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Marian Lucian

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  1. Nu vrea tot eroarea aia : [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away oare sa fie de la : [21:37:34] New version of CrashDetect is available for download (4.13) oare sa fie asta? #include <a_mysql> si sa pun asa ? #include <mysql_static>
  2. asta e baza de date si e bine conectata ca numi da EROARE LA EA #define SQL_HOSTNAME "localhost" #define SQL_USERNAME "fakiogaz_samp" #define SQL_DATABASE "fakiogaz_samp" #define SQL_PASSWORD "HERBERTZEX" daca nu zimi un gamemode care merge pe baza de date , dar sa fie bunicel asa si asa #include <a_samp> #undef MAX_PLAYERS #define MAX_PLAYERS (100) #pragma dynamic 100000 #include <a_mysql> #include <foreach> #include <progress> #include <eSelection> #include <easyDialog> #include <sscanf2> #include <streamer> #include <zcmd> #include <OPSP> #define mysql_ping
  3. am facut ce miei zis sa rezolvat problema cu : [21:25:20] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)" [21:25:20] Script[gamemodes/roleplay.amx]: Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)" dar imi pare eroarea asta nuj ce drq : [21:37:34] [SQL] Connection to "localhost" passed! [21:37:34] Number of vehicle models: 11 [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:37:34] New version of CrashDetect is available for download (4.13) [21:38:17] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [21:38:17] [join] Tequiluu has joined the server (0: [21:38:17] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:38:23] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:38:33] [part] Tequiluu has left the server (0:1)
  4. am mai gasit ceva in gamemode si nam vazuto in niciun gm pana acum ! public OnGameModeInit() { AntiDeAMX();//add this } AntiDeAMX() { new antidamx[][] = { "Unarmed (Fist)", "Brass K", "Fire Ex" }; #pragma unused antidamx
  5. am refacut si tot nu se conecteaza ramane asa ( connect RPG.LH-BLOG.NET ) ! Ma chinui de 5 ore sai dau de cap si degeaba ! O alta metoda ? Eu cred ca asta e eroarea ! [21:25:20] [SQL] Connection to "localhost" passed! [21:25:20] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)" [21:25:20] Script[gamemodes/roleplay.amx]: Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)" si imi da din cauza erorii asta [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:25:20] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away
  6. asta este ! echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password password maxplayers 100 bind port 7777 hostname RPG.LH-BLOG.NET plugins crashdetect.so mysql_static.so mysql_5.5.so nativechecker.so sscanf.so streamer.so Whirlpool.so gamemode0 roleplay filterscripts animlist mapname SanAndreas announce 0 language RO/EN query 1 weburl www.lh-blog.net maxnpc 1 onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 conncookies 0 cookielogging 0
  7. Nu merge mane am facut cum ai zis tu ! imi da cacatul asta ------------------------------------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [21:08:25] [21:08:25] Server Plugins [21:08:25] -------------- [21:08:25] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [21:08:25] CrashDetect v4.12 is OK. [21:08:25] Loaded. [21:08:25] Loading plugin: mysql_static.so [21:08:25] >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded. [21:08:25] Loaded. [21:08:25] Loading plugin: mysql_5.5.so [21:08:25] >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded. [21:08:25] Loaded. [21:08:25] Loading plugin: nativechecker.so [21:08:25] Loaded. [21:08:25] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [21:08:25] [21:08:25] =============================== [21:08:25] sscanf plugin loaded. [21:08:25] Version: 2.8.1 [21:08:25] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [21:08:25] =============================== [21:08:25] Loaded. [21:08:25] Loading plugin: streamer.so [21:08:25] Loaded. [21:08:25] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so [21:08:25] [21:08:25] ================== [21:08:25] [21:08:25] Whirlpool loaded [21:08:25] [21:08:25] ================== [21:08:25] [21:08:25] Loaded. [21:08:25] Loaded 7 plugins. ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [21:08:31] [21:08:31] Server Plugins [21:08:31] -------------- [21:08:31] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [21:08:31] CrashDetect v4.12 is OK. [21:08:31] Loaded. [21:08:31] Loading plugin: mysql_static.so [21:08:31] >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded. [21:08:31] Loaded. [21:08:31] Loading plugin: mysql_5.5.so [21:08:31] >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded. [21:08:31] Loaded. [21:08:31] Loading plugin: nativechecker.so [21:08:31] Loaded. [21:08:31] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [21:08:31] [21:08:31] =============================== [21:08:31] sscanf plugin loaded. [21:08:31] Version: 2.8.1 [21:08:31] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [21:08:31] =============================== [21:08:31] Loaded. [21:08:31] Loading plugin: streamer.so [21:08:31] Loaded. [21:08:31] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so [21:08:31] [21:08:31] ================== [21:08:31] [21:08:31] Whirlpool loaded [21:08:31] [21:08:31] ================== [21:08:31] [21:08:31] Loaded. [21:08:31] Loaded 7 plugins. [21:08:32] [21:08:32] Ban list [21:08:32] -------- [21:08:32] Loaded: samp.ban [21:08:32] [21:08:32] [21:08:32] Filterscripts [21:08:32] --------------- [21:08:32] Loading filterscript 'animlist.amx'... [21:08:32] Loaded 1 filterscripts. [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Init' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Join' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Leave' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_CallbackHook' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'WP_Hash' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicObject' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicObject' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'GetDynamicObjectPos' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicMapIcon' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicMapIcon' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicMapIcon' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObject' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterial' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterialText' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamic3DTextLabel' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicPickup' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicPickup' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPickup' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'MoveDynamicObject' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'sscanf' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'EditDynamicObject' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPickupEx' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectPos' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_ToggleIdleUpdate' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectRot' [21:08:32] Error: