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Posts posted by lordhell12

  1. Arata functia de mai jos te rog :

        foreach(new i: Player) OnPlayerDisconnect(i, 1);
        new ls_Query[1024];
        for (new i = 1; i < MAX_GANGS; i++)
            format(ls_Query, sizeof(ls_Query), "UPDATE `GangTers` SET `GangTerOwner` = '%d' WHERE `ID` = '%d'", Teritories[owner], i);
            mysql_tquery(DB_Connect, ls_Query, "", "");
        OnUpdate(); mysql_close(DB_Connect);
        return 1;

    Am mai multe functii OnUpdate(),le am la diferite comenzi,de exemplu cand adaug un membru in gang sau cand schimb numele la gang,aceasta este prima functie de jos,dupa cum ai spus.

  2. Arata-mi tot server_log..

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
    [19:13:58] password = ""  (string)
    [19:13:58] Server Plugins
    [19:13:58] --------------
    [19:13:58]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
    [19:13:58]   CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
    [19:13:58]   Loaded.
    [19:13:58]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so
    [19:13:58]  ===============================
    [19:13:58]       sscanf plugin loaded.     
    [19:13:58]          Version:  2.8.1        
    [19:13:58]    (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  
    [19:13:58]  ===============================
    [19:13:58]   Loaded.
    [19:13:58]  Loading plugin: mysql.so
    [19:13:58]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-2 successfully loaded.
    [19:13:58]   Loaded.
    [19:13:58]  Loading plugin: streamer.so
    *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***
    [19:13:58]   Loaded.
    [19:13:58]  Loading plugin: irc.so
    *** IRC Plugin v1.4.6 by Incognito loaded ***
    [19:13:58]   Loaded.
    [19:13:58]  Loaded 5 plugins.
    [19:13:58] Filterscripts
    [19:13:58] ---------------
    [19:13:58]   Loading filterscript 'UltraHost.amx'...
    [19:13:58]   Loading filterscript 'streamergangs.amx'...
    [19:13:58]   Loading filterscript 'antiadv.amx'...
    [19:13:58]   Loading filterscript 'irc.amx'...
    [19:13:59]   Loading filterscript 'streamermaps.amx'...
    [19:13:59]   Loading filterscript 'adminchat.amx'...
    [19:13:59] -----------------------------
    [19:13:59] X - AdminChat By XtremeR Loaded !
    [19:13:59] -----------------------------
    [19:13:59]   Loaded 6 filterscripts.
    [19:14:00] 17698 - Objects.
    [19:14:00] |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
    [19:14:00] |------------------------------------|
    [19:14:00] |>    Red Line Stunt - V3      <|
    [19:14:00] |------------------------------------|
    [19:14:00] |>          Loading...              <|
    [19:14:00] |------------------------------------|
    [19:14:00] |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
    MySQL: Connection to '' established.
    [19:14:00] MySQL: Database 'port_2524' selected.
    [19:14:00] Number of vehicle models: 0
    Loaded 7 Gangs.
    [19:14:00] Loaded 7 Gang Teritories.
    [19:14:00] Loaded 7 Gang Checkpoints.
    [19:14:00] Loaded 97 Properties.
    [19:14:00] Loaded 1133 Houses.
    [19:14:00] Loaded 28 Personal Vehicles.
    [19:14:20] *** IRC_OnConnect: Bot ID 1 connected to 167.114.118.***:6667
    [19:14:35] *** IRC_OnConnect: Bot ID 2 connected to 198.27.121.***:6667
    [20:23:12] [connection] 82.137.14.**:2521 requests connection cookie.
    [20:23:13] Incoming connection: 82.137.14.**:2521 id: 0
    [20:23:14] [join] LordH3ll has joined the server (0:82.137.14.**)
    [20:24:36] [part] LordH3ll has left the server (0:1)


  3. Serios? Arata-mi si server_log

    MySQL: Connection to '' established.
    [19:14:00] MySQL: Database 'port_2524' selected.
    [20:23:12] [connection] 82.***.**.**:2521 requests connection cookie.
    [20:23:13] Incoming connection: 82.***.**.**:2521 id: 0
    [20:23:14] [join] LordH3ll has joined the server (0:82.***.**.**)
    [20:24:36] [part] LordH3ll has left the server (0:1)


  4. Arata-mi OnPlayerDisconnect

        foreach(new i: Player) OnPlayerDisconnect(i, 1);
    	new ls_Query[1024];
    	for (new i = 1; i < MAX_GANGS; i++)
    	    format(ls_Query, sizeof(ls_Query), "UPDATE `GangTers` SET `GangTerOwner` = '%d' WHERE `ID` = '%d'", Teritories[i][owner], i);
    	    mysql_tquery(DB_Connect, ls_Query, "", "");
    	OnUpdate(); mysql_close(DB_Connect);
    	return 1;


  5. Am si eu o problema la baza de date mysql.

    Am setat cuiva admin nivel 1,dupa aceea am dat restart la server pentru ca am facut niste modificari,iar cand m-am uitat in baza de date nivelul adminului acelui jucator era 0,nu 1.

