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Everything posted by xt3z0ne

  1. Iti voi atrage atentia nu msql si mysql. Si da se poate iei tot sv din ftp sau pc il pui pe host si gata. Dar daca tu ai sv pe pc cu xampp wampp nu iti va merge Dar poti sa iti iei de aici free http://www.db4free.net/ db mysql free sau 000webhost. +1 daca ti-am fost de ajutor.
  2. Nare unde frate mie imi da aici new Name [MAX_PLAYER_NAME ] iar eu la stunt am asa new stun [ 100] ,Name [MAX_PLAYER_NAME ] ... Ti-am dat mai sus. Cele 2 scripturi.. Nu am nimic din ce mi-ati spus.
  3. pai am cautat si nu am :|
  4. Clau nare cum ca la stunt am la fel acolo dece nu imi da imi da la gold coins..
  5. Vai chiar esti praff nam nici un define name problema este dela ce ti-am dat eu mai sus si nu mai posta duar sa te afli in treaba ca habar nai. problema este de aici new Name [ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ] ,Ip [ 16 ];
  6. Nick:Johnny Problema:Deci am si eu o problema pe care sincer chiar nu ma pricep so rezolv. Deci am facut din sistemu de coins am facut stunt point si cand am pus sistemu de stunt cu totu in gm imi spune ca Name este deja si daca modific nu mai mise salveaza nmk... Erori / warnings:[pawn] D:\Games\DDSIDM~1\FILTER~1\LuxAdmin.pwn(704) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Name" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error. [/pawn] Lini/script:[pawn] new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],Ip[16]; GetPlayerName(playerid,Name,sizeof(Name)); GetPlayerIp(playerid,Ip,sizeof(Ip)); format(file,sizeof(file),PlayerFile,Name); if(!dini_Exists(file)) { dini_Create(file); dini_IntSet(file,"GoldCoins:", PlayerInfo[playerid][GoldCoins]); } PlayerInfo[playerid][GoldCoins] = dini_Int(file,"GoldCoins:");[/pawn] Iar la stunt am [pawn]new stun[100],Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],Ip[16]; GetPlayerName(playerid,Name,sizeof(Name)); GetPlayerIp(playerid,Ip,sizeof(Ip)); format(stun,sizeof(stun),PlayerStun,Name); if(!dini_Exists(stun)) { dini_Create(stun); dini_IntSet(stun,"StuntPoint:", pInfo[playerid][stuntPoint]); } pInfo[playerid][stuntPoint] = dini_Int(stun,"StuntPoint:");[/pawn] Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?:Va rog o rezolvare:(