Function not registered: 'AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle' [21:08:32] [21:08:32] [21:08:32] [21:08:32] ======================================= [21:08:32] | | [21:08:32] | YSI version 3.09.0684 | [21:08:32] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole | [21:08:32] | | [21:08:32] ======================================= [21:08:32] [21:08:32] [SQL] Connection to "localhost" passed! [21:08:32] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)" [21:08:32] Script[gamemodes/roleplay.amx]: Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)" [21:08:32] Number of vehicle models: 11 [21:08:32] New version of CrashDetect is available for download (4.13) [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:32] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:08:56] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [21:08:59] [join] Tequiluu has joined the server (0: [21:08:59] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:09:09] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [21:09:31] [part] Tequiluu has left the server (0:1)
  8. Buna seara SA-MP.RO . Am o problema dece imi apare asta in server_log.txt si nu stiu dece . Pe server zice ca se conecteaza dar nu se conecteaza deloc nici registre nu imi apare e ( GM Hard-RolePlay By EquiNox (All Versions) ) poate sa ma ajute cineva? Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [20:22:48] filterscripts = "" (string) [20:22:48] [20:22:48] Server Plugins [20:22:48] -------------- [20:22:48] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [20:22:48] CrashDetect v4.12 is OK. [20:22:48] Loaded. [20:22:48] Loading plugin: mysql.so [20:22:48] Failed (plugins/mysql.so: symbol __cxa_pure_virtual, version libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file libmysqlclient_r.so.16 with link time reference) [20:22:48] Loading plugin: mysql_static.so [20:22:48] >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded. [20:22:48] Loaded. [20:22:48] Loading plugin: mysql_5.5.so [20:22:48] >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded. [20:22:48] Loaded. [20:22:48] Loading plugin: nativechecker.so [20:22:48] Loaded. [20:22:48] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [20:22:48] [20:22:48] =============================== [20:22:48] sscanf plugin loaded. [20:22:48] Version: 2.8.1 [20:22:48] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [20:22:48] =============================== [20:22:48] Loaded. [20:22:48] Loading plugin: streamer.so [20:22:48] Loaded. [20:22:48] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so [20:22:48] [20:22:48] ================== [20:22:48] [20:22:48] Whirlpool loaded [20:22:48] [20:22:48] ================== [20:22:48] [20:22:48] Loaded. [20:22:48] Loaded 7 plugins. [20:22:48] [20:22:48] Ban list [20:22:48] -------- [20:22:48] Loaded: samp.ban [20:22:48] [20:22:48] [20:22:48] Filterscripts [20:22:48] --------------- [20:22:48] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Init' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Join' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Leave' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_CallbackHook' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'WP_Hash' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicObject' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicObject' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'GetDynamicObjectPos' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicMapIcon' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicMapIcon' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicMapIcon' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObject' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterial' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterialText' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamic3DTextLabel' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicPickup' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicPickup' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPickup' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'MoveDynamicObject' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'sscanf' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'EditDynamicObject' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPickupEx' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectPos' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_ToggleIdleUpdate' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectRot' [20:22:48] Error: Function not registered: 'AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle' [20:22:48] [20:22:48] [20:22:48] [20:22:48] ======================================= [20:22:48] | | [20:22:48] | YSI version 3.09.0684 | [20:22:48] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole | [20:22:48] | | [20:22:48] ======================================= [20:22:48] [20:22:48] [SQL] Connection to "localhost" passed! [20:22:48] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)" [20:22:48] Script[gamemodes/roleplay.amx]: Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)" [20:22:48] Number of vehicle models: 11 [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:22:48] New version of CrashDetect is available for download (4.13) [20:23:18] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [20:23:18] [join] Tequiluu has joined the server (0: [20:23:18] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:23:24] ** [MySQL]: MySQL server has gone away [20:23:40] [part] Tequiluu has left the server (0:1)
  9. Uitate tu putin prin el gireada si zimi care e problema ! Carbon.pwn
  10. Nu am in filezila mysql log deloc nuj ce drq sa ii fac!
  11. problema e ca nu se creaza conturile in baza de date , am facut un cont in baza de date si merge ! acum care e problema? dece nu creaza conturi in baza de date? cineva sa ma ajute? O fi din gamemode ? oare asta sa nu fie pe 1 sau pe 0 ? if (newaccountsqlid != 1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public OnPlayerRegister(playerid, password[]) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { MySQLCheckConnection(); new playername3[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, playername3, sizeof(playername3)); new newaccountsqlid = MySQLCreateAccount(playername3, password, playerid); if (newaccountsqlid != 0) {
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