    Aceasta este partea din gamemode pentru mysql:

                //MySQL INSERT
    			format(rQuery, 4096, "INSERT INTO `Accounts` (`ID`, `Name`, `Password`, `IP`, `E-Mail`, `LoggedIn`, `RegisterDate`, `LastOn`, `Level`, `VIP`, `Cash`, `Score`, `Coins`, `Credits`, \
    											  `Headshots`, `Kills`, `Deaths`, `Hours`, `Minutes`, `Seconds`, `BestKillings`, `KillingSpree`, `FavSkin`, `UseSkin`, `House`, `Property`, \
    											  `Description1`, `Description2`, `Description3`, `Positive`, `Negative`, `ClanID`, `ClanRank`, `ClanPoints`, `ClanKills`, `ClanDeaths`,");
    			format(rQuery, 4096, "%s `Kicks`, `Bans`, `Jails`, `Warns`, `ClearChats`, `ReactionTest`, `MathTest`, `Mutes`, `Jailed`, `JailTime`, `Frozen`, `FreezeTime`, `Muted`, `MuteTime`, \
    											  `RaceScore`, `StuntScore`, `DriftScore`, `GangID`, `GangRank`, `GangSkin`, `GangKills`, `GangDeaths`, `GangWarns`, `GangCaptures`, `GangPoints`, \
    											  `Ignores`, `LottoNumber`, `C4`, `StatsNote`, `VIPTime`, `FreeVIP`, `TempVIP`, `RLSClan`, `RLSRank`, `AdmWarns`, `VIPWarns`, `KickW`)", rQuery);
    			format(rQuery, 4096, "%s VALUES (0, '%s', '%s', '%s', '[email protected]', '1', '%02d/%02d/%02d', '%02d/%02d/%02d', \
    											'0', '0', '25000', '100', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '217', '1', '0', '0', \
    											' ', ' ', ' ', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', \
    											'0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '00:00', '0', '00:00', '0', '00:00', \
    											'0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', \
    											'0/0/0/0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0')", rQuery, PlayerName(playerid), rPassword, GetPlayerIPEx(playerid), liDay, liMonth, liYear, liDay, liMonth, liYear);
    			mysql_tquery(DB_Connect, rQuery, "OnAccountCreated", "i", playerid);

    iar acesta este mysql.log:

    <html><head><title>MySQL Plugin log</title><style>table {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 23px; table-layout: fixed; width: 863px;}th, td {border: 1px solid black; word-wrap: break-word;}thead {background-color: #C0C0C0;}		tbody {text-align: center;}		table.left1 {position: relative; left: 36px;}		table.left2 {position: relative; left: 72px;}		.time {width: 80px;}		.func {width: 200px;}		.stat {width: 75px;}		.msg {width: 400px;}	</style>	<script>		var 			LOG_ERROR = 1,			LOG_WARNING = 2,			LOG_DEBUG = 4;				var			FirstRun = true,			IsCallbackActive = false,			IsTableOpen = false,			IsThreadActive = false;				function StartCB(cbname) {			StartTable(1, 0, cbname);		}		function EndCB() {			EndTable();			IsCallbackActive = false;		}		function StartTable(iscallback, isthreaded, cbname) {			if(IsTableOpen == true || isthreaded != IsThreadActive)				EndTable();						if(iscallback == true) {				document.write(					"<table class=left2>" +						"<th bgcolor=#C0C0C0 >In callback \""+cbname+"\"</th>" +					"</table>"				);			}						document.write("<table");			if(iscallback == true || (isthreaded != IsThreadActive && isthreaded == false && IsCallbackActive == true) ) {				document.write(" class=left2");				IsCallbackActive = true;			}			else if(isthreaded == true) 				document.write(" class=left1");						IsThreadActive = isthreaded;			document.write(">");						if(FirstRun == true) {				FirstRun = false;				document.write("<thead><th class=time>Time</th><th class=func>Function</th><th class=stat>Status</th><th class=msg>Message</th></thead>");			}			document.write("<tbody>");			IsTableOpen = true;		}				function EndTable() {			document.write("</tbody></table>");			IsTableOpen = false;		}						function Log(time, func, status, msg, isthreaded) {			isthreaded = typeof isthreaded !== 'undefined' ? isthreaded : 0;			if(IsTableOpen == false || isthreaded != IsThreadActive)				StartTable(false, isthreaded, "");			var StatColor, StatText;			switch(status) {			case LOG_ERROR:				StatColor = "RED";				StatText = "ERROR";				break;			case LOG_WARNING:				StatColor = "#FF9900";				StatText = "WARNING";				break;			case LOG_DEBUG:				StatColor = "#00DD00";				StatText = "OK";				break;			}			document.write(				"<tr bgcolor="+StatColor+">" + 					"<td class=time>"+time+"</td>" + 					"<td class=func>"+func+"</td>" + 					"<td class=stat>"+StatText+"</td>" + 					"<td class=msg>"+msg+"</td>" + 				"</tr>"			);		}	</script></head><body bgcolor=grey>	<h2>Logging started at 20:13, 14.06.2015</h2><script>
    Log("20:14:18","CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnAccountCreated]",1,"(error #1054) Unknown column 'RLSRank' in 'field list'",1);
    Log("20:14:29","CMySQLQuery::Execute[]",1,"(error #1054) Unknown column 'RLSRank' in 'field list'",1);
    Log("20:14:30","CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnAccountCreated]",1,"(error #1054) Unknown column 'RLSRank' in 'field list'",1);

    Coloana RLSRank o am create in accounts,nu stiu de ce imi da aceasta eroare.

    PS:Luati-ma mai usor,sunt incepator in pawno/mysql

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