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Everything posted by alecsbr

  1. if((PlayerData[playerid][pMember] == 3)||(PlayerData[playerid][pLeader] == 3) || (gTeam[playerid] == 2)) { SetPlayerPos(playerid, 288.745971,169.350997,1007.171875); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid,0); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 3); return 1; }else{ SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, "Doar membrii armatei pot intra in HQ!"); if((PlayerData[playerid][pLeader] + PlayerData[playerid][pMember] == 8) && (GoChase[playerid] != 999)){ new str[128]; format(str, sizeof(str), "Ca hitman, poti sparge usa cand ai contract,dar vrei primi +wanted1. Vrei sa o spargi?"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 156, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Incapere incuiata", str, "Da", "Nu"); } } } } if (newkeys==KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK) { if(PlayerData[playerid][pMember] >= 0 ) { if PlayerToPoint(5,playerid,288.745971,169.350997,1007.171875) *then { SetPlayerPos(playerid, 200.9477,1869.3363,13.1470); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid,0); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); return 1; } } } scuze ca nam dat edit :(
  2. imd revin cu edit la tot ce fac! ;)
  3. da mane setez adica interiorul 3 LV police HQ 3 288.745971,169.350997,1007.171875
  4. Nick:alecsbr Problema: schimb interiorul si nu merge Erori / warnings: schimb coordonatele la interior totul bine dar cand ies din hq vad negru adica vad doar pickup'up sa intru in hq Lini/script: - Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: da
  5. deci modific peste tot posibil coordonatele de la interiorul dorit mut si pickupul intru in factiune se schimba interiorul apoi cand ies iar vad totul negru dc?
  6. ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team [17:39:44] [17:39:44] Server Plugins [17:39:44] -------------- [17:39:44] Loading plugin: mysql [17:39:44] > MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded. [17:39:44] Loaded. [17:39:44] Loading plugin: sscanf [17:39:44] [17:39:44] =============================== [17:39:44] sscanf plugin loaded. [17:39:44] © 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [17:39:44] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee" [17:39:44] =============================== [17:39:44] Loaded. [17:39:44] Loading plugin: streamer [17:39:44] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded *** [17:39:44] Loaded. [17:39:44] Loading plugin: Whirlpool [17:39:44] [17:39:44] ================== [17:39:44] [17:39:44] Whirlpool loaded [17:39:44] [17:39:44] ================== [17:39:44] [17:39:44] Loaded. [17:39:44] Loaded 4 plugins. [17:39:44] [17:39:44] Ban list [17:39:44] -------- [17:39:44] Loaded: samp.ban [17:39:44] [17:39:44] [17:39:44] Filterscripts [17:39:44] --------------- [17:39:44] Loading filterscript 'anti-fake-killer.amx'... [17:39:44] --------------------------------------------------------------- [17:39:44] Anti Fake-Killer | Creation date: 01.12.2012 | Autor: DMC | [17:39:44] --------------------------------------------------------------- [17:39:44] Loading filterscript 'anti-spam.amx'... [17:39:44] --------------------------------------------------------------- [17:39:44] Anti Spam Flood | Creation date: 01.12.2012 | Autor: DMC | [17:39:44] --------------------------------------------------------------- [17:39:44] Loading filterscript 'artificii.amx'... [17:39:44] --------------------------------------------------------------- [17:39:44] Artificii | Creation date: 01.12.2012 | Autor: DMC | [17:39:44] --------------------------------------------------------------- [17:39:44] Loading filterscript 'brad-de-craciun.amx'... [17:39:44] --------------------------------------------------------------- [17:39:44] Brad de craciun | Creation date: 01.12.2012 | Autor: DMC | [17:39:44] --------------------------------------------------------------- [17:39:44] Loading filterscript 'laser-la-arme.amx'... [17:39:44] --------------------------------------------------------------- [17:39:44] Laser la arme | Creation date: 01.12.2012 | Autor: DMC | [17:39:44] --------------------------------------------------------------- [17:39:44] Loading filterscript 'anti-flood.amx'... [17:39:44] Loading filterscript 'anti-boot.amx'... [17:39:44] Unable to load filterscript 'anti-boot.amx'. [17:39:44] Loading filterscript 'vae.amx'... [17:39:44] Loading filterscript 'basket.amx'... [17:39:44] Loaded 8 filterscripts. [17:39:46] [MYSQL]: Conectare la `a8688157_samp` a avut succes! [17:39:46] * Case citite: 0 [17:39:46] * Canale IRC citite: 10 [17:39:46] * Character killuri citite: 10 [17:39:46] * Ziare citite: 10 [17:39:46] * Bizzuri citite: 0 [17:39:46] * SBizzuri citite: 0 [17:39:46] * Teritorii citite: 0 [17:39:46] * Seifuri citite: 0 [17:39:46] * Masini personale citite: 0 [17:39:46] * DealerShips citite: 4 [17:39:46] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [17:39:46] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [17:39:46] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [17:39:46] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [17:39:46] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [17:39:46] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [17:39:46] * Pickup-uri