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  1. CMD:setlevel( ASW ) { new a_r[ 102 ]; PLogin( playerid ); PAdmin( playerid, 11 ); if( sscanf( params, "ud", params[ 0 ], params[ 1 ] ) ) return Functie( playerid, "/setlevel [iD Jucator] [Level 0-11]", "Setezi levelul unui jucator." ); if( params[ 0 ] == INVALID_PLAYER_ID ) return Eroare( playerid, "Jucatorul nu este conectat." ); if( PI[ params[ 0 ] ][ TLevel ] == 1 ) return Eroare( playerid, "Acest jucator are un Level Temporar, foloseste ~r~/tsetlevel~w~ !" ); if( PI[ params[ 0 ] ][ LoggedIn ] == 0 ) return Eroare( playerid, "Acest jucator nu este Logat sau Inregistrat." ); if( params[ 1 ] > ServerInfo[ MaxAdminLevel ] ) return Eroare( playerid, "Level invalid. [ 0 - 11 ]"); if( params[ 1 ] == PI[ params[ 0 ] ][ Level ] ) return Eroare( playerid, "Acest jucator are deja acest Level!" ); AdminCMD( playerid, "SetLevel" ); new d_y, d_m, d_d, t_h, t_m, t_s; getdate( d_y, d_m, d_d ); gettime( t_h, t_m, t_s ); switch( params[ 1 ] ) { case 0: a_r = "Membru"; case 1: a_r = "Mini-Helper"; case 2: a_r = "Co-Helper"; case 3: a_r = "Helper"; case 4: a_r = "Mini-Moderator"; case 5: a_r = "Co-Moderator"; case 6: a_r = "Moderator"; case 7: a_r = "Mini-Administrator"; case 8: a_r = "Co-Administrator"; case 9: a_r = "Administrator"; case 10: a_r = "Owner"; case 11: a_r = "Founder"; } if( params[ 1 ] > 0 ) MSGToOne( params[ 0 ], 0xC0FF00AA, "%s {FFFFFF}ti-a setat statutul de {C0FF00}Level %s - %d", PName( playerid ), a_r, params[ 1 ] ); else MSGToOne( params[ 0 ], 0xFFFFFFAA, "{C0FF00}%s {FFFFFF}ti-a setat statutul de {C0FF00}Level %s - %d", PName( playerid ), a_r, params[ 1 ] ); if( params[ 1 ] > PI[ params[ 0 ] ][ Level ] ) GameTextForPlayer( params[ 0 ],"~b~Promovat!", 2000, 3 ); else GameTextForPlayer( params[ 0 ],"~r~Retrogradat!", 2000, 3 ); MSGToOne( playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, "{FFFFFF}I-ai dat lui {C0FF00}%s {FFFFFF}Level {C0FF00}%d - %s {FFFFFF}in {C0FF00}%d.%d.%d {FFFFFF}la {C0FF00}%d:%d:%d", PName( params[ 0 ] ), params[ 1 ], a_r, d_d, d_m, d_y, t_h, t_m, t_s ); MSGToAll( 0xFFFFFFAA, "{C0FF00}%s {FFFFFF}a devenit Rank {C0FF00}%s - {FFFFFF}Level{C0FF00} %d", PName( params[ 0 ] ), a_r, params[ 1 ] ); Pe server: /setlevel ( id meu ) ( Orice level intre 1-11 ) Invalid level.....
  2. Salut membrii SA-MP.Ro. Am luat de pe net GM ASW ( Amazing Stunt World ) Am rezolvat toate probleme, dar a aparut o mica problema: Nu pot da /setlevel de pe server doar din baza de date. Dau /setlevel 8-9-10 si imi da eroare si zice " Level invalid 1-11 ". Care ar fi problema ? Cum as putea rezolva? Astept raspuns urgent ! Stima.
  3. Host de la xtremehost. Ti-am lasat pm. Multumesc frumos de ajutor ! Astept raspuns. EDIT: Gamer mare om mare caracter. M-a rezolvat cu baza de date ! M-ai am nevoie de ajutor in legatura cu rcon`u... SendRconCommand( "rcon_password rcon_password_asw" ); //ASW have two password, don't forget it ! AM REZOLVAT TOT. INCA ODATA GAMER MARE OM MARE CARACTER. PROPUN CA MOD <3 <3 MARE #VALOARE.