  7. Pacat ca nui facut de tine Claws voi face ca tine cand ajung
  8. Nu stiu am sa revin cu edit mainr. Crysti tu vb ma cereseai respect sa iti da i dau lui wopss poze
  9. Cred ca nai vazut mape facute de mine.
  10. Deci cand am facut sistemu de stunt am fac ca la fiecare ckp. sa dea duar 20 sp nu de 7 × cate 20 vreo rezolvare
  11. Am incercat si cu DisablePlayerCheckpoint (playerid); pana sa postez si la fel imi da...
  12. NickJohnny Problema:Deci cand fac un stunt in loc sai dea 20 stunt point i da de 7 ori cate 20 sp = 140:| Si nu stiu ce sai mai fac... Erori / warnings:~ Lini/script:[pawn]public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid) { new cpid = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2118.5864, 1483.0841, 23.4166,4.0); if (cpid == 1) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][stuntPoint] +=20; GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Stunt Finished~n~~y~+10 Coins~n~~y~+20 Stunt Point", 3000, 3); } new cpid2 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1851.7083, 1426.3226, 15.9196,4.0); if (cpid2 == 1) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][stuntPoint] +=20; GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Stunt Finished~n~~y~+10 Coins~n~~y~+20 Stunt Point", 3000, 3); } new cpid3 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2000.9673, 1213.1139, 17.0789,4.0); if (cpid3 == 1) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][stuntPoint] +=20; GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Stunt Finished~n~~y~+10 Coins~n~~y~+20 Stunt Point", 3000, 3); } new cpid4 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2396.9082, 1146.4279, 33.2691,4.0); if (cpid4 == 1) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][stuntPoint] +=20; GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Stunt Finished~n~~y~+10 Coins~n~~y~+20 Stunt Point", 3000, 3); } new cpid5 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2776.7856, 1257.4076, 16.9512,4.0); if (cpid5 == 1) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][stuntPoint] +=20; GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Stunt Finished~n~~y~+10 Coins~n~~y~+20 Stunt Point", 3000, 3); } new cpid6 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1958.6522, 1943.2184, 22.2268,4.0); if (cpid6 == 1) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][stuntPoint] +=20; GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Stunt Finished~n~~y~+10 Coins~n~~y~+20 Stunt Point", 3000, 3); } new cpid7 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,-1389.2230, 673.6660, 2.2660,4.0); if (cpid7 == 1) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][stuntPoint] +=20; GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Stunt Finished~n~~y~+10 Coins~n~~y~+20 Stunt Point", 3000, 3); } return 1; }[/pawn] Si asta-i comanda. [pawn]CMD:setstunt(playerid, params[]) { if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "ERROR: Only admins can use that command!"); if(sscanf(params, "ud", giveplayerid, stunt1)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, ""); if(giveplayerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "ERROR: That player is not connected!"); new stun[100],Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],Ip[16]; GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, Global_Name, sizeof(Global_Name));GetPlayerName(playerid,Name,sizeof(Name)); GetPlayerIp(playerid,Ip,sizeof(Ip)); format(stun,sizeof(stun),PlayerStun,Name); format(sstring, sizeof(sstring), "You have succesfully setted %s Stunt Point to %d!", Global_Name, stunt1); SendClientMessage(playerid, BLUE, sstring); format(sstring, sizeof(sstring), "Admin %s has setted your Stunt Point to %d!", Name, stunt1); SendClientMessage(giveplayerid, BLUE, sstring); PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][stuntPoint] = stunt1; dini_IntSet(stun,"StuntPoint:", PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][stuntPoint]); return 1; }[/pawn] Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?:Nam incercat pentru ca nu stiu carei problema..
  13. Wopss lasa ca am sai fac reclamatie pentru posturi hun. Asa crysti daca iti dau 2 perechii de palme copil de 14 ani ba putache is mai mare ca tine.Da poate nu stiu scripting bine dar nu ma las pana nu imi fac un sv. Wops revin cu edit cas pe tel
  14. Nick:Johnny Problema:deci am facut comanda /cmds pe stock mai usor de tradus:) si cand dau /cmds nu apare dialogu cu comenzile:| Erori / warnings:~ Lini/script:[pawn] CMD:cmds( playerid , params [ ] ) { ShowASSCmds( playerid ); return ( 1 ); } stock ShowASSCmds( playerid ) { new SASSCmds[2024]; if( Limba[ playerid ] == 0 )// Romana { strcat(SASSCmds, "{0000FF}Apocalypse {FFFF00}Super {FF0000}Stunt {00BFFF}Commands!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{00BFFF}Aceste comenzi pot fi folosite in chat(T sau F6). Citeste-le pe toate!\n\n\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/v {FFF1B0}- Meniul cu toate vehiculele de pe server.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/car [vehicle name] {FFF1B0}- Pentru a chema o masina mai repede dupa nume/id.