citite: 45 [17:39:46] [17:39:46] ------------------------------- [17:39:46] SA-Zone RPG [17:39:46] ------------------------------- [17:39:46] [17:39:46] Number of vehicle models: 104 [17:40:05] Incoming connection: [17:40:05] [join] oFFiCiAl_ss has joined the server (0: Noul log dupa introducerea nativechecker si crashdetect ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team [19:14:32] [19:14:32] Server Plugins [19:14:32] -------------- [19:14:32] Loading plugin: mysql [19:14:32] > MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded. [19:14:32] Loaded. [19:14:32] Loading plugin: sscanf [19:14:32] [19:14:32] =============================== [19:14:32] sscanf plugin loaded. [19:14:32] © 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [19:14:32] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee" [19:14:32] =============================== [19:14:32] Loaded. [19:14:32] Loading plugin: streamer [19:14:32] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded *** [19:14:32] Loaded. [19:14:32] Loading plugin: Whirlpool [19:14:32] [19:14:32] ================== [19:14:32] [19:14:32] Whirlpool loaded [19:14:32] [19:14:32] ================== [19:14:32] [19:14:32] Loaded. [19:14:32] Loading plugin: nativechecker [19:14:32] Loaded. [19:14:32] Loading plugin: crashdetect [19:14:32] Loaded. [19:14:32] Loaded 6 plugins. [19:14:32] [19:14:32] Ban list [19:14:32] -------- [19:14:32] Loaded: samp.ban [19:14:32] [19:14:32] [19:14:32] Filterscripts [19:14:32] --------------- [19:14:32] Loading filterscript 'anti-fake-killer.amx'... [19:14:32] --------------------------------------------------------------- [19:14:32] Anti Fake-Killer | Creation date: 01.12.2012 | Autor: DMC | [19:14:32] --------------------------------------------------------------- [19:14:32] Loading filterscript 'anti-spam.amx'... [19:14:32] crashdetect: Loaded symbols from filterscripts\anti-spam.amx [19:14:32] --------------------------------------------------------------- [19:14:32] Anti Spam Flood | Creation date: 01.12.2012 | Autor: DMC | [19:14:32] --------------------------------------------------------------- [19:14:32] Loading filterscript 'artificii.amx'... [19:14:32] --------------------------------------------------------------- [19:14:32] Artificii | Creation date: 01.12.2012 | Autor: DMC | [19:14:32] --------------------------------------------------------------- [19:14:32] Loading filterscript 'brad-de-craciun.amx'... [19:14:32] --------------------------------------------------------------- [19:14:32] Brad de craciun | Creation date: 01.12.2012 | Autor: DMC | [19:14:32] --------------------------------------------------------------- [19:14:32] Loading filterscript 'laser-la-arme.amx'... [19:14:32] --------------------------------------------------------------- [19:14:32] Laser la arme | Creation date: 01.12.2012 | Autor: DMC | [19:14:32] --------------------------------------------------------------- [19:14:32] Loading filterscript 'anti-flood.amx'... [19:14:32] crashdetect: Loaded symbols from filterscripts\anti-flood.amx [19:14:32] Loading filterscript 'anti-boot.amx'... [19:14:32] Unable to load filterscript 'anti-boot.amx'. [19:14:32] Loading filterscript 'vae.amx'... [19:14:32] Loading filterscript 'basket.amx'... [19:14:32] crashdetect: Loaded symbols from filterscripts\basket.amx [19:14:32] Loaded 8 filterscripts. [19:14:35] [MYSQL]: Conectare la `a8688157_samp` a avut succes! [19:14:35] * Case citite: 0 [19:14:35] * Canale IRC citite: 10 [19:14:35] * Character killuri citite: 10 [19:14:35] * Ziare citite: 10 [19:14:35] * Bizzuri citite: 0 [19:14:35] * SBizzuri citite: 0 [19:14:35] * Teritorii citite: 0 [19:14:35] * Seifuri citite: 0 [19:14:35] * Masini personale citite: 0 [19:14:35] * DealerShips citite: 4 [19:14:35] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [19:14:35] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [19:14:35] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [19:14:35] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [19:14:35] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [19:14:35] * ID = 0 | Factiune = 0 | Alianta = 0 [19:14:35] * Pickup-uri citite: 45 [19:14:35] [19:14:35] ------------------------------- [19:14:35] SA-Zone RPG [19:14:35] ------------------------------- [19:14:35] [19:14:35] Number of vehicle models: 104 [19:15:04] Incoming connection: [19:15:04] [join] oFFiCiAl_ss has joined the server (0: [19:15:04] Crash caused by mysql_real_escape_string at address 0000AA4C (gamemodes\sa-zone.amx)
  7. nu mai ramane consola se inchide si ea...
  8. deschid serverul fara nici o eroare intru apoi imi da asta si se opreste si serverul stie cineva dc?
  9. C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\New folder\gamemodes\BACKUP.pwn(9) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "SII" Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error. Cum fac sa rezolv problema asta?
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