  4. Omule, am spus asa " pana gasesc sa cumpar un gm, sa iau un gm de pe net si l-am gasit pe asta. " Stiu ca tu l-ai luat pe 20-25 euro. am zis PANA sa fac rost de bani sa iau un GM sa iau gm`ul postat de K1ddu.
  5. Salut membrii Sa-Mp.Ro . De curand, am achizitonat un host. Mi s-a facut si baza de date frumos, iar acum m-am gandit pana sa fac rost de niste bani sa iau un GM calumea, sa iau GM`ul creat de K1ddu ASW ( Amazing Stunt World ). Am bagat GM frumos, am bagat datele de la datebase, ip tot tot. Iar problema este ca atunci cand intru pe server, nu-mi apare nici dialog sa ma pot inregistra si nici nu pot da /register // /login. Si cand vreau sa scriu pe chat imi spune ca trebuie sa fiu inregistrat. Care ar fi problema? Cum as putea rezolva? Am mai avut odata GM`u asta pe host dar nu mai tin minte exact cum am facut..... ++++ Inca o mica problema, cum schimb rconu` la ASW? Stiu ca este din gamemode, dar am observat ca are 2 parole. rcon 1 si 2... Cum le aflu pe astea 2 ca sa le schimb? ( Nu m-am mai ocupat de ceva vreme de samp ! ) P.S : Nu am schimbat credite sau altceva ( sa nu aud gen "aa.... l-ai luat sa schimb tu credite sa astea " ) Nu domne, l-am luat o perioada sa-l tin ca sa nu fie serverul pe drepta. Log MySqL : [09:33:48] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) [09:34:02] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) [09:38:24] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) <html><head><title>MySQL Plugin log</title><style>table {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 23px; table-layout: fixed; width: 863px;}th, td {border: 1px solid black; word-wrap: break-word;}thead {background-color: #C0C0C0;} tbody {text-align: center;} table.left1 {position: relative; left: 36px;} table.left2 {position: relative; left: 72px;} .time {width: 80px;} .func {width: 200px;} .stat {width: 75px;} .msg {width: 400px;} </style> <script> var LOG_ERROR = 1, LOG_WARNING = 2, LOG_DEBUG = 4; var FirstRun = true, IsCallbackActive = false, IsTableOpen = false, IsThreadActive = false; function StartCB(cbname) { StartTable(1, 0, cbname); } function EndCB() { EndTable(); IsCallbackActive = false; } function StartTable(iscallback, isthreaded, cbname) { if(IsTableOpen == true || isthreaded != IsThreadActive) EndTable(); if(iscallback == true) { document.write( "<table class=left2>" + "<th bgcolor=#C0C0C0 >In callback ""+cbname+""</th>" + "</table>" ); } document.write("<table"); if(iscallback == true || (isthreaded != IsThreadActive && isthreaded == false && IsCallbackActive == true) ) { document.write(" class=left2"); IsCallbackActive = true; } else if(isthreaded == true) document.write(" class=left1"); IsThreadActive = isthreaded; document.write(">"); if(FirstRun == true) { FirstRun = false; document.write("<thead><th class=time>Time</th><th class=func>Function</th><th class=stat>Status</th><th class=msg>Message</th></thead>"); } document.write("<tbody>"); IsTableOpen = true; } function EndTable() { document.write("</tbody></table>"); IsTableOpen = false; } function Log(time, func, status, msg, isthreaded) { isthreaded = typeof isthreaded !== 'undefined' ? isthreaded : 0; if(IsTableOpen == false || isthreaded != IsThreadActive) StartTable(false, isthreaded, ""); var StatColor, StatText; switch(status) { case LOG_ERROR: StatColor = "RED"; StatText = "ERROR"; break; case LOG_WARNING: StatColor = "#FF9900"; StatText = "WARNING"; break; case LOG_DEBUG: StatColor = "#00DD00"; StatText = "OK"; break; } document.write( "<tr bgcolor="+StatColor+">" + "<td class=time>"+time+"</td>" + "<td class=func>"+func+"</td>" + "<td class=stat>"+StatText+"</td>" + "<td class=msg>"+msg+"</td>" + "</tr>" ); } </script></head><body bgcolor=grey> <h2>Logging started at 09:38, 17.01.2015</h2><script> Log("09:38:24","CMySQLConnection::Connect",1,"(error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)",1); Log("09:38:24","CMySQLConnection::Connect",1,"(error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)",1); Log("09:38:24","CMySQLConnection::Connect",1,"(error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)",1); </script> Astept raspuns URGENT ! Stima.
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