cLocation ] [ 1 ] = VPos [ 1 ] ; CarInfo [ key ] [ cLocation ] [ 2 ] = VPos [ 2 ] ; CarInfo [ key ] [ cAngle ] = VPos [ 3 ] ; mysql_format( gHandle, SQLString, sizeof( SQLString ), "UPDATE `%s` SET `LocationX` = '%f', `LocationY` = '%f', `LocationZ` = '%f', `Angle` = '%f' WHERE `CarID` = '%d' LIMIT 1", DBNAME_PCARS, CarInfo[ key ][ cLocation ][ 0 ], CarInfo[ key ][ cLocation ][ 1 ], CarInfo[ key ][ cLocation ][ 2 ], CarInfo[ key ][ cAngle ], key ); mysql_tquery( gHandle, SQLString, "", "" ); SCM ( playerid , -1 , ""ALBASTRU"[ INFO ] The car was parked successful in this location , parking ticket was used." ) ; PlayerTicket [ playerid ] = false ; } } else return SCM ( playerid , -1 , ""ALB"To park your car must be driving them." ) ; } return 1 ; } Imagini / Video (optional): Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?:Am incercat sa inlocui ceva dar nu mi-a reusit .
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