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/CreateClan {FFF1B0}- Vrei propriul clan? Foloseste aceasta comanda!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/Teles {FFF1B0}- Toate teleportarile de pe server se afla aici!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/arme {FFF1B0}- Meniu cu arme.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/BArme {FFF1B0}- Super arme\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/ro /eng {FFF1B0}- Selectezi limba dorita\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/ww, /rw {FFF1B0}- doua seturi de arme.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/Vreme {FFF1B0}- Seteaza-ti propia vreme!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/Givecash {FFF1B0}- Imprumuta prietenii cu niste banii.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/skin {FFF1B0}- Schimbati infatisarea!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/nrg {FFF1B0}- Cheama o motocicleta NRG-500!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/gps [id/off] {FFF1B0}- Nu gasesti un jucator? Foloseste GPS-ul.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/zi, /noapte {FFF1B0}- joaca-te cu soarele!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/credits {FFF1B0}- Nu te-ai intrebat nici o data cine a creat acest server?\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/animlist {FFF1B0}- Afla toate animatiile de pe server.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/s {FFF1B0}- Salveaza pozitia!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/l {FFF1B0}- Intoarce-te la pozitia salvata!\n"); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid , 9985 ,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX , "Comenzi" , SASSCmds , "Inchide" , "" ); } else if( Limba[ playerid ] == 1 )// English ( Exemplu tradus in engleza ) { strcat(SASSCmds, "{0000FF}Apocalypse {FFFF00}Super {FF0000}Stunt {00BFFF}Commands!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{00BFFF}These commands can be used in chat(T or F6). Read all.\n\n\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/v {FFF1B0}- Menu with all vehicles.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/car [vehicle name] {FFF1B0}- Spawn car with name/id.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/CreateClan {FFF1B0}- You want create a clan ? use /createclan!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/Teles {FFF1B0}- All server teleports is here!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/arme {FFF1B0}- Menu with weapons.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/BArme {FFF1B0}- Super weapons\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/ro /eng {FFF1B0}- Select the desired language \n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/ww, /rw {FFF1B0}- ww Walking weapons , rw Run weapons.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/Vreme {FFF1B0}- Set you own weather!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/Givecash {FFF1B0}- borrow you friends with money.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/skin {FFF1B0}- Change skin!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/nrg {FFF1B0}- Spawn one NRG-500\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/gps [id/off] {FFF1B0}- You don't found a player? Use gps and find.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/zi, /noapte {FFF1B0}- zi = day , noapte = night!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/credits {FFF1B0}- Credits for server?\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/animlist {FFF1B0}- Animation list.\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/s {FFF1B0}- Save your position!\n"); strcat(SASSCmds, "{FF0000}/l {FFF1B0}- Load your position!\n"); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid , 9985 , DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX , "Commands " , SASSCmds , "Close" , "" ); } return ( SASSCmds ); } [/pawn] Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?:Da dar nam reusit. Aveti idee dece nu apare dialog-u :-? :D
  15. Deci nu mai pot deschide nmk nici gm nimic chiar la toate gm-urile imi spune asa. Deci cand il deschid spune asta La tot imi spune la fel :| Asa dintro data.
  16. Alo baiatu sunt mai bun ca tine de 1000 de ori eu fac propiu nu fac dupa alte gm-uri iar cu vorbele de taran de bacau nu vi aici sa ne jucam cum ti-am spus vrei sa jucam urat urat vom juca.
  17. Uite la posturile sale de azi sa vezi cate posturi inutile si numa pt +1 si pe mes imi cere mie sai dau respect
  18. ASS Level vine dela numele sv meu cel dela sign
  19. O sa ai o reclamatie ff mare faci prea multe posturi pt +1
  20. Deci asta este un /stats facut de mine si cu nitel ajutor dela wopss pentru niste chesti pe care nu le stiam. Mai am de pus Stunt Point Rank Stunt si note stats:D Totu ruleaza pe Ini duar. Sadmin Sminigun si ASS Level ce urmeaza. Vor fi pe sqllite:D hA?
  21. EDIT: Am pus si cum mi-ai spus tu si nimic tot nu imi urca. Daca este il voi pune in Sistemu de ASS Level ca asta mil salveaza:-?
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